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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Sara, Jun 5, 2005.

  1. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Sams get ready!!! Here's just a front shot of all the girls...

    FIRST is Hermionee, the girl I'm keeping...at 7 weeks old she weighed 16lbs (YOWZA)...and she's a sweetheart:


    SECOND is Kabuki...this one is going to TEXAS with SAMS!!!! She is the biggest and I am sorry to say I haven't weighed her again yet...been so busy!!! Here she is:


    THIRD is a puppy that is Available...it's Scarab and she's second biggest, at the vet (bladder infection) she weighd 18lbs...a little over 7 wks old:


    LAST is TigerLilly the littlest not sure how much she weighs but has only been ounces or a pound behind the group...she's got fire for sure...also available:


    There you have it... They're all doing GREAT...mom is fine...we're suffering a RAINY spell so we're all a little soggy at the moment but doing fine!
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    They are beautiful Sara. :D
  3. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    What cuties. They've gotten so big!
  4. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    What pretty dogs.

    Honestly, I don't know much about the breed, Can you give me some info on this breed?

    Good luck to you and the pups!

  5. rottweiler_inc

    rottweiler_inc New Member

    oh wow what beautiful babies!
  6. someday

    someday New Member

    Oh they are so cute! and much larger!
    I'll take TigerLilly...:) :wink: ..oh..if I only had the room right now..
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    they are adorable! wow, they are big, is that normal for girls?
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I love my girl!!! She's just soo majestic looking...

    I'll be going to get Precious and Kabuki in two weeks!!!! I'm leaving with Granvel and my sister on the 23rd this month!!! EEEEKK!!!!! I'm excited.
    After all thats been going on and happened, I need this. I'm the kind of person that jsut has to "jump back on and ride again after falling off".

    So i'll be driving 1204 miles north. It will take us about 19 hrs and whatever time we take to stop and rest, ect...

    So Sara and Andy: Get ready cuz here we come!!!!
  9. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    They are big! How big are they full grown? JW b/c St. Bernards are a little smaller than that as puppies but I think they are a lot bigger when full grown. Indy was 13 lbs at 6 wks but he's going to be at least 150 full grown.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Who is Precious? I think I lost track...
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Arcadiyans Precious Find.... she's Sara's big puppy. She's a yr and a half and I"m taking her to train her and finish showing her. She will be co- owned by Sara and I. Hopefully she can become one of the first in our endevors and prove to be a true working do of the Boarboel breed. She's on Sara's web page. WWW.BANTAMKENNELS.COM
  12. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Thanks everyone.

    boerboels are the Dutch farm dogs that the Dutch people bred when they settle south africa... Bred for protection and farm work...mostly protection from the natives and from farel wildlife (farrel???) Anyway Theyr'e a type of working mastiff...rare combination to find a healthy working dog of their size anymore... The girls' sire is 115lbs and he's my Avatar and now located with Arcadyan Boerboels... REcent pics of precious can be seen there too... These are big pups but not really abnormally big... Boerboels grow fast and then level off...faster than many other breeds...

    They're protective and able...they love their people... You can learn more about them on my website...www.bantamkennels.com...

    Sams...you're girl is the classiest of the bunch and she knows it!!! She'll do you right I do beleive...as will precious... BOTH meant for your place I'm sure of it!!!

    BTW they're named after the Assassin characters in my favorite comic... Kabuki being the main character who goes from being a ninja assasin to a good guy...LOL... Anyway...the comic is called "Kabuki" and it's independent... Four girls...all girls in the comic...I couldn't help myself...

    THANKS again for the compliments!
  13. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Awww they are just too cute i so want one pop one on a plane for me lol

    You can really tell how well looked after and loved they are i just love puppy eyes they can make you do just about anything they want lol

  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thanks Sara. your the Greatest. I knew I could trust you from the moment we met here.

    Anyhow. Everyone down here is toatlly psyched about these "strange" dogs i'm brining in. Our little town has a population of like 200... spread out over thousands of acres. its all farm land ranging from Cattle ranching, My horses, Rice fields, and Cotton and corn. Many hay fields as well.

    I think some are scared of me brining in a "protection and Guardian type" dog and all I'm sure have the whole PitBull and Rottwieler/Doberman mentality... but I plan on not making abig deal out of it. I'm gonna have a sort of "Open House". And educate eveyone on them who's intrested. That we we really down the "fear" factor of it.

    An aquataince of ours started raising Pits and everyone is jsut horrified of the dogs and bashes them all the time. I don't want that to happen to me. So i talked to some, and they suggested I do this. Soooo... I'm gonna get them settled in... and get to know them a bit. Then introduce them to who wants to learn about them. I plann on putting brocures out on them in our Post office. EVERYONE has to go there. So i thought it would be a good idea. A lab breeder does that already and the people with the pits are trying it. But old time country folk aren't coming around on them much...

    SOOO... I'm excited and busy down here getting ready!!

    Oh and Sara, just so you know.... *whispers* Granvel is claiming that he wants the big one!! LOL... I said " You mean Precious??" and he said, "yeah, whatever, jsut as long as I can play with it!!!!!!!"""

    I'm estatic!!!
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    That's great news! I'm glad to hear Granvel is getting interested.

    Want a baby cattle dog? :lol: There's a supposedly 4.5-month-old pup in the shelter here that looks like a firecracker. He's half-grown and even though I didn't get him out of the kennel, he looks like he'd go all wild and nutty in an instant.

    I'm trying to start volunteering there. I have to go through their training to be able to train the dogs. But I would LOVE to work with this guy, or else whoever adopts him will end up bringing him back or worse. They could do worse than to have him fostered for a while before adopting him out.
  16. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I wish....

    I'm in a wierd state right now Every time I see a heeler, I get all emotional. I love thlem. But right now that breed just brings back memories of my babies. I'm sure (I know) I'll raise them again. Its just gonna take some time. Right now. I'm getting two wonderful dogs, one a pup, the other a yr and a half old...both are gonna take up a lot of my time.

    Volunteering is wonderful. You'll love it and its worth every second, even the bad moments.

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