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Climatizing my new dogs...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jun 14, 2005.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. As you all know I'm getting my new dogs on the 23rd of this month from Sara. My African Boerboels.

    Here's my question.

    The climate is VERY diffrent in Wyoming than it is here in Texas. We have serious humidiy, heat and its dry.
    Wyoming is cooler and stuff.

    Sara is already knocking off the subcutaneous fat and extra pounds on Precious to help her deal with the heat. The puppy I think will be ok.

    My question is their kennel is under the big oak tree's and covered, they have a swimming pool each and fans. Whatelse can I do to help them deal with the changes?
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    how about those mister fans? I saw one here the other day for $80 as for getting acclimated I think it depends on each dog. Wylie can take our heat no problem, Ihave to make her stop in rest becayse she will want to play when its 110. but Jake is another story and has a meltdown outside if it gets over 80 degrees.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It sounds like you have it covered, I guess, other than waiting until winter to get them which you don't want to do! Bringing them in and out of the house would probably just make it worse I would guess. Do they like to swim? Staying wet would probably help a lot so it's good they will have pools - hopefully they'll use them!

    Was this breed originally from Africa, or is that just in the name (like Australian Shepherds, that aren't from Australia)? If they are, you would think the breed originally was adapted to hot conditions and therefore would adjust okay.

    Naturally, you will ease them into any training or work so you don't overdo it. Know the signs of dehydration (I'm sure you do!) and have those breakable disposable ice packs (or real ice) available just in case.

    How exciting for you to be getting them so soon!
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I have misters for the horses. I guess I could use them for the dogs if they look too over heated. I don't want to bring them in and out of the house where they'll get used to the A/C.

    They should be used to the heat since they come from South Africa, but these dogs were born and raised in Colorado and Wy. Not like their ancestors. I think Sara brings them inside as well....
  5. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    As you well know down here the humidity is as big a factor as the actual temperature. Evaporation cooling requires a certain dewpoint to be effective. There are certain days here when you can stand perfectly still in the shade and have sweat drip off your nose.
    Moving the air with those fan misters should help. I think that the pups will adapt well after they grow a bit.
    I have started to limit the boys visits to the dog park even with the swimming holes. I watch those lolling toungues to guage how hot they are.
    I drive past the Memorial Park jogging path on my way home from work and I hate to see runners jogging with their dogs in this heat. The poor dogs will run until they die and the joggers don't seem to realize the danger.
    One day a couple of years ago I saw a man who had a black Lab pup on a leash and the pup was lying on the ground with it's tongue flailing out. The man was pulling on the leash trying to get the pup up. There was no shoulder to pull over in the heavy traffic so I fely helpless. Not long after an article did appear warning about over exercising with your dogs in the summer. Hope they run taht article again.
    Congratulations on your new pups. Can't wait to see photots as they grow up.
  6. Jas

    Jas New Member

    I always thought they were an all out tough breed able to withstand the heat and actually enjoy it. Not that I'm saying leave 'em out in the sun all day, but you shouldn't have too much trouble taking the same normal precautions you would with most other dogs. They are probably quite adaptable. :)
  7. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    OMG! Sam, I feel so lost now, that is great that you are getting a dog from Sara. Congrats. You are such a good caregiver. I am sure you will do everything just wonderfully! :eek:
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    thanks guys!!!

    I got a second pool. Precious will be separated from Kabuki. We don't know how she'll act around her. So I'll spend alot of time letting them get to know eachother and take in their new home.

    I think they'll be just fine. But yall know me. I'm a stickler for these things.

    they have a chainlink kennel with electric fence around the perimeter each of 16lX16wX6'h. Both kennels have a small plastic swimming pool for kids from wal-mart and a fan hanging on both with misters. I got the arctic circles off of www.Sullivansupply.com. I order all my show supplies for my cattle and horses. Hopefully they'll come in before the dogs get here. If not. I steel the ones out of the barn. The horses dont' stand under the misters much anyhow.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Nala would probably eat the pool, LOL. :roll:

    I'm so excited for you! I love getting new animals. :)
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Its one of those 5' hard plastic ones about 6" deep, not the blowup flemsy ones.

    The arctic circles still havent come in yet.... :(

    I did get my Dr ofster and smiths order though. Granvel saw the box and just rolled his eyes.. he said, you'd think we're getting kids as many toys as you got them... Well DUH.. we are getting kids!!! LOL.

    I got precious a jumbo size tennis ball. Its HUGE like the size of a grapefruit!!! And Kabuki some teething toys, a tug rope and a doggie tee that says "I'm a Mommies girl!" And Precious one that says "I'm a daddy's girl!"

    and of course I got Tubby one that says "Macho Mutt" LOL....

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