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Hello everyone, come in and meet Morris(pic)!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by catboyz77, Jun 12, 2005.

  1. catboyz77

    catboyz77 New Member

    This is my g/f cat and is my best friend! I'm not sure if you remember me from last year when I told you about the story when this stray cat routinely came up to her at work every morning for food. It became astray since the owner past away of old age and no one wants to claim this cat...until one day my g/f decided to take him b/c he was lovable and nice. So she name him Morris!

    About Morris-

    He loves to play,eat and sightseeing. What everyone likes the most about Morris is that he's nice to human, even strangers. Not sure if this is a good thing, since he would literally follow people he don't know. One problem with him though...he hates other cats but likes dogs...go figure that one out! Maybe he gets into fight with other cats when he was stranded..i dunno. When he sees other cat he would go after them like a wild dog, anyone else know why he does this and how to rememdy it? Of course he likes my g/f the most and he rarely leaves her. He is declawed and has been to the vet for shots, so he is pretty healthy. He is about 2 yrs old now, well hope ya like my story and Morris!





  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    It's always so nice to hear about happy endings :D Your girlfriend has a big heart! Was he declawed when she took him in, or was it her decision? Declawing is a serious matter, not only is it very painful for the cat but it can also cause major behaviour problems such as biting and peeing outside the litterbox. The declawing could also be the reason why he acts the way he does with other cats. If he feels like he can't defend himself, scaring them off is probably a precaution from his side...

    Btw the pictures doesn't show. Try again, would love to see Morris! :wink:
  3. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Welcome back. My cat Moe is exactly like Morris in the fact that she'll attack any animal she sees. We keep a close eye on her when she's outside (on a harness). Whenever we meet another cat we stay with Moe and pet her and praise her so she knows that she shouldn't feel threatened. She now is not bothered by our neighbours cat who is also outside on a harness. She just ignores him when he's out.

    When we adopted a kitten a few months ago I was really worried that Moe would kill him. During the introduction process I made certain that Moe knew she was my favourite and paid little attention to the kitten. It worked very well - she never attacked him and now tolerates his presence.

    Looking forward to seeing pictures of Morris!
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Welcome back. :D I'm also looking forward to seeing pics of him. I tried to see if I could help fix the pic problem. It seems it's the URL address that is not correct. I did notice that when you posted the URL address the "img" tags were not correct. I fixed those, but since the URL is not correct you pics will not show up.

    So, try going to a free photo hosting site, such as www.snapfish.com

    1) Upload your pics there.
    2) Right click on a picture there.
    3) Copy the URL address
    4) Paste the URL address here at Auspet, so that the "img" tags and URL address look like this:


    If you post more pics make sure to provide at least a one line space between each pic.

    Good luck. :y_the_best:
  5. catboyz77

    catboyz77 New Member

    Thats wierd about those pic not showing. I could see them just find, i upload them at yahoo photos. I will try again at snapfish.com. Hold on...
  6. catboyz77

    catboyz77 New Member

    Ok i'm testing one pic of him...


    Can ya see his pic now?? Let me know so i could post some more. I could see him just fine on my computer.
  7. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    :eek: :eek: yeah u can c the pic and wot a cutie he is!!
  8. catboyz77

    catboyz77 New Member

    Here's the rest...I hope this work...and thanx for the help.




  9. Bente

    Bente New Member

    He is beautiful :eek:
  10. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    He's really handsome!
  11. catboyz77

    catboyz77 New Member

    Thanx, some people thinks he looks like a baby lion b/c of his orange/white patterns.
  12. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome! What a gorgeous cat you have there! :eek: Morris reminds me a lot of a stray orange cat named Ginger (very feral) that I had just put down on the first day of spring due to him testing positive for feline AIDS. :m13: I'm glad your gf was able to take him in! :y_the_best: He sure looks like a baby lion. I think he and Pumpkin might be related! :p BTW, don't forget to enter Morris in our photo contest (check out the sticky).
  13. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Awe! He's very pretty! He looks like my Copper except darker and smaller lol.
  14. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    He's a beautiful cat. :y_the_best: I'm glad you got the pics to work at snapfish.com.
  15. nern

    nern New Member

    Welcome back. Morris is a real cutie pie! :D
  16. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hes beautiful. i remember your story!! welcome back!!! :eek:
  17. catboyz77

    catboyz77 New Member

    The person that ask about declawing...well, lets just say that if we had done a research on it we wouldn't have done it for Morris. My g/f thought it was a comon thing(her friends did it as well) and the vet didn't really say anything negative post surgery. Now that I've done some research on the internet of all the bad things on declawing, it made us feel really bad. :cry:

    The good thing is Morris acted normal like himself before surgery...no sign of abnormal behavior since the surgery which was like 4 months ago. The reason we went ahead and did it was b/c he wrecking our carpets and clothes. Sorry if this had offended any catowner...
  18. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm glad to hear the declawing didn't cause any problems for Morris :) I think many cat owners declaw their cats without knowing what it really is, too bad that the vets aren't more informative about it... Sounds like Morris has a great and loving home, so there is no need to apologize :wink:

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