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I have an itchy dog! Help!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by MyDixie, Jul 12, 2005.

  1. MyDixie

    MyDixie New Member

    I have a question. My 1 year old Pekeapoo is sooooo itchy! I thought at first it was a food alergy, however, I have changed her food and nothing seems to be helping. She is groomed very regulary and is brushed every night. She is a inside dog and has not gotten into anything outside. But she is constantly rubbing her body against the carpet and the walls. And I mean constantly. She also "talks" and "grumbles" as she does this. (She is a very vocal dog). I have a vet appointment for Friday but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for me to ask the very about or to lead my vet in a certain direction. Thanks!
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi sounds like she may have a skin mite or a flea that is annoying her.
    Even though she is an indoor dog when she goes for walks she can pick up mites and fleas and also you can carry fleas into the home on your clothes.

    Your vet will probably do a skin scrape to check under a microscope to see if she has mites if so he will give you special shampoo to treat her with aswell as some medication.

    I would suggest using your hand brush her fur upwards so that her skin is exposed and see if she has any lesions of the skin this is a good indicater of mites.

  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Hey Mike--what do these lesions look like? My Brie is also very itchy and I haven't found any fleas but I did find these spots. They kinda look like a hickey or a "passion mark" lol--but with crusty stuff in them too. There are also a few black, kinda greasy spots in other areas. I was wondering about mites. I tried to take a pic but it didn't turn out very good.
  4. Jannina

    Jannina New Member

    About the itchy skin it might be that your dog is neurotic.
    My Yorkie whent like that for a week and I took her to the vet and found nothing. He told me to give her a bath and to bring her three days after.
    And then She wasnt itchy anymore.
  5. MyDixie

    MyDixie New Member

    Thank you for your help

    I looked at her skin and have not been able to see anything that looked like lesions on her skin. But who knows, maybe she just likes to itch :) !
    To the vet tommorrow to see what is going on.
  6. Jannina

    Jannina New Member

    If she doesnt have anything it might be that you know like neurotic becase mine was like that for like a week I even gave her a bath and everything but nothing worked.Maybe he will give your dog a calmant or (like mine said) a piqsquiq little drop of benadril Hes a great vet. Hes the best in San Juan Puerto Rico.
    You better go to the vet but i could be wrong
    Write you later

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