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Tried to rescue a stray baby Kitty tonight

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Cassie, Jun 14, 2005.

  1. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I was sitting in my living room and heard the unmistakable sound of a baby kitten crying outside my window. I donned my robe, slippers and a flashlight and went looking. She kept crying on and off while hiding/darting from car under-carrage to under-carrage. After about an hour, I managed to get my hand on her but she hissed, nipped and scratched at me. She's only about 5 or 6 weeks old but she's just too frightened and wild to let me get her.

    I gave up for the night and left a bowl of food and water out for her. I waited about 15 min and didn't hear her crying any more. I shone my flash light out the window onto the bowl of food I left out and there she was, munching away. She hasn't cried since so I think she was just good and hungry. I'll go back out looking when the sun comes up in the morn and see if I can't catch her.

    I just feel better knowing that the weather is ok, she's not stuck anywhere and she's had a good meal. I'm hoping that she won't wander far since she now knows that there's food here for her.

    I didn't get a really good look since it's so dark but she looks like a long hair light grey colored kitty. Very small so I'm thinking about 5-6 weeks old.
  2. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I just went out with the flash light and checked. It looks like she maybe ate a couple of the chunks but mostly just licked the gravey off the food and drank a lot of water. It's been verrrrry humid here the past few days. She must have been dehydrated. No sign of her though and no more crying.
  3. ticktop

    ticktop New Member

    Good luck with the kitten. It must be content for now with the food you left out. Poor thing must have been thirsty and hungry.
  4. luna

    luna New Member

    the poor baby... hope she lets you catch her. maybe if you left out more food and water she'll come again.
  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Poor baby :( I hope she comes back to you, just keep leaving out food :wink: If you are able to catch her and she doesn't have a home, what are you planning to do with her? Take her to a shelter? Or maybe Booger will get a baby sister? :D
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    do you have access to a humane trap? Although I wonder if a kitten that size can trigger it
  7. luna

    luna New Member

    would the kitten walk into it? and wouldn't it scare her if she got caught in it? Cassie would probiby have to be there when the kitten got caught so she wouldn't get too scared.
  8. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Good luck Cassie! I imagine if you keep leaving food out and she keeps coming back for it, she'll eventually realize that you're not going to harm her and let you get closer to her.

    BTW, how long until you move?
  9. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Keep us posted on what happens. Poor kitty. I wonder if it belongs to anyone. From what you say, it sounds like it may be a stray. Best of luck.
  10. Tina

    Tina New Member

    cardboard boxes make great kitten traps

    My mother known as the cat woman of the neighborhood has been using food for bait and slowly moving it toward an empty cardboard box to get stray kittens in the neighborhood. She has done incredibly well at getting these kittens to see the box as a safe shelter. And has been able to handle the most skittish of cats within a couple of days. Good Luck with your new visitor
  11. luna

    luna New Member

    sounds like a box is a better idea then a trap.
  12. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I put more food out this morning but haven't seen nor heard her all day. One of the neighbors may have gotten her. I'll keep an eye out though just in case.
  13. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    An update! A woman from the apartment complex next door managed to snag her and took her to a vet. She's in good health and looks to be about 6-7 weeks old. The vet didn't even charge her for the check up, just shots. She will be fixed in a couple of weeks. The woman has taken her in. I'm sorry I don't have any pics for you all since my camera is already packed away but she's a smokey gray long hair kitty with blue eyes. What a beauty! Aside from being a bit under nourished and dehydrated, she is fine and getting better every day!

    Happy ending :D
  14. nern

    nern New Member

    Thats wonderful Cassie! :eek:
  15. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    Thats great to know another kitten is taken off the street and given a new home! :eek:
  16. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Hearing her crying was breaking my heart. I got the neigbers in on the hunt. They were wonderful and it all worked our well :]
  17. Bente

    Bente New Member

    That's great news :eek: I'm so happy for this little kitten :D
  18. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

  19. vene

    vene New Member

    Good news! :y_the_best:

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