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Another Cat Question To Ask

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by diego, Jul 9, 2005.

  1. diego

    diego New Member

    I got another Question. As i heard in the past Cats doesn't like water but i now you should take your cat a bath. i wanna know how many times you should take your cat a bath is it once a month or two months i doo not know :?
  2. dawnreger

    dawnreger New Member

    Cats are some of the cleanest animals on earth. They clean themselves. I give my cat a bath only if he gets poo stuck on his bottom...since he is longhaired. Otherwise you really shouldn't need to.
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I give my cat a shower now and then, but only if it's absolutely nesseseary. I don't know why but he is not so good at cleaning him self (could be that he was taken from his mother too early, he was only eight weeks and we didn't know better at the time) And he is of the type who loooves to roll in the mud/grass, whatever is nearest :mrgreen:
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I've never had to bathe my cats...well once I had to rinse Missy off cause she had some allergens on her coat that were causing uncontrollable sneezing, Zeus when he was a kitten pooped all over himself in the carrier at the vets - other than that they do a better job than I can
    I have bathed fosters who have come in with nasty dandruff from a poor diet.
    Other than that it's not worth the hassle...and they are pretty good at the job themselves
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    I've had a cat that never groomed herself. I had to give her regular baths. :roll: My 4 kitties now are great groomers so I don't give them baths unless they become flea infested which is very rarely. :mrgreen:
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    The only time I've ever bathed any of my cats was when I first got Tiddy and then Rhiannon. Tiddy was filthy and Rhiannon was infested with fleas and smelled like urine. I've never had to bathe any of them any other time.
  7. beaded_bunny

    beaded_bunny New Member

    I got my baby from a vets office he was found on the side of a highway in januery and was really sick *real bad upper respratory infection*. . . so when I got him home I had to wash all the dirt and musuc off him *I'm still shocked the vet didnt do this* since then i've given frequent baths I guess he was to young when he was lost *or hes just typical male* becuase he doesn't clean anything but his genitals*

    Our second cat was found at a dump so she got washed right away. .. its been a around 2 weeks and she hasn't started to smell so I guess she does it herself *thank goodness*
  8. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    I bathe my kitty at least every 3 weeks, but i only do this so often becuz my dad is allergic to cats. I don't recommend doing it much more often than this tho and it depends on your reasons why you want to do this. If your cat is only indoors, than there's even less reason for them to need bathing. Also, if you are going to try wet bathing an adult cat that has never had a bath, i would reconsider. I've been bathing my kitty since she was 3 months old, so she is very used to it. If yours isnt, then you may instead try using a damp wash cloth or those pet deoderizing wipes.

    If you determine that you still want to bathe your kitty, here's how i do it:

    The day before the bath:
    Hairball paste or treats, a good brush down and i clip ALL of her nails short.

    The day of the bath:
    Hairball treats, a good brush down BEFORE and AFTER the bath. Make sure you use a CAT or KITTEN shampoo. I like to fill a wash bucket with warm water set in the bathtub and lower her into it. Then i take her out and soap her up and dip her back into the clean water and rub her down good. Then i take her out and use a cup to get any missed places around her head. Try not to get water in their ears or on their face. You can use a wash cloth for a dirty face. When she is all clean, i wrap her up in a clean, warm towel and rub her down. Then i brush her out and let her air dry.
  9. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I don't give my cats baths. They are very good at doing it themselves. Unless it's unsual circumstances, I have heard that they have essential oils in their fur that should not be washed off too often.

    But, I don't remember where I heard that from. So, I hope I'm not making that up.

    Either way, your cat probably doesn't need bathed often.

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