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Fonzi wants to have a short life lol

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Rene, May 26, 2005.

  1. Rene

    Rene New Member

    this kitty i'm not sure what to do with him my house has shelfs kinda like on top of my walls (hard to explain) a big space in between the to of the wall and my celing and i have porclin norman rockwell plates up there and in my kitchen i have a bunch of porclin pilsbuy doughboy stuff and in the middle i have some ships (that were mom's) and some stuffed animals so the other day kermit and miss piggy were on the ground (they were moms favriot muppets) so i said ok mom guess you didnt like that spot lol (most of you know my mom passed away) but no one could reach this stuff without a ladder so this weekend i saw something out of the corner of my eye up there IT WAS FONZI the little creep i yelled HEY and he ran all the down by my plates :shock: then across where the stuffed animals and ships are then to my doughboy stuff the whole time i'm yelling how the he** did he get up there well he jump onto the top of my fridge then up there the little punk yesterday when i got home on of my 7 dawrfs was on the ground. I dont know how to block it so he cant get up there it's kinda funny but i dont want my stuff broke either.
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I found Copper up on a high shelf once too. It wasn't put in the wall very well either because I had light stuff on it. Luckily that was when he was smaller lol or the whole shelf would be on the floor now. He also bent and then broke a curtain rod on my back door. I would come home and find little holes in it from his nails. Then one day I came home and it was bent and a few days later it was broken. Now I have a heavy fabric shade up there really good and there's little holes in it too. I guess he just hangs from it.
  3. Rene

    Rene New Member

    lol i forgot about that one day the brat was walking on top of my blinds above my slidder oh this kitty i swear lol
  4. Rene

    Rene New Member

    this is what i was trying to explain. the only bad thing about me moving is I LOVE MY HOUSE to bad it's in CA and i cant afford it anymore




    crap they are huge and i used tinypic.com sorry auspet :oops: i also wanted to explain the "doors or wall" that is unfinished that room was my den then mom moved in so we put doors there and made a bedroom for her the guy who put the doors on never came back to finish damn jerk lol that was july last year now that she has passed if i have her doors open ALL my pets think that is their potty room so i just keep the door closed

    oh yea if fonzi breaks something up there i will be so upset most of the stuff up there mom got for me. the ships are moms that little brat cat
  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Wow, you have an amazing house! I can see how you don't want to leave that behind when you move. Have you found a place in Arizona yet? You should bring the house with you :mrgreen:

    Kyrre is well behaved when it comes to things like that. He hardly walks on tables/counters, at least I haven't caught him doing it in a long time :D
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Nice collection! I'd get some thick double-sided sticky tape and tape all the valuables to the wall and where ever they are resting. :mrgreen: I had to do that with the picture frames and other fragile items on our mantles as Vene and Rene loved to jump up there and knock things over. I've spent many hours gluing together some glass items. :mrgreen:
  7. Rene

    Rene New Member

    thanks bente i really wish i could take it with me lol i'm going on 17th thru the 21st to find a home in AZ i cant wait it should be fun

    double stick tape is a great idea since i cant seem to keep the little creep off of there lol
  8. luna

    luna New Member

    i don't have that problem with my little kitties. guess im lucky :lol: :mrgreen:
  9. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Very nice display of your collection. Your house looks very pretty, too.

    Sorry I don't have any advice. My Mittens loves high places, too. :)

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