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Questions on breeding can you help?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by iluvmychi, Jul 11, 2005.

  1. iluvmychi

    iluvmychi New Member

    Hi guys! I breed labrador retrievers, have been for 5 years now. My first question is....I have never bred my female to my own male. We just got him 1 year ago, he's 5. Is it safe to let him see the puppies? He is staying at my husbands shop for right now, but i was wondering if it would be safe to bring him around after the pups are born. I heard a story before that the sire killed a puppy when it was 5 weeks old. so let me know, and my second question is....what kind of special receipes do you all feed your pregnant bitch? I have been feeding her 1/2 regular food and 1/2 puppy food, and also a hard boiled egg once every couple days...i heard cottage cheese is good a couple days before the birth. Its always cool to hear what everone else does. Thanks and hope to hear from u all soon! :) She's due in a couple days. She's huge!!!!

  2. bullielover

    bullielover New Member

    Hi Gina~
    First off I would not let him around the puppies when the mom is with them as she will be very protective. I breed Bullmastiffs. We have one male that has a very good temperament and we have let him in with some puppies that are about 6 wks old before. But without the mom with the pups. I wouldn't let him in with the pups until they are at least 6 wks old. Also it depends on his temperament. Is he agressive at all?

    Regards Bullmastiffs
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi i breed German Shepherds and with me its a case of my males and females all live together so the males are around the females and ther litters at all times.

    My girls are very tolerant of the males but will really hurt an outsider.
    Bitches are very protective of there babies and if she thinks for one minute that her litter is in danger she will fight to the death to protect them.

    If you are wanting your male to see the puppies wait till they are weaned and the mum is not around just to be safe.

    I feed my girls on puppy food twice per day from week three of the pregnancy they also get scrambled egg with rice and chicken.
    There food intake should never be increased too much until around the 6th week of pregnancy as this is when the pups atart there growing spurt and i then feed my girls 4-6 times per day depending on there appetite.

    With my girls i know when they need more so i give them more.
    Keep regular checks on her weight as she does not want to be over weight for whelping as this will cause serious problems.

    Good luck and let us know how things go.

  4. iluvmychi

    iluvmychi New Member

    Thanks for the replys mike and Ezriyah, No my male is not aggressive at all!!! He's very calm for a lab lol. I think i will just keep him away. I have another lab mix that is here alone with my chihuahua. Last year my chi was only like 4 months the litter had just been born and she walked in to the room right behind me (not knowing) and Sierra the dam, attacted her. Thankfully I was right there to stop it. She had a tooth broken but that was it..thank god! So i guess I'll just keep all the dogs away. Do you think the male knows the litter is his? wierd question, i know :)

    Thanks, Gina
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    With my dogs the males where always there when the litters were born i am not sure if they know, Times like this i guess we wish our animals could speak to us lol


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