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Letter to Animal Abusers

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Cheryl, Jun 20, 2005.

  1. Cheryl

    Cheryl New Member

    So... Following is a letter I am about to send anonomously (spelling?) to someone who really needs it in my town.

    Anyone else want to copy and edit it... To fit another situation?

    I have now edited out most of the swear words... :x Because I realized that I probably lost the audience when attacking every fiber of their morally challenged being.

    Dear? *name*…

    We were becoming friends… That ended when I heard about how you treat animals...

    It is my understanding that you cornered your puppy and proceeded to kick the living shit out of it. Apparently it wasn’t breathing right when you threw it out of your door – “during the winter”. A couple days later the town office put it down because of extensive injuries, before it reached even one year old in it’s short miserable life.

    And why did you do this…? I heard it did some minor house infraction that “YOU” should have “TAUGHT IT NOT TO DO”… instead of expecting it to come out of its mothers womb completely trained to your standards. PETS MUST BE TAUGHT !!!!

    Is it true that you lock your animals in small rooms for extended periods of time – where they live in their own waste. Then you punish them cause they treat the house like a bathroom.!!!??? Huh…??? This would be your fault – not theirs!!!

    I cannot think of a thing that any pet could do to my home that would cause me to beat it to the point where it had to be put down. On the off chance that you actually don’t know this already… I have to tell you this is wrong… This is animal cruelty, which most of society considers wrong. Ask anyone.

    Watching an animal play in front of you is a joy… And a main reason that most people get pets. But I have been told that you have thrown your pets at walls, for playing…???

    Can’t tell you how mad your behavior makes me. And I’m not alone. I know people who have given up on any thought of romance or even friendship with you - specifically because of this. Have less people wanted to get close to you recently…? Look around… It affects your love life… It affects your freindships... It even affects your job.

    It’s possible that you have no understanding of how to treat pets… There are proven training methods that are quick and painless. They work – just learn them!!!

    But my heart breaks, because I strongly suspect that you just don’t give a shit, and that means more animals will suffer… Only God knows if that is true, and I believe he will take care of that.

    I don’t know the reasons why you get pets… It doesn’t make sense… You keep getting them – and keep treating them bad. Do you need to show your power…? Nobody is impressed with beating small creatures are they? You are allowed to not like animals… and how much training they take - BUT DON’T GET ANY THEN !!!!!

    Please I beg you… Do not get any more pets… You do not deserve the unconditional love that god put them on this earth to give to us – and they don’t deserve the pain they endure – while they wait desperately for your love. Please don’t get more unless you learn how to train and love them.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I have other methods of dealing with blatant animal abuse but I have to say your letter is pretty strong, although doubtful that a person who treats an animal so badly will be phased by it.
    Do you know if any charges have been brought against this person for the cruelty? Because if there are charges and especially if they hit the papers.....well if it was me I would make sure the paper was 'delivered' to the place that 'it' works, the bars that 'it' drinks in, the stores that 'it' goes to....anything that is made public by the press...is public for anyone to see, of course there is always the problem of 'it' accusing someone of harrassement so anyone doing such a thing would have to be careful.
    If there are no charges then you would have to be careful about what you say and who you say it to....however it is okay to call animal control if you 'suspect' abuse...I dont know what your laws on in the area you are in about videotaping people commiting acts of violence, might want to look into that.

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