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Topic for kitties only

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by sunset05, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Hi. This is Mittens. Mommy left the room to answer the phone so I thought I would hurry and post my own topic and hope no mommies or daddies look at it.

    I was wondering what you do when your mommy and daddy are out? Do they find out about it? Maybe it will give us some ideas to have our own fun. :lol:

    When Socks and I are alone I like to jump up on the kitchen counter next to the sink and look out the window (I'm not allowed to do that). Socks is lookout for me so if someone pulls into the driveway, she gives me a warning meow. I don't always get away with this, though, since sometimes the curtain is moved a little and mommy notices that.

    Mommy's coming back. Gotta go. I'll try to sneak in later to see your answers and tell you more if I can.

    Meow, mew, meow (you kitties know what that means)
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Hi Mittens! This is Moe. I like to sleep on the table cloth (it's so clean looking and comfortable) or on the counter. I try to get off as soon as I hear the key in the door, but sometimes I'm in the middle of a wonderful sleep that I forget. Mommy has a hard time getting mad at me though cause I'm so cute. Sometimes she can tell that I've been on the table even when I get down before she sees me. I think I need to convince her to buy a black table cloth so my fur doesn't show up....

    Artemis likes to sleep on Daddy's laptop. It lets off a really warm breeze. For some reason Daddy doesn't like that. :0011: Humans are weird.

    Oh, I just remembered my other favourite place: a basket full of freshly folded clean laundry! There's nothing else like it!
  3. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Hi Mittens, this is Booger typing. I used to jump up onto the kitchen table but I've learned that it's a pretty boring place so I hardly ever do that anymore. And I used to jump up on the kitchen counter to get a drink of water from the faucet but since mommy bought me my very own drinking fountain, I haven't had to do that anymore either. Mommy pretty much lets me go anywhere I want so I am lucky and don't have to sneak around.
  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Hi, this is Kyrre! I'm going to let you in on a little secret... When mom and dad are away I sometimes like to sleep on the living room table. Shhhh :-$ Mom doesn't know about it :mrgreen: Sometimes I leave behind lots of withe hairs and dirt on her dark table cloth, she must be blind since she never notice it :roll:
  5. Hi there Mittens :D Rooney here! I like to be real naughty when my mommy and grandma are out I like to climb up on the table put my paws up on the birds cage and look in. When I do this when mommy is home i get sprayed! Can you beleive it!? My big brother Sebastion is usually my look out and will sit on the floor watching me watch the bird and when he hears a noise goes running to the door to distract my mom and grandma with how cute he is while i have time to get down off the wicker table.
  6. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Hi Mittens this is Copper. Sabrina is off sleeping somewhere legit like the goodie-four-paws she is. When Mom's not here I like to sleep on the dining table. She just put in a ceiling fan right above it and that breeze sure feels good. I don't think she knows I sleep up there either but she does seem confused when the table cloth is shifted around a bit. Once I didn't hear her come in and she walked right by me--I guess I blended in to the tablecloth! Sabrina just sleeps in the chair. She never does anything wrong. :roll: Oh and I also like to pick at my big sisters. Brie is the funnest to swat at. She gets so mad and tries to chase me but I can go over those silly baby gates. :wink: See ya later!
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    dis be Zeus. I's don't do nothin when my meowmy and pawpaw are gone than I wouldn't do when they are home.
    I sleep a lot when they are gone cause it's so boring with all these girl catz in da house. They don't play wid me :cry: I want a friend that'll play wid me but pawpaw tells meowmy no more kitties. Maybe she'd get anunder boy cat to foster. I keep my claws crossed (all 28 of them) that she wills but she always gets those uppidity girl catz
  8. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Meow, Meow Mittens....

    Kitters here. I'm turning out to be the only bold one when mom and dad are gone. Zoe chases me around the house for fun. But, she does it in my parents' plain sight!

    I love to climb the screens in the house. We don't have air conditioning so mom leaves the windows slightly open for us during the day. I don't think she caught on that it's my claw marks in the screen.

    Chloe, Tash, and Boris are too lazy to do anything wrong. I think I saw Boris jump on the kitchen counter the other day, though.

    Oh yea, me and Zoe looovvveee to sharpen our claws on the living room chair. We have a great kitty condo, but it's just not the same. I love the feel of chair fabric between my claws.
  9. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    This is Mittens again. You guys have given me some good ideas. It is so much fun to cause havoc.

    I do lie on the dining room table once in awhile, too. I'm not allowed up there either. I don't think they know I do it when they are gone but sometimes when I'm sort of angry at mommy and daddy, I get up there on purpose while they are watching just to irritate them. I can be so cute though that they get over it fast and pet me and scratch my ears. I have them in the palm of my paw.

    Oh, here is Socks. She wants to say something.

    Hi. This is Socks. I'm a good kitty. I don't do much but sleep when they are gone. Although when I'm unhappy because they left me I put my glitter balls places, like on their bed or beside my food bowls or in the hallway, just to make a statement that I don't like them leaving. I guess they just don't get it since they still go out and leave me. Sometimes when mommy picks up the glitter balls she giggles. I don't know what that means.

    Mittens and Socks here saying goodby for now. Like chatting with you other kitties.
  10. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Hi, it's Moe again. I just remembered something that I love doing. I only do it when Mommy is home though because it freaks her out. I love to climb the shelving in the storage room, get past the "blockade" that Daddy put up, and climb inside the unfinished part of the ceiling. Then I like to meow or scratch to let my mom know that I'm up there. It's so funny watching her freak out and try to coax me down. I don't know what she's worried about?!

    When I come down, she makes my dad try to block off the ceiling again. I love the new challenges of trying to get around the barricade.
  11. luna

    luna New Member

    hey everybody this is shadow. when mommys gone i like to sleep on the table and grandmas desk. i also like to go threw the garbage to get the dog, abby, in trouble. i also enjoy sitting in the window and yelling at mommy when she gets home. but what is most fun is when i get under the vent that goes to mommys room and meow and get louder and louder. when mommy come down and brings me upstairs i escape from her and run back down stairs an start all over again.

    buster doesnt do any thing all he does is sleep and he never gets into anything, except that one time grandma was soing something and he got on the table and slept in it. or the time he escaped into the garage and made mommy look for him for a half hour.he does not make a good watch cat cuz all he does is sit there and he never gives a warning when someones comming or distracts them, all he does is sit there an watch me get in trouble.

    uh oh..... mommys comming! gotz to go!
  12. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    Hey everyone, this is Sierra. Man, what we DONT to when mom and dad are out! Our favorite place is in the bathroom, where there is this really big roll of soft paper to play with. I like to unravel the whole roll and roll around in it or sometimes run with it all throughout the house. Just watch out for the big white bowl of water! :shock:
    Kali is such a goodie-goodie. She always tells me its a bad idea to try and get up on the entertainment center to look outside, or play with the paper roll. She's such a suck up to mommy, cuddling up next to her at night instead of trying to help me catch those big mice under the covers! I think she's up to something...

    Uh oh, I've been found out! gotta gooooooortsdlfkn;wwe
  13. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Hi everyone. This is Sabrina. But my friends call me Miss Brina. I am very grateful to live here and I try not to do anything to make that lady yell. Unlike that orange guy--he sprays everything. I just shake my head and tell him "you're gonna make her yell and throw things". But he doesn't care. I lived on the streets and it ain't fun. He just doesn't know what it's like to not know where your next meal is coming from. And we get good stuff now. Except she picks is up at night. What's up with that? It's pretty nice here except when those little people come over but that's not too often. And I wish that orange guy would do better with the litter box. Geez, I have to use them too. He doesn't even cover up his stuff. I have to go in there and cover it for him! And his aim is terrible. I guess I'd better go. HE thinks this desk is his...

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