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Mercury has an attitude problem.........

Discussion in 'Horses - all breeds / types' started by CockatielCrazy87, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Mercury my usually well behaved 5 month old filly out of Venus by Aragorn not by choice she was a oops foal from the rescue.Anyways she is usually very good I work her on the longe and she responds well.Well I don't know if it has been the nice weather or what but she had been a regular terror. We havent been letting her get away with it but she's even having a hard time in a join up. She is extremly exciteable not wanting to listen and just trying to push her way around. She is always corrected but still....... She is out in the pasture a good amount of the day running off energy. She has just been really hyper even getting on her moms nerves and I tell you what none of the mature horses are taking any of her bs. I work in Horse Whispering and just knowing the horse and working with it with different herbs and oils im still learning though. The guy who is actually my mentor and helped teach me how to join up in the first place will be coming out this weekend to access Mercury and tell me what he thinks.

    Since she is overly exhuberent for a join up it is quite a stumping situation and i don't use crops or whips or spurs on my horses. She is extremly smart she has a very intellegent head bright alert eyes small alert ears. she is turning into quite the diva and im hoping to stop it soon. I know she is just being a filly but she is definatly forgeting her manners.

    Any advice would be great
    This was mainly just a vent though
  2. meme

    meme New Member

    I think you are doing a great job she will probubly just need to be reminded about how to act and this weather probubly is not helping.

    you said you use join up I have used that on my horse before but now I forget the steps and I think I should try it again can you up date me on that. 8)
  3. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    Well...it's good that you're having someone come and take a look at her. I'm sure the weather is a huge culprit in this behavoir, my horse bit me the other day and he's never done that, i think he was over excited about some new things. (tho he certainly got into trouble)
  4. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    I think you have a 5 month old baby who's probably just being a baby. Maybe you're asking for more than she's capable of giving simply because she's just a baby. Do you play with her? Are you making your sessions fun? All work and no play can give any horse an attitude, but especially one that's that young.

    Try to figure out some games that are educational at the same time. You can't let her 'win' when she's throwing a tantrum, but there are games you can come up with where she can 'win' and at the same time learn to be more respectfull of your space.

    But most of all, ease up and let her be a baby. At this age, any training session should be short and sweet. When you get a positive response, no matter how little it is, call it good and play with her a bit.
  5. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    I do play with her and don't ask too much of her but I do work with her once a day. She has been better lately after my friend and mentor came out to work with her. She is behaving properly not lead again and on the longe. She is going to be a biiiiig girl and have been told before she may be a very stallion or gelding looking mare in her future as she is a big girl. She loves a new game we play and it is serousely like feth only she makes ME fetch lol. I give her my handkerchief and she loves this has sense she was a little one i think she just likes the feeling of it on her teeth and learned that tossing it gets a reaction. So now everytime i give her one she will toss it perk her ears and then i give it back to her and she does it again its pretty cute. She's a little trouble maker but we lover her.
  6. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    You may be working with her for too long of a time period. This is a common mistake people make with a youngster. Time can really fly before you notice it when working with a horse, and trying to get something accomplished. 5 months is very young, and she's going to be testing you for some time to come. Her attention span is VERY SHORT at this age. Only work with her for short periods - maybe 20 minutes would be enough. If you want, you can work with her for two short periods twice a day. When you get a positive response from her, stop the session right then. Always end on a good note.
  7. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Well I only work her for 19 minutes a day as i do know that foals have a short attention span and we do always end on a good note. i do not ask to much of her I know this because she is now behaving again and nothing has changed in our daily routine. I still feel she needs a younger horse playmate but thats not something i can fix other then playing with her myself which i can't do 24/7 which is what she wants me to do.

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