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My dogs are missing...and i am lost without him...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by QueenyJr, Jul 14, 2005.

  1. QueenyJr

    QueenyJr New Member

    Alright, I have been kind of timid on posting this because I know you are all going to be mad at me for being a dumbass. Well, remember Dakota? My puppy that I loved so dearly? And aasiyah my female dog who we bred with my male GSD? Well, she’s gone and so is Dakota its been two weeks I have put up signs and drove all over looking for them…they are gone and I am sad, I have a litter of puppies to get rid of now and no mother to show for it, It sucks. I hear today that a farmer down the road may have shot them and makes me mad because we went to every house asking if they saw any dogs and everyone said no. I want a new dog but none of these puppies could ever replace Dakota he was just too good of a dog, what should I do? Wait longer or try and move on…L

    Oh and they ran away because of fireworks that my cousin set off while I went to get firewood after I asked him three times not to set any off until I return and he said okay, but when I pulled in the driveway they were setting some off and koda and siyah were gone..
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    don't get another dog!! that is the worst thing to do. you are still young, you have your whole life ahead of you and aren'tyou still living with your dad? have things gotten any better with his friends?
    just wait, believe me when the less responsibilty you have, the happier you'll be.
    i hope your dogs weren't shot though, that is sad.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    A lot of dogs run away when theres fireworks, earthquakes, storms etc, Ive known dogs jump through windows and off 2nd story balconys when they are scared. Im really sorry you cant find your dogs. I dont know how old you are but going by what Lils said if you are still very young and living with your parents then maybe it would be better to wait until your a little older. Dont ever try to 'replace' any dogs youve had, you'll never get another one the same, you will have expectations beyond another dogs capabilities and you will be constantly comparing your new dog to the dogs youve had, its not fair to the dog and its not fair to you. Just accept each dog as an individual, each has its own personality, its own moods, its own quirky things that it does.

    Not trying to get your hopes up but one of my dogs was missing for over a month, she was staying with my friend and my friends daughter accidentally let her out of the front door, we had posters up everywhere, checking in with every shelter in the area, had rewards posted for her...about 6 weeks later we found out one of my friends neighbours had 'dognapped' her and we got her back. The woman had to have seen the posters as Id put one on each side of her driveway.
  4. QueenyJr

    QueenyJr New Member

    Dakota was a responsibility to me, he was my best friend, he was the best dog I have ever had. Aasiyah, was weird but I still loved her but the even if it was a responsibility on some days Dakota was the ONLY reason I got out of bed..its hard. And losing him doesn’t make me happy at all. I don’t mind his friends most of the time but lately they are stupid.

    Yeah I hope they didn’t get shot as well…

    I hope they do come back, i really and its true i would always compare them to koda thats part of the reason i dont want one...i hope they come back
  5. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    I'm sorry to hear about your dogs, I hope they come back and were not shot. Losing a dog like that would be very upsetting and heartbreaking. Well please update us if u find them, good luck!!! :)

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