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Putting other things in goldfish tank...help please......

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Ellie, Jul 4, 2005.

  1. Ellie

    Ellie New Member

    Hello, at my grandmothers cottage my mom found a snail for me to put in my goldfish tank and i was wondering if this will be ok?



    ROCK ON!
  2. Aznfryboi

    Aznfryboi New Member

    I think it's ight to put it in cause at the pet store they have snail in so yeh it should be kool to put it in..
  3. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    im not sure.....the only thing im worried about is if the snail has any parasites or diseases with it.
  4. Aznfryboi

    Aznfryboi New Member

    u can also buy the snail at the store... don't get them in the garden!!!! those probly have some kinda disease.. cause they cna get yur fish sick.. i agree with gRnLeMoNaDe..
  5. sakura.seppun

    sakura.seppun New Member

    you are taking a chance for illness in your fish, but if you're willing to take that chance you should be fine. I took several snails from a local river for my tank, and they have been doing well, my fish have been fine too, and its been several months.

    So, your choice.
  6. Mockingcat

    Mockingcat New Member

    There are land snails and aquatic snails... if it was found in the garden, chances are its a land snail and might not survive underwater. Just a thought.
  7. Ellie

    Ellie New Member

    thankyou all for your opinions, I put the snail in last night he's seems to be doing fine.

    thanks agian


    ROCK ON!
  8. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    I know this is a stupid question, but would quarentining a snail work, like it does for a fish, before you introduce it into your tank? Cause then that could be a option, I am just not sure if it will work.
  9. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    Well i would watch the snail very closely after adding it, aswell as the other fish to make sure everything is going ok. Well if your grabing a snail from your backyard or something i would quarintine them to see if it is a land snail or a water living snail, if your not sure which it is.

    Because if you put a land snail in your water it will just drown and start decaying.

    I wouldnt take the chance of adding a snail into my aquarium, cuz i fed my fish some worms from my back yard (After washing them), and my fish were fine, but my lil brother fed them to his goldfish they got internal parasites from eating them and they dam lil buggers killed it.

    Yea so again, like was said, your choice, ur risk, but i would rather buy a snail then find one.
  10. Ellie

    Ellie New Member

    I got another snais again today at my cottage, the snail i put in last night seems to be doing fine. Ya I guess you have to be careful eh with all that disease stuff from other things. Anyways Sorry to hear about the goldfish getting killed...


    ROCK ON!
  11. big-pig-666

    big-pig-666 New Member

    ahhhhh bad idea snails are hermathadites and will reproduce like crazy.. ide get both of them out ASAP!!!!!!!!!

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