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What is the absolute best????

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by catwoman, Jun 25, 2005.

  1. catwoman

    catwoman New Member

    We have a HUGE dog. We think he *might* have some wolf in him, but that is not for sure. We got him from a shelter back where we use to live. He is enormous.

    We think he is probably samoyed, husky, shepherd or part wolf. Anyway, he has roaming privileges. We live on 8 rural acres. We have a creek that runs back behind our house. He loves to go down to the creek. But today, my husband pulled about 50 ticks off of him. He had so many, he lost track. He probably gets them from going through the tall weeds back by the creek.

    So, I need to know what is the absolute best remedy for ticks. He weighs about 160 pounds. His head is about the size of a St. Bernards. Who knows, he may have that in him as well.

    The only reason I am stressing how big he is, is I need something that can handle that big of a dog, plus his hair is really really thick, like a samoyed.

    Our vet swears by Frontline. But I was wondering what some other folks think. Is Frontline better than Advantix?

    I know some of you do a natural remedy, but I want something that is really gonna work.

    Thank you
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    if you have that many ticks and your vet likes frontline thats what I would use, and because they can carry yucky diseases.

    we have a season of ticks here that lasts about 4 months. my dogs are short hair and light colored so its easy to pick them as soon as they come in, because they almost alwasy crawl to their head and easy to spot.
  3. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

    Wow!!! Congratulations on your baby!!! I'd love to see some pics of him, and I'm sure I'm not the only one... :mrgreen:

    Ticks? Yes, Frontline is the best. I have 8 German Shepherds and I'm yet to see any crawling creature on their backs... and they're all on Frontline.

    But if you have such an infestation (50+ is no joke), I would take him to the vet and have him bathed AND dipped. This will take care of the filthy pests right on spot.
  4. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Boy I'm glad I haven't had that problem. Down here in Texas one "benifit" of the invasion of fire ants is that they substantially reduce tick populatons but I would not wish fire ants on anybody.
    Here is a link to some good comparative information.
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Frontline, its been around in Europe a lot longer than in US and I have never heard or seen any side effects apart from if you put it on too low down the back and they can lick it it may cause a little hypersalivation. I think if they dont have it in that high a dosage (its dosed by weight) you can couple a it with a lower dose to get the correct amount, definitely go with your vet on that though.

    Just my opinion.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    egads, I missed the part abut 50 ticks :shock: :shock: . definately try the medicine, poor thing thats got to hurt pulling all of those off

  7. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I didn't know fireants reduced ticks! I'd better stop treating those ant beds--I probably just chase them over to the neighbors anyway lol.
  8. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    When dealing with that heavy of a tick population, I've found that the spot on products can't do an adequate job. The best thing I've found for that is a Preventick collar. But it ONLY treats for ticks. Will not control fleas at all.
  9. catwoman

    catwoman New Member

    The absolute best for ticks

    How do you upload an image? Is the only way to show an image is to pay $9.99 per image? That seems pretty expensive.

    If anyone can let me know, I'd love to show a picture of the big guy (his name is Hall).

  10. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    What is a Preventick collar? Do you use them w/frontline??? Can your dog have both the frontine and this collar???

    Where do you get one?? I have never seen them around here?

    Sounds like something I would be very interested in.

  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I used to use the preventic collars, they work very well. I used them in ombo with the sentinel, which is a heatworm/flea medicine.
    The reason I stopped using the collars is so far our tick season hasnt been bad at all this year and because I can see them very easily to be picked off.

    I was going to recommend it but thought the collar wasnt as strong as the frontline.

  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I used to use the preventic collars, they work very well. I used them in ombo with the sentinel, which is a heatworm/flea medicine.
    The reason I stopped using the collars is so far our tick season hasnt been bad at all this year and because I can see them very easily to be picked off.

    I was going to recommend it but thought the collar wasnt as strong as the frontline.

  13. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    To show a photo in your post you first have to have that image posted on some website. There are many free sites out there.
    Once you have it posted on a web site: copy the link to the image. Then in your post first click the Img button, paste in the link, then re-click on what will now be the /Img button.
    To see if you were successful Preview your post before you Submit.
    The other method to show people an image is to just copy and paste the link. To see the image all you have to do is click on the link. Heres and example of one of my images:
  14. catwoman

    catwoman New Member

    A picture of the big guy

    Here goes. I have no idea if I've created this website correctly, but I'll give it a try. Hope you can see his picture. The picture is from a year or so ago, and he is actually even bigger. And a lot blonder too.


    The only way I know to get the picture to work is to just copy my website URL and then once you are there, click on the photo album.

    If I am not doing this right, please let me know. I will be adding more pictures, I have several dogs and cats. Didn't know dogs could live in a cat's lair did you :lol:
  15. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    OK you got the link to your site posted OK but you can take it one step beyond by linking directly to the image like this:
    http://www.catwomanslair.zoomshare.com/ ... /thumb.jpg
    I got this direct link by right clicking on the photo of Hall. That opens a menu box where I selected Properties. You may have to expand the Properties box to full screen to see the entire link address. In the Properties Box you will see a Location line that contains the direct link to the photo. By copying and pasting that link between the Img..../Img tags you can post the photo directly in your message like this:

    Finally, it looks like the size of that image would be OK to use as your Avitar. That is the small photo that will appear under your user name everytime you post a message. To create your Avitar link click on the Profile at the top of the Auspet page to open your personal profile. At the very bottom of your Profile page is a box to enter a link to an off-site image. Just copy the long link to Hall's photo into that space.
    Once you get this process down it will be easy. Everyone here had problems initially figuring this out.

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