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I was jumped by a stray Rott this weekend

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by DMikeM, Jun 28, 2005.

  1. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I didn't get hurt but it sure was startling. I was doing yard work trying to get my lawn to fill in, when Dowser started growling and staring at my VW up in the driveway. I couldn't see anything so I went up the steps and out the gate and stepped in between my truck and the VW and standing there was a male rottwieler. I never had problems with dogs so I slowely kneeled down and offered him my hand backside up and spoke in a calm quiet voice. "Hi boy it's ok" He jumped right at my face, all teeth and nails. I got my hands up and was able to get his neck and managed to kick him off.
    He ran down the street then out of sight. I didn't get any bites and only a minor scratch on my chest.
    I called the sherrifs and let them know and they said they would cruise the area and let animal control know. They stopped by and took some info but never saw the dog.
    There are 2 Rotts on my street but I don't think this is either one of them.
    I don't really hold anything against the dog only because I think I scared the daylights out of him when I showed up between the cars. But the damn owner needs his butt kicked. It also made me realize that my dogs are much bigger than I percieved them to be. Especially the heads like you all say.
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    oh, I am glad you are ok, was this one bigger or smaller than yours?
    Which Btw how are they? Have they recovered from that nasty scratch?
  3. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Thanks, me too.
    He seemed much smaller than my dogs, and his head was really small compared to Dowser.

    All my dogs are doing very well all wounds seem to be healed up. Dowser had 3 flare up on his leg but the last one must have got whatever it was out.
    The boys actually take playfull jumps and bites at each other now, which is very good to see. Duncan has packed on a few pounds since the fight and being fixed but he looks healthy. He might be 90 pounds now.
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    glad to hear you are okay,

    like you say you may have just startled the dog, and you are lucky it could have been worse, I have had that happened before it was only a small bengi dog in a parking lot. I bent down and said " good boy" he had a collar with a tag on and i tried to grab it and he bit me, luckily it didnt break the skin.

    So now I am extremely more cautous when I approach a loose dog
  5. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I suppose I will be a bit more cautous myself from now on.
    You know that look a dog gets when you catch them chewing up your shoes or remote? That rott had the same look and I should have known better I guess. But I didn't want to yell and take a chance of setting him off so I chose the friendly mode instead. I sure as heck wasn't gonna run. LOL.
  6. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Oh my, I am glad you are okay. Things could have been much worse. Hopefully you scared the dog into submission and he won't go galavanting around your neighbourhood any more. :shock:
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Was your body turned sideways to him, or front on? Sometimes being sideways helps, but probably not in this case. I'm so glad you weren't hurt!

    Yes, your boys have VERY big heads!! LOL.
  8. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    For some reason, Rotts HATE me. I had no trouble with most other breeds, but when I'd go into an exam room at work to take temps, give vaccines, etc., it seemed that every Rott had it in for me. I had one leap into the air at my throat when I entered the room. If the owner hadn't jerked him back down (he was leashed, thank goodness!) he would have had me by the throat. He missed me by bare inches. I shudder to think of how bad it could have been.

    Yep, I know what you mean by "that look." Its unmistakeable. And you know that if you make even the smallest move, that dog is going to go for you. And dogs with "that look" aren't messing around - they mean business. I second what Honeybears said - except I'll be extreme and say NEVER approach a loose dog. Its not worth it.
  9. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I was facing him dead on and in a small space, between 2 cars, maybe 3.5 to 4 feet wide.
    I found red marks on my chest arms and some bruising on my hand and right forearm this morning and a small break in the skin on top of my hand that I don't remember doing. I guess I had ahold of him longer than I though. It seemed like a second or two before I was able to throw him off. Must have been several seconds to give me these marks.
    I just don't remember any pain, until this morning.
  10. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I have been bit by 2 Dobermans, 1 Chow Chow, 1 Cocker Spaniel, 1 Chauah (SP, damn ankle biter), 1 GSD and one of my old Pits. The worst was my old Dobie/Lab when he was attacked by raccons and I tried to catch him to fix him up. He tore my arm, thumb and my finger. He had to be put down right away because his wounds were horrible. I don't fault him for the bites.
    I don't think any breed bites more than any other, there may just be more of a certian breed that people like and therefore there are greater numbers of that breed. Increasing the statistics for bites from that breed.

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