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Albino Siamese Kitten question!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by kuroiruy, Jul 5, 2005.

  1. kuroiruy

    kuroiruy New Member

    My cat gave birth to 4 kittens last week and recently 3 out four kitens got the black outlines for the nose, ears and the tail; only one remains pink, the eyes started to open and it seems to have red-pink outlines around the irises, I am not so sure if there should be any special treatment for the kitten not to mention if she will find a home...I'll post some pics when eyes completly open...
  2. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    Sounds like there might have been a recessive albinism gene in mama's family, how cool. You must post pics!
    You you should get a hold of a specialist in Siamese cats, or just your local vet and see if there is any difference in care for traditional vs albino. Good luck and keep an eye on that albino one.
    I would adopt him/her just because it was albino, thats cool....lol
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    check out http://forums.meezer.org/login.php
    there will be someone there that can answer your question
    are you a breeder? Or was this an accidental breeding. Do you have both the mother and father Siamese?
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    my other question I forgot is what are the points of the parents?
  5. kuroiruy

    kuroiruy New Member

    Parent of the albino kitten

    Actually both of the parents were pure siamese, my cat is standard type siamese all the kittens look fluffy and fat ^^' The albino one is the exception
  6. kuroiruy

    kuroiruy New Member

    Parents of albino kitten

    We aren't breeders just bought a cat and breed her, for ourselves nothin much...kinda didn't expect an albino
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    man...sorry but I foster for Siamese Rescue and if you only knew how many kittens go through there cause someone "just wanted to breed their female". In a year so far I've fostered fourteen siamese cats...so when you sell your kittens be sure you do a spay/neuter contract and I certainly hope you will take back a kitten/cat when someone doesn't want it anymore. I don't want to end up fostering it when someone realizes how demanding the siamese breed can be.
    Do you have any idea of the history of either of the parents? Is there an albino in their background somewhere? How far back did the breeders of your female and the male know the history of their cats? I know many breeders that can tell you the great great grandparents of their breeding stock.
    Again...what points are the parents to these kittens?
    I don't mean to come across as a snoot - but when one fosters and you see just how many cats are in shelters and rescues...how many siamese cats who can't get into the program cause all of the foster homes are already full it kills me to hear about more kittens. Did you have someone mentor you prior to the breeding? Do you show your cats...register them with CFA or any of the other groups.
    I don't suggest you post at siamese internet cat club - if you simply bought a female and bred it you'll get ripped into other there.
    I am still curious on the point question though - there are points that do have pink noses
  8. kuroiruy

    kuroiruy New Member

    Yea! Dun worry I am aware about the risks that I took when I breed her, and I do plan to neuter once she finishes with this litter, its the first one she has and would be the last as well, the history...didn't really look at it, I didn't find it important...possibly a stupid idea, should have checked...but the pink nose also know about that...but this kitten no black markings at all, nowhere on the ears or the tail, and the eyes are pink, I am pretty sure its an albino
  9. kuroiruy

    kuroiruy New Member

    Yea! Dun worry I am aware about the risks that I took when I breed her, and I do plan to neuter once she finishes with this litter, its the first one she has and would be the last as well, the history...didn't really look at it, I didn't find it important...possibly a stupid idea, should have checked...but the pink nose also know about that...but this kitten no black markings at all, nowhere on the ears or the tail, and the eyes are pink, I am pretty sure its an albino
  10. kuroiruy

    kuroiruy New Member

    The mother is standard, she has black-brown points all over her paws, face and ears, her body is almost chocolate brown, the father is also standard; lighter in the tail ( got white little rings on his tail) and black face and paws, but the body more cream colored...I'll post a link with pics a lil later
  11. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    sounds like the female is a sealpoint, male possibly chocolate. They can throw any points. Before breeding you should at least know the points in case someone asks what you have for kittens.
    Brown/black paw pads = sealpoint
    pink paw pads with brown points = chocolate point
    there are bluepoints, red points, flame points, lilac points, lynx point
    chocolate points usually don't have as much dark coloring on their face and lighter bodies.
    The coloring in kittens won't be a definite until they are approx. 6 months old - takes that long to tell their true point coloring.
    Points gets darker in colder regions. Cats bodies darken as they age.
    Siamese points will get fever coats when they are sick.
    I would love to see the eyes of the possibly albino one - you can't tell anything by their ears, tail, legs, paws for sometime yet.
    this is my seal along with my blue, both throwaways.
    there is modern, classic and traditional.
    Moderns being the severe wedgeheads you see cat cat shows (I personally think they are ugly...although being siamese I adore the breed), traditionals are true appleheads larger rounder head, classic is an inbetween.
    My tilly (bluepoint) is a traditional, Missy is a classic.

  12. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    my current foster - 13 year old blind sealpoint MaiTai
  13. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    fosters last summer
    owner took them to the shelter cause the mother cause aggressive - when the babies were 2 weeks old shelter put the mother to sleep. I got the babies w/no mom
  14. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Tony my first foster - first day I had him. Found on the streets - broken tail, burned back, bleeding pawpads, claws growing into pawpads, coccadia
    he looked much better when he went home
  15. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    went outside and took a deep breath.....something i wanted to mention is siamese kittens need to stay with their mother until they are TWELVE weeks old. They do mature slower than other cats and have less issues if they stay with their mother until that age - less chance of litterbox issues, etc. People who get siamese kittens younger tend to have more problems with them. They are a bit more prepared for life (so to speak) at 3 months of age rather than 2.
    Please be sure you get a spay/neuter contract before selling your kittens. Also advise against letting them outside cause they are such curious cats they get lost easy (have someone on this board who recently found a young meezer hanging around her house and she took it in). I lost mine for 3 days....she got outside and I never thought I'd see Missy again. I think someone took her and then let her go.
    Feed them a high quality food as they do tend to have digestive issues - siamese enjoy puking - spent a good part of my day off cleaning up cat puke this morning.
    Screen prospective buyers of your kittens highly. Be sure they know the meezer breed...so many people get that cute kitten and then don't like the clingly demanding way of the Siamese breed. And we end up with tons of them.
    Siamese Rescue has saved 4,000 Siamese cats so far this year - just on the east coast.
    I don't know where you live but there is no lack of the breed around.
  16. kuroiruy

    kuroiruy New Member

    Albino kitten and mother pics!

    Sigh finally took the time to post up pics of the mother and the baby..the father will be a lil later
    Baby --->http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/20235985/
  17. does the kitten have red eyes or is that just the camera?

    I have never seen anything quite like it though i don't know much about Siamese cats other then their talkers and their absolutly gorgouse as are yours.

    Im more of a non pedigree girl
  18. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I'm not getting the picture...was gonna share with the rescue group to see what they think
  19. kuroiruy

    kuroiruy New Member

    No the kitten is how she is...no camera flash or anythin, the eyes had opened up recently and they are red! I will get a better picture..its kinda hard since the kitten is still so small..should
    I take the photo of the mother with the baby? I'll repost it somewhere else as well
  20. Bente

    Bente New Member

    WoW :shock: Are the eyes THAT red?? Never seen anything like it...

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