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Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Fishkin, Jun 28, 2005.

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  1. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    Hey wuts up to the fish community?? I, Fishkin, am finally bak!! To fill u in y I have been gone so long.. First I had depression, then my rents filed for divorce. Shortly afterwards, I was sucked into the world of Marijuana, Alcohol, and Cocaine. Not to mention the various pills I popped. About 4 months after drugs I became more depressed, and finally I "overboiled", and if anybody has heard of the Neenah Highschool Shooting Threat (about 3 weeks ago), well...that was me. I shortly afterwards got help. I got diagnosed with manic depression and severe anxiety. I take meds now and I am off drugs and I am finally getting back to my old greatest hobby I ever had...fish keeping! If anyone has any questions I wil b pleased to answer ANY of them. Any questions about the threat are also welcomed. I am looking to fit back into the sobriety world and have my old hobbies returned to me. :D

    Peace out ya'll....

    Fishkin... Tim.
  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    wow, long time no talk.........i was wondering where you have been......all of that stuff......thats pretty serious man........well, glad to see your back and getting help from the past actions.
  3. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Wow, I was always wondering, what happened to you for this long time that I have not heard from you, but, still, I am glad to hear from you another time again, and I am happy you are better and good luck!
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Glad to have you back. I'm happy you're getting your life back together. :y_the_best:

  5. sleeper

    sleeper New Member

    God job on getting straight, fishkin. I used to have somereadepression too. A lot of that is getting your mind in the right place and it seems like you have.

    I have noticed that, while it's not a cure, having a healthy hobby like a sport or even FISHKEEPING can really keep your mind in the right place.

    Have you ever considered discus? They are still chiclids, and becasue they require so much attention and care, they can really focus your mind on some of the more positive aspects of your own personality, like attentiveness, concern for others, dilligence.... all things we need to cultivate to battle depression and other internal demons. Not that discus alone do that, all animals do!

    Welcome back :y_the_best:
  6. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    hey man welcome back
    good job on getting straight again happy for yea
  7. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    Hey man welcome back I was wondering what happened to you. Good to hear that your getting yourself some help, that takes alot of strengh to admit you have a addiction proplem and get treated for it. :y_the_best:
  8. tski22

    tski22 New Member

    Welcome back I have not been on in a very long tim either i jsut recently came back to the forum and I am glad i did. Welcome back either way.. and yes i heard about that threat thats pretty serious man.. glad you getting you life striaghtened out. - tl
  9. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    Hey, like everyone said, welcome back. The fourm has grown pretty well.

    Im not much of a news watcher, u mind filling me in on the whole threat thing?

    And i also think the discuss are a great idea for a focused, responsible fish keeper.

    Good luck with every thing, and congrats on fixing ur problems.
  10. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    I skipped the first 2 classes and sat in the bathroom to think about stuff and listen to my music. And while I was in there I wrote School Shooting May 17th. I wasn't gonna do it, I just wrote it cuz I was mad. Then that night I already forgot I wrote it and on the news it said school was cancelled and they got a suspect. My parents made me confess then and yeah, I got in trouble then.
  11. big-pig-666

    big-pig-666 New Member

    Neenah High School reopened Wednesday morning after graffit warning about a shooting May 17 forced school leaders to cancel classes Tuesday.

    Extra police protection was on-hand as students filed back into class. School leaders say there was no threat but the extra staff was there to reassure students of their safety.

    Police arrested a freshman Tuesday afternoon for the threat written on a bathroom wall. The principal is recommending he be expelled from school, and the Neenah Police Department is recommending criminal charges of disorderly conduct and criminal damage to property. The Winnebago County district attorney won't say if the boy will face charges as a juvenile or an adult.

    With the doors of the school back open, students told us they're relieved an arrest was made, especially after the fear they went through on Monday.

    "I was scared because I had never heard of anything like this happening in Neenah before, and I was kind of relieved that they did cancel school, that they were taking it seriously to protect everyone," junior Megan Banik expressed.

    The principal now believes the graffiti was a call for help.

    "I spoke with the family and the student last night, and I found both mom and dad and the student to be extremely cooperative, also extremely remorseful," Mark Duerwachter said.

    The school says it's protecting the identity of the student responsible for the graffiti, even keeping that information from teachers.

    not trying to get into other peoples business or anything i jut thought ide try and be helpful :lol:

    i found this at...
    so i dont get sued for plajurizing or anything
  12. Petz8888

    Petz8888 New Member

    Good job you got back on track! Hey lots of people go through that and become sick.You admitted you needed help and got it!

    Dont take anything offensivly Its meant as encpouragment! :D :D :D :D :D
  13. kc5gvn

    kc5gvn New Member

    While we are all glad that Fishkin is feeling much better and getting back on track and encouragement is good, dwelling on the past will not help him move forward. With that in mind I am going to close this thread with a final word of encouragement to Fishkin and let him know that we all support him as he moves forward.
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