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Sick Kissing gouramis ...

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by tyler_medeiros, Jun 25, 2005.

  1. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    ok so we got 2 kissing gouramis for our 25 gallon tank. The tank has been set up for about a month now and it is fully cycled. Tonight just before we went to bed we noticed one of them wasn't llooking to great. Its dorsal fin was completely red (kinda looks like blood in the fins) and its anal fin as well. What is wrong. The other one looks perfectly fine and has been swimming around but this one is just sitting in the corner. Anyone know what it could be.
    The ammonium is 0 but the nitrites are about 0.3 and the ph is about 7.6. Thats all i know.
    Any help would be greatly appriciated
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Could be septicemia. You can treat that with something like Maracyn two.

    Also, what are your nitrAte readings? And in case you don't know, kissing gouramis get around 10" so a 25 gallon isn't even going to be close to adequate.

  3. Aznfryboi

    Aznfryboi New Member

    [color=red]well mabe u can treated with ick medicene or some kinda treate met i have a pink kissing gaourmin in my 10 gallon i got it for cheap!!! form Wal-mart :) muahahah for $1.84!!! each!!! yeh they say the can gte to 12'' long but i have a 10 gallon and i put them in it but them again mah red belly pacu attack dem cause he's very aggressive also mah black convict too i already have seperate them.. so yeh try to use some treate ment there..[/color]
  4. kc5gvn

    kc5gvn New Member

    Hi tyler_medeiros, I have to agree with chelle. It sounds like Septicemia. Septicemia is a bacterial infection generally caused by poor tank conditions. The first thing to do is to improve the tank conditions. A 25% water change by siphoning from the bottom and cleaning the gravel as you siphon would be your best start. Save some of that water in a bucket so that you can rinse out your filter pads and not kill out the beneficial bacteria. Once you have done this you can then treat the tank with Maracyn 2 with much more success.

    Aznfryboi, None of the fish that you have are acceptable for a 10 gallon tank. Trying to keep a Pacu in a 10 gallon tank would be like trying to live out your life in a shoebox. As for the other two fish it would be like living in a 3 foot square box.
  5. Aznfryboi

    Aznfryboi New Member

    i'm not worry about the pacu living in mah 10 gallon cause it only 3'' long cause i don't really kare of it... im gonna get a 70 gallon so it don't matter though.. i just hate that red belly pacu cause it killing mah goldfish fins and mah danios mah convicts and kidna a lil bitting mah red eye tetra, plus mah pink kiss gouriam... they only thing it don't bite is mah pleco,alage eater, glass fish those glass fish are awsome.. yeh so i decide to tourcher that pacu i put him in mah net breeder :) but today i just removed him and added mah male convict :) dam i kidna starting to hate convict by put diffent kinda of fish... those convict killed mah weacher loach!!!
  6. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    its basically a giant boxing ring in there becuase all of those fish, well atleast most of them, are semi aggressive or aggressive and now they are all packed into a 10 gallon tank. thats why you are hacing so many deaths and fights going on.
  7. munnnzie

    munnnzie New Member

    Sick Kissing gouramis reponse

    I don't know about your fish store, but mine always tells me what will get along with what as to avoid these problems. My tank is 55 gal.

    Have a great day. :)
  8. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    AZN! LORDY! You have the biggest swarm of incompatible fish i have ever heard of! 6' shark and some small 6" fish sound like they would be better off then ur fish! GET RID OF ALL YOUR FISH! None of those can go in a 10g excpet the glass, danios and wut ever other community fish u mentioned.

    All your fish are gonna die! I can name like a 1000 diseases tht are gonna spawn in ur tank anyday. YOu sound so suprised that a Pacu is killing things in a 10gallon! And putting it in a breeding net is not how u solve it!!!

    There should be laws against this! Get rid of ur fish and get a couple dam guppys! Start of like a normal begineer not trying to be responsible for a Fish geniside! (however u spell it)

    Every topic u reply to u list more horrible things you do to ur fish! This is getting annoying and disgusting. Get rid of ur fish already! Wut u waiting for? START BAGGING THEM!
  9. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    I agree with you trickster
  10. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    OMG AZN! When does it stop!? Get rid of all those fish, and DO SOME RESEARCH before buying anything else! Get some guppies and neon tetras and leave the bigger aggressive fish to the people who know what they are doing!

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