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What brought you here?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by halaroo, Jun 26, 2005.

  1. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I'm sure we've done this before, but it's been awhile....

    I came to auspet when Moe got an abscess at the base of her tail. I had been through the pilling process many times before with very little success. I was looking for new ideas on different methods for administering her antibiotics. I ended up lurking for awhile until I finally joined up.

    So, what brought you here?
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    A few years ago one of my Aunt's cats was having a hard to solve litter box issue, so I went online to see if I could get any helpful info for her. I came across Auspet (the old boards) and posted the cat issue question. A member called Fleafly gave some good advice and I've been here ever since. I miss Fleafly! She has not been here in so long. I know she was going to university, so she's very busy. I hope she and all of her cats (she had 16-18 cats) are all doing well.
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I came in through the fish forum then found my way over here in the cat forum.

  4. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    When I adopted Booger last year, I hadn't had a kitty in my life for about 15 years and I was looking for iup to date nfo on good health care and stumbled onto this board and been living here ever since :)
  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I was looking for info on how old a kitten should be before being allowed outside. Kyrre was driving me crazy with his vandalism inside :mrgreen:
  6. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    I was going insane looking for someone to help me figure out why my kittens wheren't using the litter box. The Websites helped me alittle, but talking to a person that had gone through it before was so much easier to understand. This was also my fist time I had to deal with a super picky cat(Sierra) and she was driving me up the wall.
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I also got here through the fish forum...seems there aren't many of them on the worldwide web
  8. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I also came looking for help with Copper's litterbox/spraying issues. You guys are nice and I like it here! :D
  9. I_Miss_Baz

    I_Miss_Baz New Member

    I did a search for cat and kitten boards and found this one. There are not very many that have active posting on the.

    I know I don't post much (I just don't feel that I have much to add), but I do enjoy reading all the posts, and I have learned a lot.
  10. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well i came here when i did a seach about my cat Garfield who had been (we thought) hit by a car but ended up getting attacked by some dogs and had a broken pelvis and refused to eat, and while i was researching on the web bout cats w/ broken pelvis' i decided to try a mess. board and see if anyone else had the same issuse or similar to, and get some advise.. And ive never left after that!!! ( besides having computer problems lol)
  11. wildflower_131

    wildflower_131 New Member

    I was doing a search on kittens with heart murmurs when i cam across this site!
  12. nern

    nern New Member

    I was doing a search on pet forums when I came across Auspet.
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    I had just gotten over severe postpartum depression in 2003 and needed a distraction to get back on track. Auspet has been a Godsend. I've been here ever since and have gotten great advice and support for my both my kitties and myself. I'm very lucky to have met such a great group of people and am very honorned to make such terrific friends! Besides, who can resist the super cute kitty photos and contests? :mrgreen:
  14. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    My daughter lucidity told me about it. She would tell me about some of the topics, and since I love cats, she said I should try it sometime. So I thought I would. Now this is my favorite place to come. Everyone is so nice and it is so much fun to see all the beautiful kitties and to talk with other people who love cats.
  15. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Last summer I found a 2 day old kitten and needed advice on the many problems that I faced. I came across auspet while searching on google I think. Auspet really is a godsend, so many nice people with such good advice. I solved my problems and got a lot of encouragment.

    Thanks once again everyone :0018:
  16. Well Obviousely im new here but i already love it. I actually was just looking up cat/pet forums and this came up. I did it mainly because I like to talk about my boys and also for advice on their litter box issue. Like i said before i love it already :).
  17. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I came here sort of through the dog forum. I had a dog for a couple fleeting months a couple years ago. I was desperate for advice and did a search on dog forums for advice.

    I jumped over the the cats forums and have been here ever since.
  18. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    I dont remember how i got here..probably something to do w/ my 2 little buggers Romeo and Caesar....and their case of ringworm and cat flu when i took them home..
  19. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    I got here when i was doing a search to get info on fish. I already belonged to a couple of rodent forums, but i noticed the cat forum and i've been hooked for almost a year now :)

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