1. Daphnia - Live Aquarium Foods

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  2. Microworms - Live Aquarium Foods

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  3. Australian Blackworms - Live Fish Food

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  4. Live Spirulina

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ADFs Getting enough food

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by drab911, Jul 8, 2005.

  1. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Hey everyone.. I have a prettty busy community tank... I am feeding my fish frozen blood worms, once in a while I will see the frogs getting the food.. but lots of times it seems like it all gets snatched up before they get to it.. however they are still alive so they must be eating right?? Should I worry about this or should I take some major steps... I ahve heard that it is a problem with them getting enough food is this true?? and I have tried feeding the fish first etc.. just the frogs are SO slow,.. thanks
  2. tski22

    tski22 New Member

    ADF's often suffer and die through not getting enough food. If you are noticing that they arent getting enough or looks as though they arent getting alot, you could possibly buy a turkey baster and inject some blood worms toward the bottom of the tank, that way the food will be closer at hand and they will have a much better chance of eating. Good Luck - tl
  3. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    is there any physical way to tell if they are getting enough food or not? I dont think just watching is enough cause who knows when they get it...
  4. tski22

    tski22 New Member

    That I don't know for sure.. Although is you do use the turkey baster method I would be pretty confident that they are eating enough. How much do you feed them? How often? and what other fish inhibit the tank? - tl
  5. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    16 Gallon Tank:
    2 Platys, 2 Zebra Danios, 4 Neons, 1 Betta, 2 Ottocats, 2 Ghost Shrimp, 1 Freshwater Clam, and a S**T load of snails... and it is heavily planted like solid plants... I know i know your going to say it is overstalked but it is been set up for over a month now.. I mean fully cycled and my numbers remain a steady 0 Ammonia 0 Nitite and 5 PPM of nitrate... thoguh I still do weekly water changes... I will try the turkey baster meathod thanks!! oh yeah i feed em once a day frozen blood worms, sometimes i distract the fish with freeze dried worms as they tend to float then throw in the frozen ones// but the frogs are just too damn stupid LOL

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