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Awful day

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by KittyTales, Apr 18, 2004.

  1. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    It all started when I was playing out side and Blackie( thats The little kitten that has no owner and lives near my house)came running up to me.I ran to get a bowl of food.She was very skinny and hurt her rigth leg.But she ate like 7 bowls or more of food she was so hungry.I felt so sorry for her.But then I snuck her in my room while my parents were not looking.I hid her behind the door each time my mom tried to come in my room.Then she was going to iron the cloth's in my room.I thought Blakie would come out from behind the door so I put he in a clothmade bag that I use to put dirty cloth's in.But she climbed out with her nail's and mom saw her and made me take her back outside. :cry:
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm sorry Kittytales. I know just how you feel. I used to bring home stay animals all the time but my parents would most often never allow me to keep them or even bring them into the house either. Maybe your mother would at least be willing to take the little kitten to an animal shelter or call them to see if they will come and pick her up?
  3. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    Well Nern mom said that I can feed her but not bring her in.
    But I am so worried. :cry:
    Also I don't really want the kitten to go to the shelter 'cause I will really miss her.
  4. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    aww why wont your mum let you keep her? if she doesnt want the cat in her house maybe make some kind of outdoor area with a bed etc?
  5. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I'm sorry your mom won't let you keep her. :( It would be nice if the kitty could just be around your house, but what if she gets sick/hurt? Would your mom take her to the vet and pay for any vet cost? Also she will need to be spayed so that she doesn't have any homeless kittens herself. Would your mom take her to get spayed when she's big enough? If you don't think your mom will want to do any of these things your kitty might be better off at a no kill shelter or you could ask all of your friends at school if any of their parents would like to get a kitten for them. That way your kitty has a home and will be able to see the vet when she needs to. I know you would miss her if she's not around, but if you love your kitty you want what is best for her and I think what is best for the kitty is a warm home and being able to see the vet. I understand how hard it is for you, but think of what is best for her too. Let us know what you decide to do. I hope you have a better day tomorrow. :D
  6. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    Chessmind I did have a very nice day.
    This morning I snuck out of the house and brought out a big bowl of food and water.When away to see if my sister was coming then Blakie appeared right if front of me.She was meowing so hungrily.So then I thought of the perfect idea.I am gong to keep her in the exra room that leads outside.
  7. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    what chessmind said! :wink:
  8. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    Since there is a lot of bad people in my neiborhood.I thought I would keep her In the room that leads out side and at night when everyone is sleeping I would bring her in my room.Hope the plan works!
  9. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi KittyTales. I'm glad your day was better today. :D So, I see you made your decision, eh? And there is nothing I can say to make you change your mind to find her a home or bring her to the no kill shelter? You do realize that most parents are pretty smart and your mom will probably find out about you hiding your kitty? Yep, she will. What if your kitty poops or goes pee in one of the rooms? Well until she finds out (which she will) then let's go to plan B. Well, your kitty does need to see a vet as soon as possible for many reasons. First most kittens that age often have worms in their stomache (not good for kitty, because they eat all of her food and can hurt her stomache). So, the vet would give her a pill for this. The pill costs about $20 and if you bring one of her poops in a zip lock bag( :-& grosse I know) the vet can check to see if she has worms and what kind they are. Also she needs her first set of shots so that she doesn't get certain diseases. That can cost up to $75, but if you go to a shelter it will be cheaper. Then she also needs to have the vet exam her and make sure she is healthy (about $35). What if she is sick right now and needs medication? If kittens get sick they can die if they don't see a vet. It's a serious responsibility having a kitten.

    Since your kitty needs to see the vet and I'm still not sure if your mom will help you or not you can start a 'Take the kitty to the vet fund raiser' at your school. Please tell your mom that you are starting a fund raiser. Maybe she'll even pitch in a few dollars. Just ask all the kids and teachers at your school if they will give money to your kitty fund raiser. Once you save up enough money then ask your mom to take the kitty to the vet.
  10. nern

    nern New Member

    I understand that you would miss her but it would be in her best interest especially if she has an injured leg. How is she doing now? Is her leg still bothering her?
  11. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    I do have enought money to go to the vet.(Well at least I think 'cause I have $242)but still my mom wont drive me. :( She hates the little kitten too. :cry: Oh!I am also going to check for fleas tommorow today she fell asleep on my lap and I feed her with chunk light tuna and dry food and well I know its not good for cats but dipped my finger in vannila ice-cream because she would not leave me alone she begged for it .Also yesterday I brought her in the house again and she fell asleep on my bed
    but my mom found out again because my cat was running around the house all freaked out!In class I now dont pay attention to the teacher(well rarely and ask my friend what to do because I cant keep worring about the kitten)Oh and like Chessmind said my mom did find out that I keep her in the room that leads outside.I think that I shouldwake up every morning at about 5am to feed her and make shure she is all right.And I think that her leg is looking a lot better now.
  12. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. :D You're rich! That's enough money to go to the vet. I don't think your mom hates the kitten, because she did say it was okay to feed her (just not let her into the house). Do you have any other cats? I forgot what grade you're in at school. Do you have an adult (that you know and trust very well) friend/family member/neighbor or so on that would take the kitty to the vet for you if you asked them? When you were talking to your friend at school what was their advice to you?

    Also the tuna isn't very good for cats or kittens. It lacks vitamins and too much fishy foods can give her a urinary tract infection. :shock: Your kitty needs kitten food (soft and hard) or cat food that says 'For all life stages' on the bag. This means that you can feed it to kittens and adult cats. She's growing and needs lots of good healthy kitten food. But how are you going to get your mom to buy the cat food for you? I know you have money, but you need a ride to the pet supply shop, don't you?

    For fleas you can't get anything from the supermarket (food store). [-X All of those flea products can make your kitty really sick (the powders, sprays and drops). Also the flea collars don't work at all. Advantage flea drops for kittens are good (but you have to be very careful not to get it in your kittens eyes and if you get it on your hands you have to wash them very well). They cost about $10 per month (you have to put the drops on every month right behind her neck). You can get these at some pet supply shops, but mostly they can be found at any vet office. Although most vets only sell 6 month supply worth, which means $60! :shock:

    Lastly, I just wanted to ask if you could have a long talk with your mom. Ask her if there is anything around the house she would like help with on a regular basis in exchange for keeping the kitty inside and taking it to the vet with your own money or even making sure you are getting good grades in school. I don't know your mom, so it's hard to give advice to you about talking to her. If she's the kind of mom that you can talk to easily and she is a good listener then have a talk with her and see if you two can come to some kind of arrangement regarding the kitten. If she's not a good listener and she's quick to say 'no' without hearing you out you can write her a letter and she can read it instead (if you decide on writing the letter don't forget to add that you love her very much). :mrgreen:
  13. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Hi Chessmind...My mom cant stand the kitten even if I mention anything like the word kitten she gets angry.I am in fifth grade.I get allergies on the end of April every year because of some kind of plant, but she says it is because of the kitten.Even the doctor said that it is because of a plant.This morning I saw Blakie but when I came home from dance I did not even see her.I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo angry at my mom that I started crying.Now because of my stupid allergies I cant go near her or even feed her!Mom wont even want to take me to the vet even thought I promised to pay her if she gives me a ride.She also says 1 cat is enought.GRRRRR she gets me sooooooooooo angry! :x OH and Chessmind cant you check if a cat or kitten has fleas by wetting a paper placing it on the back of the cat or kitten waiting about 3min and taking it off and checking if it has tiny red spots the cat or kitten has fleas and if it does not the cat or kitten does not have fleas?Mom does not even care about the kitten.My grades are very good I mostly get A's.If the kitten was here today after dance I would have taken her and said that I would not even step in the house unless she lets me keep Blakie.Or on the other hand mom would just yell at me and drag me in.Good thing my dad said that he saw her chasing a buterfly after he came home from work.When he does come pretty late.Oh I am just soooooooooo worried right now. :cry:
  14. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi KittyTales. I'm sorry you are having another bad day. :( That's great that you get A's in school though! Good job! :eek: I think since you have tried everything you can to try and keep the kitty and your mom just won't let you, it's time to find her a home. It's not fair for her to not be able to see the vet or have a nice warm home where everyone loves her. As for checking for fleas you just get a wet paper towel and place it on any black specks you can see (or since she's black and it's hard to see them just wipe the wet paper towel on her). It doesn't have to be soggy and you don't have to leave it on. Just a quick wipe. Then if the paper towel has red/light red spots then you know she has fleas. Ask your dad if he will help you find her a home or if he will ask some of your neighbors if they will adopt her or have him take her to a no kill shelter. I know it's sad, but she deserves to have a home. As for your allegies, if you already have one cat I don't think it would make much difference. Although, it is true that you can be allergic to one cat, but not another. It's pretty rare, but it does happen. I do believe you when you say you are allergic to a plant and not the kitten. Please try and find her a home. Again, I'm sorry you're not doing too well. I know you want to keep the kitten so badly, but it just doesn't look like your mom will let you. I'm sorry. :(
  15. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    :cry: OK Chessmind.My bestest friend was allowed to keep Blakie but my mom and dad made up some phony-balonie story that Blakie has a owner and still wont even give her to my friend. :shock: Good thing I am staying home tommorow(I think)because of my allergies.I am going to go to my grandparent's house and guess what they said they might help get to keep the cat! :p I am sooooooooo worried still what if my mom kick's her out again. :(
  16. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    That would be very cool if your friend or your grandparents could adopt her. That way you could still see her. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll find a good home for your kitty. By the way, I just want to let you know that I think you've done a super job trying to take care of the kitty all by yourself. You've been feeding her, trying to keep her inside at night, trying to talk to your mom and now trying to find her a good home. I think you're very responsible and caring. :D
  17. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    P.S. My neighboors seem to be very weird and almost all of them smoke and drink.I am scared to even go near them! :(
  18. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    This morning I checked the dry food and it said for all life stages.When I brought out a bowl of food this morning by sneaking out of the house.Blakie would have been waiting for me on the welcome rug but instead I did not see her at all! :( I ran around the house and got enought courage to check around the neightboors but I did not see her at all.Her food bowl was gone and I put her a new one.She was not on the road I hope she will never be on the road!My grandparents would have taken her but their apartment allows no pets.I did not sleep all night worring sick about her. :? I just wonder where could she possibly be?! :0011:
    If I dont find her I swear I am going to very angry at my mom for the rest of my life! :x
  19. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
    Chessmind I think my mom got rid of the kitten. :cry:
    Her food bowl and water bowl were gone.Her blankets were gone too.
    Now I dont think I could ever now trust my mo or dad at all. :cry:
  20. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi KittyTales. Did you ask your mom if she found her a home or brought her to the shelter? If she did she should have at least told you. There is always the chance that she didn't, but she just put all her stuff away so that the kitten doesn't come over to see you. Just ask her and see what she says. You must be so sad and mad right now. :( Let us know what she says.

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