1. Live Spirulina

    Growing spirulina at home provides several benefits over purchasing processed supplements. Home cultivation ensures the freshest product, preserving its full nutritional potency. [ Click to order ]
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  2. Daphnia - Live Aquarium Foods

    Grow your baby fish like a PRO
    Live Daphnia are great live feed for your Fish or Shrimp Fry. Order online to start a never-ending supply of Live Daphnia! [ Click to order ]
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  3. Microworms - Live Aquarium Foods

    Grow your baby fish like a PRO
    Microworms are a great live feed for your Fish or Shrimp Fry, easy to culture and considerably improve your fry mortality rate. Start your never-ending supply of Microworms today! [ Click to order ]
  4. Australian Blackworms - Live Fish Food

    Grow your baby fish like a PRO
    Live Australian Blackworms, Live Vinegar Eels. Visit us now to order online. Express Delivery. [ Click to order ]
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  5. Live Spirulina

    Growing spirulina at home provides several benefits over purchasing processed supplements. Home cultivation ensures the freshest product, preserving its full nutritional potency. [ Click to order ]
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  6. Daphnia - Live Aquarium Foods

    Grow your baby fish like a PRO
    Live Daphnia are great live feed for your Fish or Shrimp Fry. Order online to start a never-ending supply of Live Daphnia! [ Click to order ]
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Need some good ideas

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Trickster, Jul 13, 2005.

  1. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    ok, well like most people know, i got cloudy water, everytime i get it clear, in 2 days it clouds up. (grey water) I tried daily water changes, 80% water changes, Full cleaning of decorations and very detailed gravel vacuming, but nothing works.

    My last idea is to do a full tank tear down. Rinse every bit of gravel, scrub every inch of the aquarium and decorations. Buy new filter media and all. To do that i gotta remove all the fish. and keep em out for at least 3 days, 1 to clean the tank, 2 days to cycle the tank.

    Then since most of the benifical bacteria will be removed, i need somewhere to keep the fish (while i cycle). the 10 gallon wouldnt work cuz of my aggressive territorial fish plus would way overstock it cuz it already has sword tails and danios.

    Buckets wont work cuz i need to have a lid. I have cats so there has to a lid of some sort.

    I need any suggestions.
  2. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    large tuperware
  3. amynewport

    amynewport New Member

    What about goin to the pet store and getting a couple of those 'critter keepers'? they are plastic with a perforated lid - has a little door in the top for feeding too. Another suggestion is to get a tank divider for your other tank - these can be found in the larger or better-stocked pet stores - you just slide it down into your tank and WA LA! Good Luck!
  4. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    you could probably get one of the giant styrofoam boxes LFS get their fished shipped in. i have done it before, just go there and ask to have one b/c of what your doing, they will prob. give it for free. if not, they might charge you a few cents.
  5. sakura.seppun

    sakura.seppun New Member

    They sell large stryofoam coolers at walmart, and probably any gas station for that matter, for around 2 dollars. I believe that they are 5 or 10 gallons.

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