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GSD puppy update (sick at 9 weks)

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by nanc76, Jul 13, 2005.

  1. nanc76

    nanc76 New Member

    I posted a few weeks ago about my sick 9 week old GSD that I had gotten froma breeder in Misissippi (I am in AZ). Well She had her follow up yesterday and I am happy to report that she got a clean bill of health. Some of you might remember that she had cocidia and hook worm. They did a fecal test yesterday and said everything was negative. I asked the vet why she wasnt getting two rounds of deworming like I had read about. He gave me an explanation about it depending where the worms are and also the fact that we live in such a dry and warm climate that the eggs die off. (I hope he right...he is the vet)....Well my new dilema is housebreaking and nipping. Fist of all she only nips me she listens to my boyfriend when he screams at her (i think she is scared of him) but she loves my feet. i bought the bitter apple and it works (until it dries...LOL) she is getting a little better at it but it is definietly hard work. The bigger problem is the housebreaking. She started pee school yesterday since we work and can not be with her doing the day we hope the classes will teach her to potty outside. She does well when we are home and we are constantly taking her oustide (she does have an incident or two but not to many) but at night when she is in her crate she uses the bathroom. I have read many articles that say once they start that it is difficult to break. Just this morning i told the instructor at the pee school about how often she is pooping:

    yesterday she pooped after eating dinner around 6pm than she pooped before i put her in the crate at 9:30. I set my alarm for 1am so i could take her out and when i got up she had pooped again in the crate. I took her outside and she pooped AGAIN. I assumed she had to be done for the night. But this morning at around 5:30 when i got up i noticed she had pooped again after i had taken her out at 1am.

    The instructor asked about the worms and i told her she was clear. She asked what type of food i was feeding her and how much/often. I told her we were giving her a sccop three times a day. Well, to my surprise she said it sounds like the size of the scoop we are giving her is supposed to be for the entire day. I told her the bag said 3-3 1/2 cups for her age and she said that was for the entire day (oopps) it sort of explained why she doubled in weight in 3 weeks. She said we need to start feeding her less. I am hoping that this makes a difference because she is a poop machine. i would hate to have to leave her outside at night.

    She pooped outside when we got the the shcool and i noticed a little red spot. The instructor said she noticed the same thing when she first pooped yesterday but it was gone for the remainder of the day. She said if she was cleared at the vet it culd either be she ate something, strain from pooping so much or because it is her frst time around other dogs the excitement of it all. Especially since it only happens when the other dogs get there and than it returns to normal. We have noticed that her stool seems to be soft again. We are not sure if it is the heat or the food. I did put some pedialyte in her water just in case....I do not have children but having a puppy sure feels like i do...but it's ok i lover her to death...
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    would love to see her picture
  3. nanc76

    nanc76 New Member

    If you could tellme how to post a pic i'd be glad to post one. I am having a dumb moment because i cant seem to figure it out.
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I have middle-age moments which are basically the same thing just more permanent :oops:
    do you use a photo hosting site? if not check out http://www.photobucket.com you have to have someplace to store/host your photos online
    After you do that just copy the html for the photo, come back here and type [​IMG]
    that'll do it
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Im glad to hear she is doing well. It sounds as though the 'pee school instructor' has covered everything as to why she will be pooping more etc, the blood....agree, it could well be stress related.
    Hopefully with a little less food she wont be using the crate as a bathroom, just curious though, is the crate the right size? not too big, usually if there is enough space to go at one end and sleep at the other end you might have problems, I will usually either use a blanket, towel or shredded (or not) newspaper on the floor of the crate, however with dogs that are using it as a bathroom I will take everything out so they cant 'cover it up' and push it away from the sleeping area. That said though your pups been through a lot, the parasites, the additional food (sorry...I couldnt help smiling when I read that part), all this would have made it difficult for her to control her BM's.

    Look forward to seeing a pic.
  6. nanc76

    nanc76 New Member

    Ok I hope this link works http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b393/ ... 856b71.jpg

    This pic was a few weeks ago. She is bigger now but I am at work and it's the only one i have with me.

    As far as the crate goes it is a medium size travel crate. I think it's the right size. she can stand and turn and i would say there is probably a little extra room. We first made the mistake putting her in a lrger kennel...Needless to say that didnt work. But my thick skull didnt want to face the fact that dogs dont mind the smaller space and i felt bad putting her in the smaller one. But after reading a bunch of stuff and listening to people I put her in the smaller one. I do put paper in it because I know she will poop and it makes clean up a lot easier. We are in the process of purchasing an outdoor kennel. I would still like her trained so that we do not have to watch her every minute she is in the house.
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Shes adorable :)
  8. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    What a cutie. I'm glad she's doing better.
  9. nanc76

    nanc76 New Member

    Thanks :y_the_best:

    She is definitely a hand full and a character.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Dogs do tend to get used to going to the bathroom on a certain surface, so if you end up putting her in a kennel outside when you aren't home she will get used to going on grass and it could help! Do make sure she has adequate water and shelter in her kennel, of course. If it is hot where you live, you might consider a baby pool.

    You could also try taking her out more frequently at night. If 1am was too late, set the alarm for midnight and see what happens.

    This puppy stuff is a LOT of work, but if you take the time to do it right it is SO worth it in the end!
  11. nanc76

    nanc76 New Member

    We thought she was getting better but no luck. She pooped twice in the kennel yesterday. She does have her moments. I was grilling on saturday and the back door was open and she went right out and pooped and peed in the back yard. I think she knows what to do but at times she forgets....:) We would love to have her inside all the time but until we get the housebreaking down she can only be inside when we can monitor her. Hopefully the light will go off in her head and she will get it down.

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