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Will the budgie come out of her cage?

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by bubbles, Jun 16, 2005.

  1. bubbles

    bubbles New Member

    Hi, I'm new to this forum!
    Here's the story: I found a budgie under a car the other day, obviously someone's lost pet bird, so I caught her (I'm quite sure it's a "she") and now I'll take care for her while I try to find her owner.
    I've given her food and water, but she eats and drinks very little. I've borrowed a cage from the RSPCA for a couple of weeks, and I keep the cage doors open so that she can fly around the room. But she's not coming out, that's the thing. I can stroke her gently, but she refuses to sit on my hand. She's very very quiet, and sits still most of the time. I worry about her a lot -could she be sick?
    I do hope I find the owners, as I'm sure she misses her previous home. :cry: Does anybody have any advice for how I should care for her?
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi and welcome to the forum.

    All birds when they are in a strange enviroment will be quiet and seem as if there is something wrong they do not usually eat or drink much for the first few days this is normal until they adjust to there new surroundings.
    Once she is used to where she is an is more settled will she come out of the cage do not worry if she does not come out she is just trying to figure out where she is.

    Since we do not know how long she has been outside she may have picked up an infection only an avian vet will be able to determine this.

  3. bubbles

    bubbles New Member

    Thank you Mike, much appreciated. I'm sure she'll settle in eventually, if nobody claims her back. I'll take her to the vet very soon, as her beak seems to be quite crusty -a sign of mites or something that needs treatment I guess.
    Thanks again,
    Bubbles :wink:
  4. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    I just want to give you congrads for taking in the bird!! I really hope that hte last owners didnt just let her go.. makes me sick when i hear of people doing that
    but way ta go for saving a little birdies life!!1 :eek:
  5. bubbles

    bubbles New Member

    HELP, the budgie is not well! :(

    Thanks drab911, I hope too that she wasn't set free by anyone...

    I'm sooooooo worried about her now, because she justs sits on the perch all hunched up, head down and looks as though she's about to fall off! I took her to the vet this morning, and she got an injection for the parasites around her beak. There wasn't much else they could do apparently. Oh I hope she survives this... :cry: I feel so helpless!
    What can I do to make her better?? She hardly eats and I don't think she's had any water today. Oh what can I do??! :(

  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    If she has scaly face mites this will take its tole on her little body because if the infestation is bad then she could suffer from anemia.

    Hopefully since she has had the injection she should pick up in next few days, I would try hanging some millet spray in her cage see if she likes that.

  7. bubbles

    bubbles New Member

    Thank you Mike, she's very unsteady and dazed. Occationally her breath sounds "clicky" and wheezy, which indicates a respiratory problem I guess. Could this be caused by the mites?
    I gave her a hot steam bath, but I'm not sure if that's going to make it better or worse. Any ideas? All I can do is keep her warm, but it's hard to keep a steady temperature in the room. :(
    Thank you for all your help so far!
    By the way, what exactly is millet spray, and where do I buy it?
  8. bubbles

    bubbles New Member

    She's fallen off her perch and is now at the bottom of the cage. She keeps fighting, ruffling and cleaning her feathers, trying to chirp etc... But she keeps her eyes closed and tips forward, head resting on the ground.
    I'm beginning to doubt that she'll make it. Will try to be positive though.
  9. bubbles

    bubbles New Member

    She's gone from bad to worse. Now she's just lying still, head and wings down, still breathing though...but very heavily. I don't know what to do. :cry:
  10. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Sounds like she is seriously ill, Lying flat with wings out and heavy breathing is a sign of heat exhaustion and sorry to say is usually fatal.

    You could try placing her cage in a quiet cool room and see how she gets on, Also she could be suffering from egg binding and Veterinary help should be seen ASAP as this is life threatening if left untreated.

  11. bubbles

    bubbles New Member

    Oh no, and I've tried to keep her WARM!!! :( If she makes it thru the night, I'll take her to the vet again tomorrow...
    Right now, she looks as though she's suffering, and I feel at a loss as to what to do... I suppose I can just hope...
    Thanks Mike, your help has been much appreciated!
  12. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    The problem with birds is they hide there illnesses until it just gets too much for them.
    Out in the wild birds would hide there illnesses so that they did not attract predators and if they were seen as ill by there flock the flock would abandon the sick birds.

    I have my fingers crossed she makes it your a real caring person for taking in this poor defencless animal when it needed someone to care :y_the_best: :y_the_best: :y_the_best:

  13. bubbles

    bubbles New Member

    Thanks Mike, again, you've been a great help and support! I'm sad having to tell you though, that Budgie died at around 1am last night. I took her to a 24hr emergency vet clinic, but she was barely alive when I arrived and nothing could be done other than put her out of her misery.
    I know I did what I could, but I still feel frustrated that I was unable to save her. :(

    I guess this has been an enormous learning experience for me, and if I one day decide to get another feathered friend, at least I will know much more about bird's health and hopefully I'll be a better judge when it comes to treating them.

    All the best,
  14. ilvpets

    ilvpets New Member

    welcome to the forum

    i think mikes right just let it get used to it surroundings or take it to an avien vet or the rspca cos someones bound to be looking for it what sort of budgie is it try and guess some names for it to see if it perks up any way good luck and reply back if theres gud news :y_the_best: :mrgreen: :eek: :m6: =P~
  15. ilvpets

    ilvpets New Member

    welcome to the forum

    im really sorry to hear about the loss of the budgie i started crying when i read it i know what it feels like to lose a bird i had a ringed nec parakeet named jake and we did'nt know what the cause was i think you should get your own bird that will help you learn about parrots but at least you took her to the vets

    plz reply back if you think this is gud information

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