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6 week old kitty needs help

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Tina, Jun 14, 2005.

  1. Tina

    Tina New Member

    Please help, My Mother known as the neighborhood cat woman has been feeding the strays and slowly having them spayed and nuetured.
    Recently one of the younger females had kittens. 5 in total only 3 survive now. One of the kittens eyes have become swollen with pus. My mother has talked to the vet and they have suggested putting her down. My mother has tried an eye antibiotic for several weeks and still no help. To make matters worse her belly button seems to be infected as well. The other 2 kittens have been terrorizing her keeping her from being able to eat. Tonight I held the other 2 kittens so the sick one could get her fill in hopes that the nourishment will help. I have heard that cats can get herpes or a clogged tear duct. The other 2 cats both have one infected eye but seam to be taking the antibitotic just fine. The sick one still eats quite well and still tries to play even though she is almost blind. The local vets here have offered us no solution other then putting her down. I hope that someone out there may have had something similar happen and can maybe offer some advice. :cry:
  2. catboyz77

    catboyz77 New Member

    My best bet is to take them to the humane society and have them take care of the problem. With all of those cat sick, thats just too much for both of you to handle or don't have the neccessary medication. I hate to say it but maybe its a good thing to take them to the vet and put them to sleep if there is no other solution, you don't want them to suffer.
  3. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I'm so sorry for the poor little thing but if you've had more than one vet say that that is the only option, then it is. Not only is she suffering, she may also be infecting the others that she has contact with, including humans. Did the vets not explain this to your mom?
  4. luna

    luna New Member

    try wiping her eyes with a warm, damp cotten ball. hope they get better soon!
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    L-Lysine added to their food (a small amount) help with the immune system and is good with possible herpes infections.
    Although I'm inclined to agree with the others about the outlook for life for this poor little kitten...any chance you could take this kitten to keep it separated from the littermates? That way she won't be fighting for food and the other 2 won't be exposed to whatever might be wrong w/her
  6. luna

    luna New Member

    i have the food problem with my two kitties... buster loves food and eats his, shadows, and abbys puppy food. so i got smart :mrgreen: i took shadows food upstairs (not much i can do about abbys and he only eats hers when he doesn't have food) and i hid it in a corner. needless to say buster found it in an hour but at least i can keep a closer eye on it.
  7. Tina

    Tina New Member

    six week old kitten

    Thanks so much everyone. She's suppose to go to the vet tomorrow to be put down. We've already seperated her from her 2 sisters. We finally found a vet that gave us all the info we needed. She does have a herpes infection in her eyes. But that isn't the main concern. The vets thinks that with proper medication that this will clear up but she will be blind. The big concern is her belly button. Severly infected and it doesn't look like it will heal. Vet says that this alone is a sure sign that she won't make it.
    My mother and I can't stand the thought of her suffering. I had even agreed to take her in as a family pet blind or not. But it seems more realistic to let her go. Then to have her sufffer. My Mother feelsthat even with all her best efforts to keep all these stray cats fed, and slowly having them spayed or nuetered have been in vain. With thoughtless neighbors who leave thier male cats outside it has been a constant battle with timing to get them takin care of. I'm afraid she has decided to take all the strays to the animal shelter.
    She has opted for a shelter in a near by county deemed a no kill shelter, in hopes they will all find loving families.
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    *Hugs* It's so hard to put down a little fluffball. She will be watched over at the rainbow bridge. Ginger, Vene, Pooky, Kitty, Blackie, and all the Auspet kitties that have passed on will be there for her. I'm glad your mom found a no-kill shelter for the strays. They will be happy there.
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    your mother is doing the right thing....sounds like she has the neighborhood neon sign that blinks "unwanted cats taken care of here" - it's a shame.
    I feel badly for this poor kitten who didn't have a chance in this world...but at least for the short time you and your mother cared for her she knew love and compassion. It's probably the kindest thing you can do is let her pass in a humane fashion. Life hasn't been kind for this baby but at least she won't know pain anymore.
    Your mother is a kind lady....too bad her neighborhood doesn't have more people like her
  10. luna

    luna New Member

    yah... its amazing... there are so many rules about dogsoutside... why arn't there any that protect cats when they're outside?
  11. kismet

    kismet New Member

    I'm going to disagree on this one. I think the kitten deserves a fighting chance. First of all herpes infection in the eyes can be cured without it causing blindness. It's been done.Antibiotics alone may not do it. Isatis 6 has been used with success. So has vitamin C( ester C- a more potent form). As for the infection in the belly button - consider looking into colloidal silver- It's available at any health food store and comes under various product names- You can get it in drops. Excellent. Also this from Dr. John Heinermann:
    " I would almost be persuaded to say that if nothing else were used but plant cholorphyll( note: you can get it in tablet or juice form) in an infected dog or cat that animal would recover of its own accord in sufficient time. I've worked with chlorophyll for many years in thousands of healing situations that involved both humans and animals. IN EVERY SINGLE CASE(raised type mine) where cholorphyll was applied by itself or with other things TOTAL healing and COMPLETE RECOVERY ensued>"
    As for your mother giving up animal welfare. There may be a step between being overwhelmed or giving up. You don't indicate where you live. Do you know for absolute certainty that the shelter you have in mind is no-kill? It would be a shame if you were ill-advised. I would be willing to do a search on cat sanctuaries in your area(pm me- I won't be able to get back to you til tomorrow ) . There are sites that offer financial assistance for those with pets - your mother may qualify. I have info on that. Usually it's best to make a decision when one is not feeling overwhelmed. If you have an email address- I would be willing to email your mother with any info that may help her.

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