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Scaredy cat or friendly cat?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by i_love_my_ollie, May 29, 2005.


whats beter?

  1. Scaredy cat

    0 vote(s)
  2. friendly cat

    0 vote(s)
  1. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    ok so whats beter do u think? the reason im doing this is coz i noticed since ollie now can climb the wall weve let him out he dont go far and cums back but as soon as he hears a noise or sees someone he cums running back so in away im glad hes a scardy cat is that mean? PLS VOTE AND LEAVE A MESSAGE WHY U CHOOSE THE ONE U DID
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :lol: If being a scaredy cat stops him going too far and coming home then Id say thats better.
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Hmmm.. I don't know what to vote for. I know Kyrre sometimes go very far when he is outside, but he is afraid of strangers so I'm not afraid he'll get hurt/kidnaped by anyone. But I still have to think about other dangers... I guess hes in between :)
  4. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Booger is a scairdy cat for sure and I'm glad. When she's on the porch, I keep the door ajar so that she can dart in anytime she get frightened.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    I voted friendly cat. My cats don't go outside (except for Tiddy on a harness). Hoggle & Rhiannon are scardy cats and freak out when people come in my house that they don't know. I'm sure its very stressful for them so I would prefer they were "friendly" like the rest of my cats who are happy and confident to greet visitors.
    Tiddy is pretty confident on his harness outside although certain things scare him and last year the dog next door barked at him and he flew under the porch steps (harness still attatched)... I had an aweful time trying to coax him back out so as long as he is safe on the harness I would prefer he is not a scardy cat.
  6. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Hmmm...I wish mine wouldn't bold everytime someone comes in the house. I guess I wish they were more friendlier so I could show them off. Most people don't even know I have cats--except for the litter boxes. Or if they're allergic.
  7. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    My cats never go outside either so I'll vote for friendly. Romeo and Jupiter can both get really skittish at times and being in close proximity to a freaking out kitty isn't very pleasant. Plus Romeo is declawed (adopted him that way, not my choice) so he bites when he's scared/freaking out.

  8. vene

    vene New Member

    Rene is the same as Ollie. We've been letting her out supervised and any noise or people will make her scramble indoors.
  9. luna

    luna New Member

    i would perfer a little of both scared enough so that they don't go far when they escape to the outside, but friendly enough so that i can 'show them off' when i have friends over. shadow hates every one and ignores me for 2 weeks when i invite friends over and buster hides till they're gone.
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    Luna, that's why we have 4 cats. Milo and Rene are our guest greeters. They adore new people, and love getting petted by strangers. Pumpkin and Monty are very weary of new people or even relatives. They will hide until all is clear. As for letting them outdoors, I don't like it but it makes them happy. Milo will stay near the house and stay out for hours. Rene has been let out recently and she has stayed right next to the house. I want to leash train her but hubby thinks it's not necessary. Monty and Pumpkin will roam the yard for 2-5 min. and will charge in the house at any signs of suspected danger.
  11. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I guess mine would be Scaredy cats since they are afraid of other people at first. And I think I like that better in case a stranger would want to take them.

    Although, I did have a real sweety Calico that everybody loved.

    I guess it is a toss-up. Now I don't know which one is better. (I'm not always good at decisions)
  12. luna

    luna New Member

    i would love to have more kitties but shadow and mom don't want more (shadow is very jelous)

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