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These fleas are driving me batty

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by rcrgal31, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    What can i use to kill them..i have tried collars..which all 3 hate..and now am trying hartz flea, tick and mosquitoe drops..but the fleas just seem to move to the kitties faces...and dont seem affected by the drops?? HELP!!
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Go to your vet and get some Frontline. My theory on flea collars is all they do is chase the fleas to the other end of the cat, Ive seen too many cats come in with horrific ulcers on their mouths and tongues after trying to get the flea collars off and they get stuck. As for over the counter liquids that you put on your pet Ive seen too many overdosed or have bad allergic type reactions to them...or they just dont work. Frontline is about the safest you can get, the worst I know of with that is if the pet can reach around and lick it, it can cause some hypersalivation, I think cats can get an injectable form of it now though....they can in UK. There are some posters in here that use all natural remedies though that seem to work well, maybe they will see this post and give you information on that.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    DO NOT USE HAARTZ.....it kills cats.
    It is being taken off the market at the end of the year
    Flea collars are useless.
    Instead of spending money on the above stuff go to the vet and get either Frontline or Advantage. You can spend tons of money on crap or buy something that is known to work
    again STAY AWAY FROM HAARTZ....this stuff is dangerous and should have been banned years ago - finally the FDA is stepping in and getting it off the market
  4. I_Miss_Baz

    I_Miss_Baz New Member

    Amen to the Hartz stuff....

    Just a word to the wise here, once you get them off your cats, you also have to take of where they are coming from. When we had them, we had to flesa dip the cats, have someone come in and spray the house and also treat the yard. *knock on wood* it's worked.

    Good luck!
  5. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    do your cats go outside or do you have a dog that goes in and out? I think the easiest way to start getting things under control would be to try the Frontline, but within a few days of application, start treating your house too. Even tho the fleas in the house will die if they jump back on your cats while the Frontline is still working, you dont want any sneaky flea eggs laying around that might cause a problem later. Stick a flea collar in your vacuum cleaner bag to kill whatever fleas, eggs you vacuum up and be sure to wash any cloth areas where the cats have been including, couches, blankets, bedding, rugs, etc. You may want to even confine the cats to an uncarpeted area for awhile after you apply the Frontline and while you are cleaning. There's a natural product called Fleabusters that you can try that is sposed to be safe.http://www.fleabuster.com/

    I personally don't like the idea of using Frontline or other once a month chemical treatments on the skin when there are no fleas presenting an issue. I've been lucky enough that the entire time i've had Vianne, i've never once had a flea issue with her and she does go outside for jogs with me in the neighborhood.....and i dont use any flea control on her at all. Just a holistic diet, multivitamins and good grooming with a flea comb and regular baths. I have an herbal flea powder i made with ground rosemary, yellow dock and fennel, but i've never needed to use it. But if you want immediate results for getting the situation under control quickly, I also think you should pick up some Frontline...especially if you have indoor/outdoor cats. Some pet stores will even sell it in single doses, tho its more expensive that way. Each box holds 3 doses i believe. Good luck :y_the_best:
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    I use Advantage when I need to. I also have a flea comb so I can check them for fleas. I've only put Advantage on them once so far this year and no fleas so far.
  7. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    k i will try the advantage...but no none of my pets go outside..so i dont know how they got in...
  8. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    fleas can come in on someone else's clothing. Or if you visited someone whose pets might have fleas you could have brought a "visitor" home with you.
    I remember years ago a friend gave me a pair of jeans that didn't fit her any longer. I got them home and when I went to toss them into the washer I saw fleas jump off them!!!! Right into the trash in the garage they went.
  9. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    ok i ordered a 6 month supply of frontline plus...which for me is really a 2 month supply..so it should be here mon or tues..i cant wait..i feel so bad for my babies!! and me ouch!!

    and of course we ordered lots of toys for them bc i feel so bad they had to wait on the flea products..
  10. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    whoohoo it arrived today..and they are all frontlined..now to start the battle of the house cleaning..grrrrr
  11. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    wow that stuff works fast...all 3 were asleep in the bath tub this am...surrounded by dead fleas..thanks guys..now to just get em out of the carpets and furniture

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