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Wish I could afford this kennel

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Jun 9, 2005.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    This place is located just south of Houston. Dukesmom and I are going to discuss whether or not we can afford to board the boys there in July when we go on vacation. It would cost $450 for the nine nights for the two.
    Take a look at the photo's and tell me this isn't dog heaven on earth.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Holy cow! Aren't you worried that your boys won't want to come home? :lol:

    Wouldn't it be fun to run a place like that? What a way to earn money!
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    OMG pool parties and lounging by the pool, yep they wont want to come home! and I just luv the fat camp. Wish we had one for jake.

    Actually the price sounds pretty reasonable, it comes up to $50 a day for 2 dogs and around here if you were to hire a sitter to come to your house twice day it would be about that.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    uh...I wanna go!!!!
  5. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    That place is better than a lot of hotels! I like that they e-mail you photos of your pets stay with them.
  6. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    They have a FAT camp for overweight dogs. lol.

    The price isn't bad considering they include everything in the price - the place I board Indy at charges extra for play time & walks. which sucks b/c if I don't give it to him I feel bad about it.
  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    that place seems nice, there isn't any nice places near here, just basic places. I think that is a very good price for all that!
  8. maxkicker

    maxkicker New Member

    yah thats cheaper than most 1 hr puppy classes
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    Looks like a great place. Would'nt mind going myself. :wink:
  10. LadyT

    LadyT New Member

    Looks good and 450 for 9 nights isnt that bad for 2 dogs.
  11. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    cant say i like the idea of the dogs being together 24/7 unless someone is watching them every single second. disaster waiting to happen! apart from that i wish we had something like that here. kuma would love that little lake!!! theres only a small handful of decent kennels and even those dont compare to 'camp canine' :( the majority of kennels here are really scabby and overpriced. id pay $25 USD a day for something like camp canine.
  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    how is Kuma doing??

    I have always wondered how people keep their doggie daycares without incident. I thought maybe the bes for for afternoon naps. because it looked liked they had other areas behind that fence that I think they sleep overnight in.
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If I had a doggie daycare, I would supervise the doggies at all times. I don't think I would let them sleep all together during the night without crates. But perhaps at this boarding place they have someone close at hand in case trouble breaks out? Then again, my dogs are deadweight at night. Perhaps others get up and run amok, though. :)

    If it were me, I guess I would ask how exactly the dogs are supervised during both the day and the night.
  14. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    kuma is doing well honeybears! she is able to go for short leash walks now. in about 3 months she can run and play with her friends again. her back legs arent as great as they used to be though. she wobbles a bit when she wees. apart from that the arm she dislocated is in excellent shape now. only problem is her seperation anxiety has gone back to square one. i have never seen her get so emotional about things!

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