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I got my first foster

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Rene, Jun 29, 2005.

  1. Rene

    Rene New Member

    i got my first foster with the united yorkie rescue he is such a little doll his name is tweedie he is 13 years old and weighs 3.2 pounds.(my cats are way bigger then him lol) he needs to have mouth surgery cuz all his teeth rotted out and he need to be fixed but other then that he is my healthy little old man

  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    he looks so cute!! good luck with finding him a new home!!
  3. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    He is very cute. Good luck!
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    great news renee, I hope you find a good home for him, wow 13, how did he becme in the rescue
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    What a little cutie! I think I would like to rescue seniors as well.
  6. Rene

    Rene New Member

    lol my cats and other 2 yorkies are wondering if i'm EVER going to stop bringing other pets home lol. Tweedie's mom was an elderly lady that lived with her grand daughter for the last 9 years tweedie and her got in a car accident and his mom didnt make it and grand daughter said she didnt have enough time to give him so she called the rescue an i went and got him. He is about as long as my foot lol he is so tiny and adjusting very well. He is not fixed so when we first came home he was tring to hump all the pets but that stoped pretty quick when my pets showed him they didnt like it lol i have gotten tons of inquries about him already i can't beleive it but he is really cute. We have an appointment on friday to see how much a dental and fixing will cost then we will probely do that next week.

    I really feel like i'm going crazy right now my house is on the markey tons of people comming by i have to make my son stay home cuz tweedie has to eat every 3 hours. I'm going to bring tweedie to work with me tommorrow and friday so my son can take a break
  7. blueshish

    blueshish New Member

    Good for you. I am so very glad to see someone foster. We have done it for many years although I took some time off after the birth of our third child. We recently started again and all 11 of my kennels are already full. we are expecting a female with a litter by Friday so I have some juggling to do.

    Fostering is just wonderful. You get to welcome these wonderful animals into your life for a short while but you know when they leave that they have a fore ever home with lots of love.Just don't make the mistake I did. I have only fostered 3 cats. We ended up adopting all 3!!!!! We now have 5 cats. The latest addition came last Friday. We formally requested to adopt her on Monday. ( Thanks to my 2 year old daughter and sometimes younger husband!!!) :lol:

    Hope you enjoy the experience!!!! :eek:
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Congratulations on your new foster, hes adorable, such a sad story, I hope all goes well with his teeth/jaw and he gets a grest permanent home.....unless he already has :wink:

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