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need info on budgies!

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by soldier4jesus209, Jun 19, 2005.

  1. soldier4jesus209

    soldier4jesus209 New Member

    hey i got my budgies n i had da male is about 7-8 months n my female about 6 months N lik i got da male b4 da femal n when i got da female since den dey are lik fightin so is dat bcuz dey dont no each other very good or wat?
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    They are still babies and they need to sort things out themselves aslong as neither bird is drawing blood then allow them to have there little fights.

    it is not advisable to put a young male and female in the same cage because at 6months old they will start to breed and this will have serious problems even death for the female at this young an age.

    So i would seperate the birds until they are atleast 18months old

  3. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Hey Mike about that last comment.. even if you do not have a nest in the cage it is still bad to have them together? Because right now I have one set of males/females in each cage... and soon they are all 4 gonna be together.. There is no way I can get 4 cages for them all.. not to mention they would be sad... is there anything else I can do??
    and buddy.. dont worry i was a little worried when my birds first started fighting.. it soon gets kinda cute as they bicker over stupid little things haha
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Drab If possible i would put the 2males in one cage and the 2females in another and just sit them side by side.

    If this is not possible then the best thing to do is remove any toys from the cage they may use as a nest, Reduce the amount of light they get per day, Keep the room temp cool and do not give to much fruit and veg this should then be enough to stop them laying eggs.

  5. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Will the two males tend to fight in the one cage?? That is a good idea thanks.. I think I might try it.. do you have any suggestions on how me catching 2 of the birds will be less trumatic?? And also I only know the sex definatly 2 out of the 4... The third is molting right now.. and the forth might be JUST starting so it will be a while/// should I wait until they all show their sex to switch them or guess now?? I have a pretty good guess..
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Do you have pics of your birds and how old they all are i might be able to tell you there sex so you can be sure.

    When putting 2males or 2 females together for the first time they usually do have a little nip at each other but aslong as there is no blood drawn then just allow the to sort out there differences.

    When i am not breeding i have all males together and same with the females and have had no problems at all.


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