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Angel flew away forever...

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by lilest Budgie, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. lilest Budgie

    lilest Budgie New Member

    I thought I would let you all know that my little budgie, Angel, flew accidentally through a door two days ago. She was in my mothers care, it wasn't my fault for I would never let her out and open the door. (I was at school during all this) My mom and brothers looked for hours, drove around with the cage atop the car. Everything. To no sucess. I cried for hours along with the rest of my family.. How long would a bird last out there? What would be her fate? I have lost hope, but whenever I hear a chirp I always look around for her.. She was the best bird EVER and I loved her SOOOO much... I would do ANYTHING to have her back... *is crying* I feel helpless and horrible...

    don't open the door while your bird is out, and don't take them for granted...

    .... Jenna ... R.I.P. Angel
  2. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    I am very sorry to hear about Angel...
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I am so sorry, :cry: :cry: Don't give up hope yet it has been known for birds to actually find there way home or for someone to find them and take them in.

    Have you put posters up, Put ad in papers and vets offices that way if someone was to find her they could reunite you both.

    I have my fingers crossed for a happy ending to this.

  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I'm very sorry to hear that she flew away, but there is still a chance that you could find her. I hope everything works out ok and that she gets back home.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Should the cage be left outside where she has access to it in case she comes back?

    I hate it when people don't understand how important the proper precautions are. I have had kids come to the house and leave doors to the outside just standing open! I can't even imagine what their parents are thinking. I bet your mom feels just horrible, too. :cry:
  6. lilest Budgie

    lilest Budgie New Member

    poor little angel bird

    My mom does feel horrible! She said she cried and felt worse over Angels.. well disapearence than when her mother died! She said it all happened too fast, like the door was only open three inches. Oh how our house is so silent and lifeless now.. :(

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