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Meet Krissie (my new family member)

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by DeLaUK, Jun 30, 2005.

  1. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Well here she is, Ive been training her at the shelter, this is the one that was scared of her own shadow about 6 weeks ago, she still is but at least shes no longer trying to leap out of windows to escape 'everything'. Can walk...at least in one direction....to heel very well, lays down with a small/slight hand signal and has finally stopped having a near heart attack when I tell her to stay and walk behind her :shock: , I dont actually have her yet as Im going to UK next week for a few days...and she will be technically still 'owned' by the shelter....which means she gets to live with me, they pay any vets bills and she can board there whenever I have to go to UK or US, at least until I get a paying job....they 'talked me into taking her' (like I needed my arm twisted :D ) because they are under the impression that Im the only person on the planet that she will ever trust....which anyone whos ever trained submissive, terrified, no confidence at all-dogs knows thats not the case.....but Im not argueing!!!!

  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    ahhhh - sweet
  3. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    She looks like quite a sweetie. Congrats!
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    She's adorable. Congrats! :D
  5. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    She is ONE LUCKY DOG
    SUE :eek: :mrgreen: :y_the_best: :p :eek: :mrgreen: :y_the_best: :D :mrgreen:
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Thankyou everyone....Theres actually a few in there that I know I couldve taken, I was a little worried about the Am Staff, because of the Strict laws here no one has shown any real interest in him and he is one of the sweetest dogs you could meet BUT today, a woman who works at the town hall, has 'contacts' etc is seriously thinking about adopting him. The other one I feel bad for is Lucky, the Shepherd mix with the floppy ears, hes very 'stand-offish' with people he doesnt know but hes just about done with his training and the shelter has asked me to write a new 'description' in their website for him so Im going to push the fact that hes had plenty of training and what kind of owner I think would be ideal for him...and I will work with anyone who wants to adopt him, go through the training etc, Im teaching him some 'cute' tricks so hopefully thatll help, nothing major, just things like 'go to bed'....'play dead'.....whatever it takes. My next 2 possibles for training is a Pit Bull called Yellow but I have to take an exam next week so I can get a licence to be able to have him out on the street without a muzzle...the other one is a Russian Terrier, its a 'perfected' mix of a Chihauha and a Toy Fox Terrier, 9 months old, weighs about 3#, ears like a bat :shock: and the only time she doesnt bark is when she has a leash on, yesterday was the first time in her life shes had one on....she hasnt figured out that she can actually still move with the leash on...right now she just freezes on the spot....this'll be fun :D
  7. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :eek: That's great for both of you! She looks so sweet.
  8. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Wow, she's gorgeous. How old is she? She looks real puppyish still.

    So you're coming over here are you? Great news! If you're anywhere near Nottingham feel free to pop in and train Flooob for me will ya, he's having serious issues at the moment and I know how you like a challenge. A working holiday! :lol:

    Take care on your travels.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    She's such a cutie!!
  10. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :D Sorry, Ill be in Edgbaston, Birmingham for just a few days, kind of a reunion of sorts...thats if everything comes together, theres a few last minute hitches.

    Krissie is about 18 months old, not exactly sure of her age, (official birthdate is Dec 29th 2003) she was left tied to the gate of the shelter on New Years Eve with another dog, the other dog was a happy, sociable pup, about the same age but I never met that one as he was adopted within a couple of weeks. Here is a pic of Krissie a few days after she came in, she's gained weight and is nowhere near as scared as she was when this one was taken.


    Shes in desperate need of a good bath but I think it might freak her out so it can wait until she's a little more comfortable and settled in here.
  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    ahhhh, how sweet, what a cutie! You do such wonderful work there,

  12. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    Bless your heart! Krissy is adorable. I used to take in dogs and cats occasionally when I worked for a vet and foster them until homes could be found. These were perfectly healthy animals that the owners brought in to have put to sleep because they were timid, untrained and boisterous, or sometimes just because the owner was moving and couldn't take them along. You get such tremendous satisfaction in helping an animal to find a new lease on life. Later, I volunteered at a horse rescue and did the same thing for starving, abused and/or unwanted horses. Keep up the good work - those shy ones that eventually come out of their protective shells are the most rewarding of all, in my opinion!
  13. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I agree, the shy, timid, scared ones are the ones that always get to me. I think its having an idea of what they must have gone through in their lives to make them that way, although with Krissie no one really knows, theres a possibility she was a feral dog (they have a lot of rescues from Spain and Greece)or more likely a puppy mill dog, no human socailization at the right time...maybe!!!
    I hadnt thought about it before but when I mentioned about her being tied to the gate on New Years Eve, that in itself was bad enough but then thinking about it, I was here New Years Eve, standing on my balcony watching a fireworks display over near the shelter.....the poor dog must have been absolutely terrified....makes me so mad at people. But, as you know there is nothing more rewarding watching that same timid fearful dog that usually runs away and hides suddenly run up and wag its tail to greet you for the first time..... that always makes me feel like one of the luckiest people alive. :D

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