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Zombie the Trash Compacter Kitty

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by beaded_bunny, Jul 12, 2005.

  1. beaded_bunny

    beaded_bunny New Member

    My boyfreind and I reasontly got a new addition to the family. . . Our freind who works at recycling plant found a tiny kitten * shes around 3months old we think but is so starved her bones poke threw her fur* in a aluminum blailer 2/3ds of her tail was crushed and totally dead so he brought her home to us. we had to wait till pay day so we could take her to the vet but before that *blessed* event happened the dead section fell off taking a good amount "half an inch" of living skin with it. . that was 2-3 days ago and the tail tip is still wet and very pink *I feel bad but it grosses me out so I can't pet her which is hard for her shes is totally a people kitty*

    After all shes been threw I would hate for this to do her in even my cat Alvin has for the most part stopped trying to eat her face off. . .he was an only child and is very resentful that he isnt' anymore

    does anyone have any subjestions on how to help her??? we are really poor so money is an option but I'm wiling to live off of romen if it means she gets better


  2. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome! Have you tried feral cat focus programs? They usually have clinic days for emergent care and neutering/ spaying etc. I've spent only $25 on neutering/ shots, flea, and dental care, as ell as feline AIDS and leukemia testing on a stray cat I was feeding. Unfortunately, he tested positive for AIDS and was PTS. Check out the sticky for low cost vets/shelters in your area. Also call around different vets and animal clinics to see if they can offer you a discount on cat care. She might need antibiotics and additional care to facicilitate healing. Make sure there's no inflammation or pus drainage in her wound site.

    I'd keep the 2 cats separated for now since you don't want Alvin to catch any bugs from her. Once she's medically clear, I'd advice very slow reintroduction of the 2 kitties. Good luck and please keep us posted on her condition.
  3. beaded_bunny

    beaded_bunny New Member

    we found a vet who will take off the tail for 40$ . .. better then it could have been but still going to take a bit to raise the money *plus however much he charges to distroy Alvins chance at fatherhood. . . I hope Zombie picks up some weight soon so she can get fixed as well

    I wasn't able to find a firel cat foundation most I got were several diffrent vets offering to put her down for me *gee thanks*

    well thats for the help I'll post a pic once the tail is healed

  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Are there any whisker wagons in your area? You can get a great deal on neutering days! $40 is a wonderful deal for a surgery procedure. Can you schedule spaying for the same time for her? Our local SPCA worked with the Feral Cat Focus and that's where I brought my stray cat to be treated and PTS. It's too bad there isn't a low cost clinic where you live. Good luck with everything and can't wait to see pics of Zombie and Alvin!
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Maybe you could check with one of your local animal shelters. Maybe they could help you. I know they have clinic type facilities there but I don't know if you have to get your pet there to use there services.

    Also your local Vet may be able to work out a payment plan so it won't be so expensive all at once.

    Best of luck to you and your kitties. Keep us posted.

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