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Hell New here! with my cats~

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by SebastionNRooneysMom, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. Hello im Samantha and im new im 16 (17 in August!!!!). I recently got two orange tabby and white 12 week old male kittens named Sebastion and Rooney and yes their brothers. Their happy healthy (except for a small cold in both both their eyes but their not congested or lethargic and are actually getting better) and chubby boys. A bit about them both.

    Sebastion- Sebastion is the bigger of the two in he's a big taller by a couple inches and he's a bit fatter. Sebastion is more one to cuddle of to you and nap and enjoy a good pat. He's playful but not as playful as Rooney who is whirlwind in himself lol. His has more whit on him then tabby and has green gold eyes.

    Rooney- Rooney is a bit smaller like i said but just as healthy and a piglet. Rooney can be a lover and can cuddle but he will only do this when HE wants to :roll: . He's a hyper little guy who loves to play and when he sleeps its like a coma lol! He's got less white on him then Bastion and is the less dominant of the two.

    Both are going to be Neutered in a couple weeks if not sooner as we are in the process of moving. I have a quick question. The women we got the kittens from told us they were litter box trained. We did'nt have a litter box with them home for the first 3-4 hours and they ended up going on a rug which is understandable. My mom bought a regular pan litter box and some weird pellet like litter called Feline Pine well the kittens don't seem to like it and have gone outside the litter box. I have tried picking up the poop and taking it and the kittens in to the litter box and showing it to them this does get their interest and they do run their paws through it. Sebastion and Rooney did great last night no accidents (this is their third day here btw) this earlier Bastion pooped on my moms rug. Whil I was showing him the litter pan and the poop in it my mom tells me to come quick that Rooney was ready to go right where Sebastion went! So I ran in just in time grabbed Rooney and he went in the litter box! He did'nt seem to understand that type of litter though and just pawed the sides of the litter box but he did go inside which was good!

    Any advice would be great just to help them get used to it all. I know its new place but still its a tough one. Alright well thanks :).
  2. Oh I forgot also Rooney has one green eye and one blue eye!
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Hi, and welcome to the cat forum :D

    The litter box issue could be that they don't like the litter you are using. If I were you I'd change that first thing and see how they react to that. Maybe you can ask the woman you got them from what kind they are used to, and I'm sure other people here have great advice on litter for you. I've heard good things about Dr. something precious cat litter (I live in Norway, so we have different brands...) Things might also get better as soon as they start setteling in a little more in your new home. If that doesn't work you should take them to a vet to rule out any medical issues, but to me it sounds like their marking their new territorry :roll:
    I've never had this problem myself, but I know others here have so I'm sure you'll get tons of good advice :wink:

    Do you have pictures of Sebastion and Rooney?
  4. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Welcome! Sounds like you have your hands full. Now that you've joined here, you are obligated to post pictures, you know! They sound gorgeous!

    I've never had any litterbox problems, but maybe you should try switching to regular (non-clumping) cat litter and see how the boys like it. Sometimes cats don't appreciate big changes we make, and since they probably have a lot to adjust to in their new homes, they're likely overwhelmed.

    Someone else will pop on here soon with some more advice, I'm sure. Good luck in the meantime!
  5. Thanks and nice to meet you two :D . I will get pics on here as soon as i cna I don't have a camera right now but i plan on getting one soon as they are so cute.

    I talked to my mom and she has agreed to change their litter which is a good thing. Their pretty laid back boys that when their not sleeping their running around like maniacs wrestling and chasing each other or playing with me :).
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    any clay litter will do - don't use clumping litter with kittens and especially after their neuter (can get into the incision).
    They sound like cuties.
    One thing...you'll have to get rid of the smell on the rugs cause they can smell themselves there (even if we can't) and continue to use that spot.
    Nature's Miracle is good to remove smells, as is a product at WalMart called out (and much cheaper but works fine).
    Can't wait to see pictures
  7. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Hi and welcome.

    My cats and I hate the Natural Pine litter. I would recommend changing that pronto and pick up that rug. Even though we can't smell any odors they can!
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    Welcome and congrats on your new kitties! :D

    I too think changing the litter would probably solve the problem. I loved Feline Pine but my cats did'nt....they avoided using it as much as they could so I quit trying to force them.

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