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? on dogs coming into heat

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, Jun 15, 2005.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    just curious, I have a friend who is going to breed her lab. well she is not really its who they got her from and have arrangments to breed her twice.
    when she was one she went into her her heat cycle twice and now she is over 2 and so far she has missed her heat cycle. They already have future owners lined up and no cycle. Is this normal?
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    that's odd (but I have no idea about that stuff) I just wanted to know what happens if they can't ever breed her/ Like is that a breech of contract? can the original breeders take her back?
    But I would suggest maybe doing a sonogram, bc what if she did get prego before and miscarried? but the puppies are still there/ or any other medical problems?
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I dont think it would be a breach of contract if she cant concieve, only if they decided they didnt want to breed her and then I would think the breeder could take legal action.

    I am justy as clueless as you are about heat cycles Lil, I mean if you never got them fixed do they go in a menopause cycle like woman?
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I can't for the life of me understand why someone would agree to such a thing when shelters are full of labs and lab mixes.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    mary, she comes from great hunting lines and is used for hunting, so thats how they have her.
  6. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    In spite of the fact that shelters may have a lot of Labs, Goldens, and what-have-you, there ARE some dogs who have genes worth passing on. If those dogs aren't bred at some point, the good genes disappear, and then the only ones left are the bad ones.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It's quite common to have an agreement such as this with the breeder. Often there is also a clause that says the breeder gets the pick of the litter, or something like that. As far as a breach of contract goes, if she never cycles the breeder wouldn't want her back anyway!

    But I have no idea what the answer to your question is. :) I guess we'll just have to wait for Mike or Sams or someone to get here. What time is it in the UK anyway? :lol:
  8. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Some dogs heat cycles are silent meaning some dogs do not show any signs of being in heat apart from the very swollen vulva and male dogs being very interested in her.

    Also uterine conditions can cause a bitch not to come into heat and this should be checked by a vet.

    Some dogs have cycles every 6-12- 18 months apart.
    When was her last cycle?
    Did she have a phantom pregnancy after her last cycle as this can delay the onset of the next cycle..

    Why has the breeder drawn up a contract saying that they will breed her for 2litters.

    Usually if the new owner is wanting to breed and this is stated before buying the dam then the breeder will suggest using a dog from his/her lines or pass you onto some other breeder with good lines.

    Usually if you use a stud from the breeder the dam came from they agree to pick of the litter, But this is usually one litter i find a breeder that sells a dam and then wants to breed from her is out to make money which clearly you friend is not wanting to do.

    Your friend is well within her rights to say that she only wants to allow the dam 1 litter and that is it.
    A true breeder will usually agree to that.

    If the dam does not come into heat or does not concieve then she is not breaking any part of the contract, The breeder will then need to check his/her lines to see if this has happened before but they should already know of any problems with there dams..

  9. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Could be a silent heat as Mike suggested, or she may have come out of season - sometimes happens if the bitch has to travel or leave her home for any period of time (stress etc). Could be indicative of a disease or infection. How many heat cycles has she had? Have they made note of each one? Have the cycles been consistent?
  10. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    thanks for your replies. Mike, I dont agree with what they did and thats another whole story! they dont get any puppies and there is already a waiting list!

    her first 2 heats were like clockwork I think 6 months apart. I dont think she has had a phantom preg, this would be her third cycle, my friend is taking her to the vet and will ask as for the silent heat , I would have thougth the breeder would have had them check for this
  11. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    The only way a breeder will know of a Dam having silent heats if there is a history of this in his line and he should have disclosed this to all new owners.

    Chances are that her cycle could now be a 8-12 monthly cycle the vet will be able to tell if she has had a cycle recently.

    The problem with silent heats is that its hard to determine without a test to know when the time is right to have her with the male.
    When a Bitch has to travel to a male like Jas mentioned this can cause her to come out of her cycle early through stress.

    Hopefully the vet will be able to give your friend some answers.

  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    It's very common for breeders to have that kind of agreement. Like Sara and I. We will Co-own Precious and when breeding time comes around. Sara will pick the suitable sire and we go forth from there.

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