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help on breeding tiels

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by FMgurl43, Jun 17, 2005.

  1. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    hi everyone its been awhile since ive been on but im back now so hows everyone? I am having some issues w/ my 2 tiels.. First off Romeo i got when he wwas maybe 5 months old i believe i have now had him for bout a year, Juliet however her age is unknown she was a rescue from hurricane charley. when i got her she was in bad shape terrified of ppl had no food or water for almost a week well she had water it was just dirty. anyways she had one toe that was missing from hanging onto the cage w/ no perches it was just horrible. well she is now the best lil girl ever shes so sweet and kind and isnt afraid of anything. My ? is i cannot keep her and Romeo seperated they love each other and will find a way to get to each other one way or another anyways Juliet keeps laying egg afetr egg and Romeo tries and tries to mate w/ her but he just cant get it right. I am clueless on what to do...ive put a nest box in and waited and no babies i took the box out and she still lays eggs on the bottem of the cage and they always crack with or without a nest box she still lays them.. should i just leave the box in? take the eggs out? etc.. ive read bout it many of times and ive tried almost everything but an just wondering if anyone else has had this issue and how they went bout it. also will they ever get the whole mating thing right???lol stupid ? to ask but ive heard crazier things then that being asked b4...
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi and welcome back.

    What you could try doing is giving them dark leafy greens such as Cabbage this is known to be high in vitamin E which is a fertility vitamin.

    When you say he cant seem to get it right to you mean he is not able to stay on her back.
    If the female has alot of feathers around her vent area you could try clipping them so its not as thick with feathers, Also if the males nails are sharp clipping them will make it easier for him to balance and will not hurt the female.

    Seperating them for a couple of weeks if possible but leaving there cages next to each other usually helps with breeding problems.
    If the female is not over the age of 18months it could be she is not fertile but since the male is only 1year old it could be him thats not fertile yet.

    Once a birds egg laying cycle has started it is sometimes very hard to break it.

    I usually reduce the amount of light they get per day so they think it is winter, Reduce the temprature in the house, Stop feeding soft foods such as pasta's, Rice things like that.

    When i give my birds there nest box back i line there nest with 2inch of plain wood shavings usually 10days after the nest put on they lay there first egg.

    I had a female that laid 3 clutches of eggs before she had a fertile clutch so do not worry to much make sure she has plenty of cuttlefish bone and mineral block in her cage.

    If you can try and give her a break from egg laying for about 3-6months so that she can build up her energy reserves as egg laying takes alot of calcium from the female which can result in egg binding and sometimes death.

    Keep us posted of how they are getting on.

  3. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    thankx 4 the info. when i say he cant seem to get it right he can balance on top of her he just isnt in the right spot his butts in her face etc..he just has it backwards....i keep their nails trim and wings clipped but ill try clipping her like u said and see if that might help.. this is her i would say proebably 4th clutch off eggs she laied and that r not fertil..Should i leave them be 4 while longer or take them out and let then try again in a few weeks????i have plenty of cuttle bone thats in her cage and i also take the bone and shave it to make it like a powder and shake some of that on their food b/c my lovebirds refuse to touch it any other way..so i do that 4 everyone..i want to say that shes more then a year but im not to sure i know that charley hit us in august of last year and then tahts when i got her so i have had her 4 almost a year..

    Also i almost 4got again.. since she has been laying eggs her poo is runny. very watery.. when i worked in a pet store they used to add apple cider vinager to the water when the birds poop would ger watery.. but im just scared to use that w/ my babies...its always worked at the pet store but im just chicken when it comes to using anything like that w/ my animals..i have spoken w/ the vet bout it when she first started laying eggs and he said it was normal but im still concerned...
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Have large watery poop is normal during egg laying and they do not need to be given anything to try and sort it, Her poop will go back to normal once she has finished her cycle.

    If any of my tiels have infertile eggs i mark them and leave them in the nest with the adults until they get bored of them and abandon them.

    The male will get the hang of things in time he just needs to figure out he is facing the wrong way heheheh.

    After this clutch i would remove the nest box and leave her to it if you see them mating the correct way then you can put the nest back on but i would advise to give her a break if possible, I tried everything to stop one of my pairs laying eggs but she is now sitting on a clutch of 5eggs this is her 4th clutch.

  5. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    LOL i hope he can get it right someday... poor thing its sooo funny though she gets soo annoyed by him....lol :oops: :shock: :roll:
    But thanks 4 the info im glad to hear from someone else thats its normal.. and nothing serious.. I think i will try and take the nest box out and see how thinsg go from there... They both have been taking turns on the eggs now 4 a while a long while sooo i think i will just go ahead and take it out my next cage cleaning at the end of next week...

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