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Oh Great, Now What?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lucidity03, Jun 24, 2005.

  1. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    So, last night my husband and I are eating our dinner. As I'm eating, I notice Tash (the big fluffy guy) scratching at the floor. I thought maybe he got sick (since he scratches after that)... but what do I find on the floor?

    He peed in the living room, right next to the chair.

    He has never done this in his 8 years.

    After we're done scrubbing away, I notice him scratching at the landing. I go over to investigate and low and behold, he peed on the landing.

    It wasn't much pee - just a little each time.

    Aside from assuming that we'll be paying the vet a visit, we thought of what could be wrong. He was rubbing at our legs afterwards and scratching while meowing at us.

    The litter was a little low in their boxes. We went out and bought two huge containers and refilled the boxes. The hubby took Tash down to the litter after all this and Tash peed right in the litter. After that, we didn't see him do it again last evening.

    Could it possibly have been that he was trying to tell us that he wasn't happy with the litter? I'm going to keep an eye on him and obviously if he does it again, we'll get him checked out.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    if he's only peeing a small amount I'd worry about either a UTI or stones (although stones he'd definitely be showing some distress). UTIs hurt and the animal will only pass a small amount of urine, they still have to go so they go a little more. Sometimes they associate the litterbox with discomfort and will avoid using it.
    He should see a vet soon cause if it is this you're gonna have to be lots of Nature's Miracle
  3. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I'm surprised that he didn't meow when going (if it's stones or a UTI) - our other cat had a UTI and she wailed when she went to the bathroom. Also, when she had it and we took her to the litter, she ran and peed back upstairs.

    Either way, we plan on the vet. But, when it happened last night, no one was open. I'm going to see what the house is like today after work and make a decision from there.
  4. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Sorry to hear about Tash. Hopefully it was a one-time thing and just the litterbox like you suggested. I know my cat starting peeing on the floor just after she was diagnosed with diabetes. But unless there are any other signs of diabetes (sudden weight loss, ravenous appetite), I wouldn't expect it to be that.

    Keep us posted.
  5. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member


    I've worried about diabetes. He's overweight and getting older. I know lots of drinking is one sign - I never thought about the going outside the box.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    It's sad to think - he's 8 - he's becoming a senior citizen. I just keep telling myself that he can live into his 20's - so he has a long way to go.
  6. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    My Motley didn't start peeing outside the litter box until well into the disease.

    How is he tonight?
  7. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Well, last night he started to try it again. I think he went only a couple drops on the carpet. But, the other cats could smell it so they all gathered around the spot and started to sniff it.

    We had a bottle of Nature's Miracle, but it ended up being empty. So, I moved a chair over the spot (after we cleaned it) to keep them from smelling the spot and and getting more ideas.

    I tried to call a couple vets last night but they were all closed or don't have appointments for over a week. So, I have to figure out how to get him in somewhere soon (without paying emergency fees). That's today's task.
  8. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I hope you can get him in quicker than a week.....poor kitty. They are usually telling us something when they change their behavior like this. Only way the can get our attention - usually works too
  9. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I agree, Mary - I know he's telling us something. I hate that vets are like doctors and you have to wait forever to get in. I've been on hold for the past 20 min. with one vet and I think they just hung up on me....
  10. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    That sucks. I hope you get in soon. Here the vets are actually really good. I only got charged an emergency fee once and that was because it was midnight on a Sunday. They ended up waiving it when I got my final bill because it ended up being about $1000.

    Good luck with Tash and keep us posted. I've got my fingers crossed for you!
  11. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I've got my fingers crossed as well. Poor little guy :? Let us know how it goes.
  12. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Thanks, guys

    I got him in today at 1:45. I guess I lucked out and found an opening from someone else canceling.

    My work isn't happy, but I don't have a choice - they'll live.

    I had to call in the reinforcements since Tash is 18 pounds of defiant muscle. It's a two person job to get him in the carrier. So, my mother (Sunset05) is coming to the resuce to help out. With the two of us, we should be able to get him in a carrier with only minor flesh wounds.

    I'll get the bactine ready for us humans (do people still use bactine? I haven't seen it in years)...

    Anyway, we got him in today, I couldn't ask for anything better.
  13. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Great news! :eek:

    If you put the carrier with the opening towards the ceiling and slide the cat in with the butt first it's supposed to be easier. I've never tried it but it's worth a shot :wink:
  14. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    When i worked at Animal Control there was always some cats that didnt wanna go in the carrier and had an attitude. My most effective technique was getting a good grip high up on the scruff with my left hand and holding their back legs together with my right and supporting a heavy butt with my right arm. Then have your mom steady an open upright carrier while you drop him in feet first and quickly shut the door. Have your mom ready to unhook grabbing front paws from the side of the carrier. Good luck!
  15. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I solved the litterbox insertion dilemna :roll:
    I got a soft-sided top-loading model. I can get them in now slick as can be with minimal damage done to my flesh.
    You should be sitting in the waiting room now - can't wait to hear how he is
  16. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Well, we're back.

    Loading him into the carrier wasn't that bad. I locked us in the bathroom (to avoid escape) and loaded him into a soft-sided carrier. He didn't catch on right away and he kind of went limp. So, I was able to push all his dead weight into the carrier.

    The only problem we had was that as soon as I loaded him in, he figured out it was a BAD thing to be in that carrier. So, before I could zipper it up, he fought for his life to get out of it.

    That's where my mother came to the rescue. I had to keep pushing the poor thing's face and body back into the carrier while she zippered it.

    We got to the vet and listened to the big brute cry like a little baby. The vet couldn't find his bladder at first and took him to get an ultrasound to find the bladder to get a sample (I never heard of that).

    Several minutes later, the vet came back and said he got a sample (he ended up finding the bladder without the ultrasound). He said that there was just a little blood in the urine. He said the white blood cells were slightly elevated. I guess everything pointed to the beginning on an infection.

    The doctor said it seems like I caught this infection very early. (That, or it's a behavioral issue. But, we're not going to worry about that until we get him his meds. Nothing in our house has changed in a year so I hope it's physical and not behavioral - that would be much harder to tackle).

    Anyhow, we're back and Tash spend the day washing the vet smell off.
  17. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Yep, that is what happened. I hope this will clear up the problem. Poor Tash. What a unhappy experience....going to the Vet.

    When we got him home, he didn't run and hide from me (he runs and hides from everyone). He must have sensed that I was there to help him. Made me feel good. :)
  18. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I'm happy to hear that it doesn't sound like anything too major (knock on wood). Hopefully the antibiotics will do the trick and he'll be back to normal soon. Poor guy. I hate taking the kids to the vet - I always feel so guilty about it!
  19. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I hope he feels better real soon!
  20. vene

    vene New Member

    Hope you feel better soon Tash! :m10:

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