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I've never seen anything like this in my life....

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by dawnreger, Jul 7, 2005.

  1. dawnreger

    dawnreger New Member

    And I am going to take my kitten to the vet, but I fear the worst is going to occur, and I guess I am trying to prolong it. Apparently yesterday while I was at work, my dog was chasing my kitten, and chased it headfirst into a piece of furniture. Now, I wasn't there, so I can only go by what my boyfriend told me. One would assume that if he hit his head he would be dazed but shake it off right? Well, he hasn't moved since yesterday, he has no response to stimuli, such as loud noises, etc, and his eyes are half covered by white. He did make it through the night, but can't eat, drink or use the litter box. Has anyone ever seen something like this? I'm going to take him to the vet this evening, but I fear there is nothing they can do for him....if anyone has any insight, please share.

    :?: :cry: :?: :cry: :?: :cry:
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Take the kitten to the vet now, not later. This is very serious.
  3. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I agree - you can't put this off. Go to the vet - now.

    Just remember this is to try and save your kitten, not to delay your feelings. I know it may be hard to deal with, but you have to do anything you can to try and help the little one. It sounds very serious.

    I hope it's not too late...

    I'll keep the kitten in my thoughts. :cry:
  4. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    When you say he wont move...Do you mean if you pull his foot, he won't pull it back? Doesn't respond to a painful pinch? Or is he just laying there and moving his limbs, just not getting up?

    If he's not moving, I'm guessing its a spinal injury or disc injury. Maybe even some swelling in the brain or cracked skull. Either way, his non-responsiveness and the fact he wont move tells me theres a neurologic injury. If you prolong this, he will not make it. You should have taken the kitten to Emergency last night when you got home. If neurologic problems aren't taken care of right away, they will most likely be permanent. Dont just go to a vet.
    Go to Emergency. Now. What are you waiting for?!
  5. dawnreger

    dawnreger New Member

    I guess I thought he would snap out of it...like maybe he had a concussion or something...

    I'm taking him to the vet as soon as I get home! Unfortunately, I don't have a boss that will let me leave to take him now. I also wish I had a less expensive vet...I know there is no way I will be able to afford all the tests they will want to do....I guess that is why god invented credit cards!
  6. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Not meaning to sound harsh, but if something like that happened to Kyrre I would leave work, no matter what my boss said! Can't your bf take the kitten to the vet?
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    please update when you can
  8. I_Miss_Baz

    I_Miss_Baz New Member

    Ditto what MAry said...please update about kitty.

    Hoping for the best for you and your kitten.
  9. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    Best of luck...Hopefully its just a nasty bump on the head and nothing thats going to cost your kitty's life.
    Personally...I would have called in sick and taken the cat in in the morning if anything, but I understand your point of niew. Best of luck and our prayers are with you!
  10. dawnreger

    dawnreger New Member


    Went to the vet last night.....he is in fairly bad shape the doctor said. He got what I think was a steroid shot to reduce swelling in his brain.

    The vet said the best course of option was to travel 60 miles away to their emergency vet, which he said would cost around $600 a night for overnight care. He said if I couldn't afford that (which I cannot) I could try and take care of him myself at home. I've been keeping him warm with water bottles and a heating pad, and waking up every 2 hours to manually give him water to keep him hydrated. I would say that I saw maybe a 10% increase in his responsiveness since yesterday, which isn't much, but it's something at least.

    So I will be calling the vet this morning to determine the next course of action...

    Also, if anyone knows how to force feed, please let me know, because I think I will have to start that soon.
  11. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    Awww...Thats horrible. He must have been going pretty damn fast to cause the swelling. But atleast he's recovering. Your vet can probably tell you how to feed if you're going to take care of him on your own.
    Best of luck and keep us updated!
  12. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    so sorry to hear the bad news :cry: For feeding you can try watered down canned food in a syringe. That way he gets some extra moisture too and you can measure how much he eats. Maybe even mix in a bit of Nutrical. Good luck. Poor baby :cry:
  13. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm so sorry :cry: Sonds like you're doing a great job trying to help this poor guy, not everybody would put that much effort in to it. Good luck!
  14. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    if he's unable to swallow on his own forcefeeding probably isn't a good thing since he could aspirate and end up in even more trouble.
    If he can (and be sure he can)
    get a good quality canned kitten food - not any cheap stuff at the market. You want there to be tons of nutrients in it.
    Mix this with Pedialyte (unflavored), a tiny bit of Karo syrup and NutraCal. Get it really soupy so it'll run off a spoon.
    Get a plastic feeding syringe (your vet would probably give you a supply) and put a small amount in his mouth each time. Be so careful not to get any up his nose and be sure it's going down okay.
    Try to get a 1/4 cup of this into him throughout the day.
    The pedialyte will replace lost fluids, Karo corn syrup will give him some energy, NutraCall is full of calories and vitamins.
    But again be sure he's able to swallow on his own.
  15. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    don't use a glass eyedropper - it has to be plastic so you don't break any of those baby teeth if you hit them with the thick glass
  16. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Good advice, Mary.

    I hope your kitten gets better.
  17. dawnreger

    dawnreger New Member

    Thanks for all your support guys...we are trying everything we can...hopefully my little guy comes around...the vet recommends 5 days and after that there isn't much hope.....so if you pray, say a prayer for little Scooter.
  18. dawnreger

    dawnreger New Member

    New Update:

    Scooter is now eating KMR like there is no tomorrow. He is also walking around quite well, but it is clear that he is quite upset because I don't think he can see or hear. He walks straight into walls and has taken to crying quite loudly. He is also very disoriented.

    So for the time being he is eating and moving around. I just hope his eyesite and hearing come back.
  19. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    keep him as quiet as you can. No playing/jumping. Might be some swelling on the brain that will take time.
    Saw something like this on one of those animal cop shows and it can take up to 6 weeks for swelling to go down on the brain.
  20. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm glad to hear he is doing better. I'll keep my fingers crossed that he'll be back to normal in no time!

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