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New Kitten, questions !

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by winnie, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Hey everyone, I got a kitten yesterday. He is around 10 weeks and 2 pounds. He is soooo skinniy, I've never seen a kitten so skinny before. He ate a little wet food lastnight and some dry, and this morning took a couple bites of wet, and he drank water yesterday. However he doesnt seem to be eating enough, just little bites. The vets were gonna nueter him yesterday but he was so dehydrated that they didnt want to risk it and sent him home with me. Other then that he is doing well, he comes to me for petting and follows Isabelle my other cat around, right now he is sitting on top of the couch with my other kitten.

    My question is, is there anything I can do to help him gain weight? He gets wet and dry, but as I said before doesnt eat a lot of it. He is so skinny it worries me, you can feel every bone in his body. I wish there was something more i can do.

    The vet gave me droppers or whatever they are called to force feed him or to give him water if he didnt eat, but he did sort of.

    Also he sneezed a couple times yesterday and was making this weird noise, but it was only once that i heard and I havnt heard him sneeze or make that noise agian. Could it be the new enviroment?

    I got some pics to share, you cant tell in the pics how skinniy he is except for one of them where you can see his hip bones proturding if you look at them...oh and he has no name yet so if anyone has any suggestions for a name let me know! Thanks!





    This is the pic where u can see his hip bones

  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    your adult cat is really tolerate of the newcomer that's cute
    did they do a fecal at all? last picture he looks a little potbellied.
    I'd give him NutraCal - it's block full of nutrients and more importantly calories.
    Give him a tiny bit of Karo corn syrup on his gums - it'll pick up his appetite. Could be there are so many new sights/sounds they are taking priority over his eating.
    Where'd you get him?
    he's so cute - looks like a foster kitten I had a couple of years ago - Cynthia.
    The sneezing could be a URI so keep an eye on that cause it is contagious to your other cat.
    And if a fecal wasn't done I'd be doing that too to rule out a parasite that could be keeping him from gaining weight.
    What a cutie
  3. pomlover

    pomlover New Member

    What a cutie! Reminds me of the cat that Santa brought my kids. Her name is Kinders since they liked the Kinder Eggs that they sell in Canada.
    Here is Kinders.........
  4. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    He looks almost like my kitten!

    I would say get some super good food thats high in protein and good fats. Chicken Soup for the Cat lover's soul is a good dry food, but I would suggest mixing a 50/50 mix of we and dry. Innova is excellent as well, but their dry food is expensive. I do a mix of CS and Innova for my kittens. It'll keep him hydrated and give him all those does-your-body-good nutrients. Make sure he eats everyday, and drinks lots of water. If he slows down or stops eating, you might wanna consult your vet again.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Congrats. He is a doll!
    You might be interested in trying Innova EVO on him. Its high calorie and high protein, high fat so it should be quite tastey. My cats went nuts over the dog food sample of EVO so imagine they would do the same over the cat formula. I would use canned food too if he likes it. I'm sure once you find a food he really likes he'll eat more and gain the weight he needs to.
    Good luck. :)
  6. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Aww, he is adorable! :D I hope you can get him to eat and gain weight soon!
  7. winnie

    winnie New Member

    I bought the Nutri Cal and gave him a little, he has been eating and driking!!!! Im so happy!!!

    The only thing left to do is get him use to the dogs. Two of my dogs dont even care, they dont even want to sniff him, but my spoiled girl just wants to sniff him and look at him, but i dont want to stress him out so i have been crating the trouble making dog at night, just till the little guy gets a little stronger and settled in. I've been keeping the dogs outside too so the new guy canget use to the house, I bring the dogs in when he is sleeping in the bedroom or the room I made for him and I shut the door. I feel bad for the dogs but this little guy is so small and weak I dont want him getting stressed out.
  8. TabbyLover

    TabbyLover New Member

    He is such a cutie!! I esp. like the pics of him with your older cat.

    Good luck with fattening the little guy up!
  9. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    He's a little Artemis! I seriously broke up laughing when I saw the pictures - they're identical! So cute!
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    Very cute kitten and pics! :eek: Now that he's eating and drinking, hope his weight will pick up.
  11. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    im not sure if i read your post correctly....

    why would a vet want to neuter a cat that weighs two pounds, and may be sick?? i dont understand that...

    cats should be healthy and generally speaking 4-6 mos old before neutering, sometimes sooner.

    its always best to isolate new cats when they come into a household, for a week to two weeks, even kittens...no matter if they get along. sometimes they will have a upper respiratory infection that can incubate for up to 10 days before you actually see the symptoms. so...if they are exposed to other animals...the other animals can get sick. has he been tested for FELV AND FIV???

    aside from that...sorry if i sound like the resident veterinarian :roll: hes an absolute doll.... :D
  12. winnie

    winnie New Member

    lynnhaz....they were gonna nueter him but because of his weight, his dehydration and the fact he went into a kind of shock after his bath they didnt nueter him. I got him from the pound so before you take them home, they send them to my Vets before I could pick him up.

    I did take him to the Vet for deworming, and tested for FIV and he is negitave. He is on antibotivs right now for a URI.

    I originally had him secluded in his own room, but when we were gone, my older cat opened the door to that room, letting all the other cats in aswell. We didnt know Isabelle could open doors till after it was too late. I have been keeping an eye on all the other cats looking for any symptoms of a URI or anything else.

    So far everyone seems fine, and the little guy looks like he is already gaining weight. Once he is stronger I'm gonna introduce him to the dogs, but right now he is to little and weak to meet them.

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