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it only takes $$$

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, Jun 9, 2005.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    to raise dogs and cats! Boy, just when I think I am getting ahead and can proceed to the next thing on my to do list something happens.

    like Wylies tooth 2 weeks ago, somehow caused by trauma, (that may need to be pulled) that was a $100 which I was planning on spending on getting Jakes ick cultured (which isnt as bad now) and his tumor tested now that its big enough to biopsy. not to mention the special cat food Midas has to eat at $1.40 per day and Jakes raw at $3.50 every day and a half, wylies food, which is $22 a bag that last about 3 weeks plus all the supplements they get, wheew,

    but they are my babies, so nothing but the best for them

    So the citronella gadget I want is at the bottom of my list :?
    this is why my husband says no more dogs!
  2. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    I know what you mean.
    Years ago I was using Quicken to track household expenses. Imagine my amazement when at the end of the year when I found I had spent over $1,600 on the old Lab Jake for food, Vet care, boarding and medicine.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    $1600/year sounds like a pretty reasonable amount for a responsible pet owner. Scary, isn't it?

    That's actually one of the questions on the application at one of the local shelters. They ask you how much you anticipate spending on the dog in a year. I don't know what they do if you put a low amount. I always answer about $1500.
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    "Years ago I was using Quicken to track household expenses. Imagine my amazement when at the end of the year when I found I had spent over $1,600 on the old Lab Jake for food, Vet care, boarding and medicine."

    well I am way way over that for 2004 since Wylies trip to the ER for pancreatitis in october for 3 days ER care was $1500 :shock: :shock:, the coyote attack in april was about $200, she ripped her dewclaw, that was a about $100. cut her pad, that was another $100. (Thats it Wylie need to be a bubble dog to protect herself!) Midas Kidney failure and 2 days at vet vet was like $300. Jakes mutliple visits to the vet for his hot spots and tumors, thank god for good old credit.

    and I thought I wa saving money by getting rid of my pet insurance that was $80 a month, that was a mistake

    I have quicken and just havnt started using it yet. boy I am afraid to see what it comes up with. hopefully for 2005 II can keep the costs down, I dont want to jin
    jinx myself
  5. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I know how you all feel. Samantha's 2 days in the hospital came to about $1800 and she still had to be put to sleep. I don't feel bad about it at all though. And Indy can't seem to leave the vet's office without at least a $100 bill. At least. Last year I spent about $1000 on him b/c of his allergies. then another $300 for him to get neutered. then I estimate it is about $75/month for food/supplements. I'm seriously considering getting pet insurance. I know everyone says it is a waste but my greatest fear is them getting sick and me not being able to afford to get them the care they need.
  6. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    wow eliza, why did it costs so much to get indy neutered? were "they" that big? (see other post "why do men..." just kidding) I haven't had any health issues with Luther but moving back and forth and having to get different crates for different airlines and constantly updating shots gets expensive, but he and Dale are definitely worth it. as I am sure all the others doggies are too!
  7. Rene

    Rene New Member

    about 2 years before nala passed away i added up my vet bills for her and they for one year were well over $7,000.00 i was shocked and decided i better not keep track anymore. we had tons of vet bills for 2 years after that. Not only vet bills but meds (lots and lots) those alone were $100.00 a month and that was only one of the many she had to take and then the boiled chicken and rice and special dog food my it added up fast but she was well worth it i always called her my million dollar dog lol. oh yeah that doenst include the vet bills for Parvo when she was younger geez cost more then my human kids lol

    And i just paid 485.00 to get my little 4 pound yorkie spayed and 4 teeth pulled i think I should have been a vet :lol:
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Have you thought about writing some of that off on your taxes? Ive done it....Gaurd dog (the fact that she was a small Whippet didnt seem to matter) and I even wrote off some vets bills and food for my 2 cats....I needed them as 'desensitization tools' for the dog training.
  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Delauk, are you serious, you can write off things like. I think that would scream AUDIT

    Jake and Wylie make great guard dogs :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  10. Rene

    Rene New Member

    one year i was thinking to get nala a social security number so i could write her stuff off lol
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yeah, we should be able to claim our dogs as dependents! :eek:

    Eliza, the reason a lot of people say pet insurance is a waste is because of what they do (or don't) cover. Check into it carefully and see if the things they DO cover are the types of things that are likely to happen to your dog.
  12. maxkicker

    maxkicker New Member

    you can deduct just about anything. i deduct every cent i spend on my dogs and i was audited in 03 noting was said about the dog stuff but they didnt like me deducting 5k for a truck i bought when i had claimed at the dmv i paid 50 dollars for it lol had to pay that.

    see with the truck i had raised holy hell in the dmv cause they wanted me to pay taxes on the book value and i refused and got away with it i thought. so when i was audited the lady i was working with could only find that wrong and said i quote "damb jason somethings gotta give".
  13. maxkicker

    maxkicker New Member

    forgot to post this ... i have the petsmart pet plan and im pretty happy with it the visit itself is free along with anything that can be done in the vet office ..however medication is slightly discounted and and bloodwork and such that has to be sent out is still kinda expensive ......i think i paid $100 sign up fee per dog and i believe its 15 a month per dog so its not bad at all and i know ive saved alot
  14. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    if it weren't for my pets, especially my aging dog, I'd be driving a Lexus instead of a 5-year-old Kia Sephia. But it's just a car - a thing - an item....but my pets :D they aren't things. Money well spent on keeping them healthy and happy
  15. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    Hahah...I know what you mean. It was a week before the end of the month and I had just enough money to pay rent without a problem. Then Kahli got sick. Lucky for me, my landloard is understanding! I knew I would be short and wouldn't be able to pay on time...But I would feel even worse letting my cat suffer even longer. I pay more on cat food than I do on food for myself because I want the best thats out there. It will pay off down the road. I don't mind taking my animal in to get checked and find out Im freaking out about nothing and have to pay 50 bucks for the exam and whatnot.
    The only thing I was upset about was the bill my mom got for my dog Damin. He swallowed a rock and became Very sick. He was kept for 2 days, had surgery to take out the rock, THEN they did exploritory surgery. I'm no surgical tech, but in the condition my dog was in, he was in BAD condition for exploritory surgery. He died right after surgery and we where stuck with a HUGE bill.
  16. maxkicker

    maxkicker New Member

    i knew a girl when i was younger that hardly ever had food cause they were poor. yet her mother would feed stray cats and the cat they owned was fat as hell

    makes me sick!
  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I don't think many of us would forgo feeding our CHILDREN to feed a pet, but I know I do scrimp on things that I want so more money can go towards what the dogs (and other pets) need. And you never know, that woman's cat may have been fat because it hunted it's own food - mice and birds and such.

    Maisey has a great story about a homeless guy. She gave the guy a McDonald's burger and then saw him give it to his dog rather than eating it himself. So the next time, she gave him TWO burgers and told him to make sure he ate one of them himself.

    I'd rather be the beloved dog of a homeless guy than a "pampered" dog in a breeding kennel.
  18. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Jamiya is right about pet insurance i had pets health i got it after all the money i spent on nala i have (had it for the yorkies and my 2 youngest cats) well there is a 100.00 ductable per pet per year (no big deal) but when i got the kittis and sebastain neutered they didnt cover CRAP they wont pay for them to be put to sleep for the surgery, nor the pain meds nor the up front blood work i guess they want you to just snip no pain meds nothing. then i took jasmine in to be spayed (4 lb yorkie) cost me $450.00 i filed my claim i got back 85.00 :shock: of course then i cancelled my insurance.

    make sure you read the fine print it can be deceiving.
  19. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Every time I see a new PetsMart being built here in Phoenix I can honestly say I single handedly provided the funding to build that store. :D
  20. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    my vet built a new clinic a few years ago - I got a "grand" tour but I suggested they dedicate a wing to me LOL didn't happen

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