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Quetion on my new puppy

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by iluvmykittys, Jun 16, 2005.

  1. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    I just got a 13 week old Yellow Lab/Mix. :eek:
    She was being treated for Diareahha (due to unknown causes- stress, diet etc) When we first brought her home, her stool was fine, but after the meds stopped, she got very loose/wet. :( Not really eating or drinking, and started to sneeze & hack a little. We took her to the Vet today- She put her on Flagyl (for diareahha) and gave her a Drip and another anti biotic. (She was spade the day before we got her- and she has swelling there). :cry: The Vet does not know what is wrong, and told us not to let her eat or drink until dinner time tonight. :? If she is not eating/drinking by tomorrow- we must bring her in immed. for tests. :( Any ideas what is going on?? She is vaccinated and is such a Love. very happy puppy. I am sooo sad for her- I hope she is OK!! Please pray for her, and also- if you have any info/comments/ideas...PLease please, write back! :y_the_best: Thanks!!!
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Any vomiting? It could be all sorts of things. You are doing the right thing. Keep watching her and call the vet if something changes. If she gets worse or is very listless, call the vet! If you seem to be getting nowhere with the vet, you can always take her to another one for a second opinion.

    If she needs to go back to the vet, they will probably draw blood to help them find out what is wrong. It could be just stress from the new home and the spay surgery. It could be a little cold. It could be something like worms or parvo (although I'm thinking not likely because of the sneezing). Sounds like a cold to me, but perhaps one of the vet techs that posts here will have some different ideas.

    Keep in touch and let us know how she is doing!
  3. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    Thanks...Will definitly keep my eyes on her. Hopefully its just nervous/stress coming into a new home. Well, Not "hopefully" But I'd rather that then anything bad...Ya know? Thanks again!!
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    are you feeding her what she was used to before you brought her home? Or did you switch food. Could also be diet related
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi i am sorry to hear your little one is having such a bad time of things.

    I can not understand why the vet did not test for any infections anyway as a pup can become ill very quickly and dehydrate rapidly from have diarreah.

    Has she been vaccinated as some dogs have a reaction to vaccinations.
    Slight swelling is normal after having a dog spayed but it should not be red, sore looking or look like it is infected.

    Did the vet check her temp to make sure her temp is normal.
    Change of food, Food that is too rich for a puppy will cause diarreah also feeding table scraps can also cause diarreah.

    Keep us posted of her progress and i would suggest asking the vet to do tests anyway just to rule out any infections or viruses.

  6. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    I think my puppy is feeling better today! :eek:
    Last night she ate her dinner, about 1/2-3/4 cup, and drank water. She did # 1 & # 2....A little soft, and runny but more solid than she has been!! Also, this morning...she ate about 1 cup-1.25 cup of food and drank water. The Vet said if she didn't eat or drink by this afternoon, we would have to bring her in imm. But She is eating! :y_the_best: Thank Goodness!!
    She was spayed the day before we got her, as well as she got a few vaccines too. She is eating the same food, so her diet didn't change- I think?? Her belly/spay is bruised (you can see it) and swollen. But the cut itself if not red or look infected. The Vet gave her a Antibiotic shot and pills for us to give her for it. Hopefully it will cure it. I will keep you posted. :D Thanks again for all your responses! I very much apprecaite it.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Glad to hear she is doing better! Being spayed, getting jabbed with a bunch of vaccines, and moving to a new home all at once is a lot for a little body to handle.
  8. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Hi, congrats on your new baby :)

    I agree that it's 'probably' a mixture of everything she's been through in a short time.

    I think you did the right thing in not just presuming it was that though, and asking, just incase. You sound like a good mum :y_the_best:

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