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I was so scared

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Jun 6, 2005.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    this afternoon.
    I took my 3 cats, plus Dixie, out to the porch. I sit out there with them cause I do worry.
    I noticed Tilly and Missy were intently watching something out of one of the screened windows. I thought a bird or bug....then I noticed Dixie was missing. Didn't think much of it - figured she was napping under a chair. Then I noticed Tilly and Missy both still staring out the window very intently so I looked.
    IT WAS DIXIE.....part of the screen in one of the windows - the one in the corner harder to see, not noticable had rotten away in one corner. Dixie Chick found it and squeezed herself out.
    My legs were jello. I started tossing my cats back into the house - I had visions of 4 inside-only cats loose in my yard so I figured I'd best get my 3 back inside first. Wasn't sure if Dixie would run or not so I'm scrambling.
    I tell my hubby I needed help - so he goes outside to keep an eye on Dixie fearing approaching her would make her run into the woods.
    So I'm doing the grab a cat, open a door and drop inside - go back to the porch grab a cat, open a door and drop inside x 3.
    Then I go to get Dixie who was still wandering around our garden.
    I approach her "Dixie...come on Dixie gotta go in the house now" she meowed and came up to me.
    Whew.....My knees were knocking for an hour after. I could just picture me emailing siamese rescue and explaining how I lost a cat
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I could imagine that feeling :shock: . Its great that she came right up to you and you did'nt have to go chasing her around.
  3. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Oh my! I certainly know that feeling. Booger managed to pop her collar the other day but luckily, she's so gunshy that she didn't leave the porch.
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Glad all the kitties are accounted for, back home, safe and sound. I get that awful feeling every time hubby lets Milo and Rene outside. :shock:
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    OMG! I'm glad everything turned out OK. I know what you mean about tossing them inside and then trying to sound calm as you approach the escaped kitty. The first time Sabrina got out, I tried that and she would meow and walk further away. I finally just did a flying tackle and grabbed her lol.

    My brother and his family came yesterday and spent the night. That included a 5 year old, a 3 year old and a 3 month old. My cats were really freaked! This morning Sabrina was in line right behind the dogs to go out. She only does that when those boys are here! I had to grab and toss her too. So she went back under the club chair until everyone left.
  6. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    geez mary...what a scare... :shock:

    i would have been a wreck, ball of fear if that would have happened to me.... :?
  7. Michelle & Ruby

    Michelle & Ruby New Member

    Whew!! I'm glad you caught her!!!! I know that jelly-knees, light-headed feeling too! Cats usually run the other way even when you use your nice quiet kitty kitty voice. She sure trusts you!!!
  8. Bente

    Bente New Member

    :shock: I'm so glad you didn't have a hard time catching her! It must have been very scary :shock:

    I've noticed that many cats wil avoid humans when they are outside. Even their owners. Why is that? Kyrre is the first cat that I've been able to approach when he is outside without him running. He actually loves to play and cuddle with me in our backyard.
  9. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Oh that would freak me out so much! The thought of Vianne being loose really terrifies me. Maybe more so becuz thats how i lost my childhood dog, Marty. But at least i know that she knows the neighborhood and our regular jogging route so she can find her way back home. I also pick her up whenever a car goes by, so i hope she would know to stay away from them and stick to the sidewalk like we usually do. But givin that she is so attached to me as she is, i hope if she ever does get loose outside that she wouldnt take off. I like to take her on outings pretty often to the mall, pet shops, my sisters house, and play dates and friends. If i leave her with someone unfamiliar and walk away she will make this ungodly screeching cry, so i hope that means she loves me enough to always stay close! :) I would be beside myself if i ever lost her. So glad you didn't have to go on a cat hunt.
  10. luna

    luna New Member

    glad you caught her :eek: .my cats are afraid of the outside, buster gets out, snips around the porch, then comes jumping through the screen door to get in. shadow goes down the stairs off the pourch and starts roling around on the cement. sometimes they get brave and go farther out or under a car ( ever try to get a stubern cat from under a car? not very easy). one time shadow got out and i had to chase her around the house 4 times. she'd get on the front door pourch and role until i almost had her then run to a bush on the side of the house til i almost get her then run around back and clean herself till i get close then she runs to the side door and roles around til i almost get her then we started all over again. i guess she finaly got bord. :D buster got into the garage one time (we use it for storage) and he hid on me, wouldn't even come out for treats.took me about a half hour to catch him. not fun trying to get a kitty who don't wanna come :!:

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