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Take Your Dog to Work Day, Friday June 24th

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Jun 24, 2005.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Just read about this in the paper this morning and found this site that confirms it.
    Doubt if I can bring the boys in as this is a public building but I plan to ask if it's OK. It would be a hoot and I know my co-workers would love to meet them as they hear all the stories that I share here.
    Is anyone planning to take their dog to work tomorrow?
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I doubt I would be allowed. It's against campus policy to have any animals other than service animals. Bonnie would be great to bring, and she'd behave herself. Nala would get into trouble and eat all the computer cables...
  3. mamabear_34

    mamabear_34 New Member

    :eek: Im very lucky!! We own our own business (a comic book store) so we are able to bring our dogs to work with us every day!!
  4. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    I work part time Friday is my day off, but I bring Winnie in all the time, when I first brought her home she came to work with every day. We also have 2 other offices on our floor, and both places also bring their dogs. It really does put a smile on peoples faces to see them. Winnie sits in the front of the glass door and watches everyone walk by and 8 of 10 times people will ask to pet her.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Where do you work, WinniPoo?
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I used to look forward to the occsional 'leave your dog at home day', :D with 4 dogs, sometimes 5 and working at animal hospitals it was rare that I didnt have one of them with me, especially when I worked nights at the emergency clinic.
  7. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    Jamiya.......I am pretty lucky, I work 3 days a week for 2 guys who are insurance brokers...(right now their at a golf tour.). This office is very laid back....we are all friends and they love it when winnie comes in with me. We are in NH
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I would LOVE to bring the dogs to work with me!! It would make it easier to get a puppy, too! :D

    As I said, Bonnie would be a doll at work and everyone would love her. Nala would be more challenging. I don't think she would enjoy it very much - too much structure. :roll:

    DeLaUK - was there much chance of your dogs getting sick from the animals at the vet? Did everyone bring their dogs? That could get quite crowded. :)
  9. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    In all the time Ive worked in hospitals not once do I recall any of the techs or vets dogs getting sick from another one, and I will admit, as far as vaccines, my dogs always got puppy shots if I had them when they were less than 2 years old (most I had were older) but they didnt get boosters yearly, I used to worry about bringing 'diseases' home on my clothes, shoes etc but no, it never happened....well no I cant say that...my Whippet, Bonnie had asthma and she did have kennel cough quite a few times, I did bump up her intra nasal bordatella vaccines to 2-3 times a year and she stopped getting it but she could just as easily have picked that up from a neighbours 2 dogs who had it a few times, or the park or the dog park. But no parvo, distemper etc. The dogs would usually just hang out in the treatment room, one of them, BJ, I did have to cage if we had people in and out, that was at the e-clinic so at night she was loose and people had to ring a bell to come in so Id lock her up, Bonnie on the other hand would sit in the reception area, visit the other dogs and find another pets owner to sit with.
    One hospital I worked at did have to put their foot down, there were about 25 employees and almost every one us including the management was bringing a dog in daily, problem was they were taking up all the boarding kennel spaces when we were busy....so we got on a rota...only X amount of dogs a day.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I worry more about things like mange than the other diseases.
  11. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    No, never saw anything like that, demodex is host specific anyway, sarcoptic mange while it is transmissable my dogs were on Frontline (dosed about every 3-4 months during about march to October)...while I do have to say that Frontline has never been FDA approved for sarcopties (hadnt last time I checekd), I have done some 'research' on it myself, (thorough...and mostly with info from Europe/UK...a long time ago) so between that and as none of my dogs were actually sick while cruising the hospitals there immune systems, had they come in contact, probably would have taken care of it, personally with all the pets Ive handled that have sarcopties, Ive never caught it either, times when Ive been on Pred for asthma/bronchitis when my immune system is not so good I have sprayed my arms/hands with Frontline spray when necessary.
    I would have to say they have probably caught fleas from other animals there. Never seen any earmites in them, the cats yes but that was when my daughter 'smuggled' a kitten into my house and the mites came from her...Dont get me wrong though, I have been careful, I mean I keep them out of the isolation wards and they are absolutely never allowed in the surgery room.
  12. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    I saw a few people today with their dog going to their office job. It was the weirdest - and the coolest - thing.

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