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Need help with unhealthy kitty

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Bad Karma, Jul 15, 2005.

  1. Bad Karma

    Bad Karma New Member

    :eek: So, I lost my 1 year old cat named Bad karma about a week after we moved she dissapeared. I put up tons of posters and everything and then the calls stoped coming and the posters fell down and were destroyed and I gave up hope that she would come back. Then last night, 3 weeks later I got a call from some one in another town who had seen karma in a tree and noticed that she was very under fed so she called the number off her collar, I wasn't home but she left a message and assumed that the cat probably wasn't lost and went on her way. My boyfriend and I immediatly made 100 more posters and went down to plaster the whole town with them, when I got another call from a nice man who had heard about it and captured her in his car. I got my Karma back.

    She seems alright although a little shook up from her ordeal and very dehydrated and thin, but no discharge from anywhere, but she lost a lot of hair. I am going to take her to the vet as a precaution but I spent my last dime on the posters and can't afford it till the end of the month, but a friend said she can get me supplements for animals for free, but she doesn't know what kind would be helpful. So I was wondering if anyone knew what I could do to make her feel more comfortable untill I can afford to take her to the vet?
  2. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Some vets will work out a payment plan with you if you can't pay the full balance up front, so you may want to check into that. In the meantime, I would definitely pick her up some Nutrical which is a vitamin/calorie supplement sold in pet stores. It looks like a white tube of toothpaste and usually sells for around $6-8. Some Benebac might not be a bad idea either. If she is dehydrated, you may want to offer some Pedialyte. You can check for dehydration by grabbing the skin high up on the back of the neck and pinching it....let go, if it bounces back quickly into place, its not too bad, but if it stays pinched for a few seconds, then she's badly dehydrated and needs fluids and i would REALLY try getting a vet appt ASAP. She will also need to be wormed, but dont try to do it yourself with a sick, weak kitty or you will just make things worse. Just make sure you are feeding her a good quality food, preferrably canned until she gets some weight on her, along with the Nutrical and Pedialyte. The loss of hair you mentioned does concern me tho. Does it look like it fell out or got pulled out? Bald patches can be from lack of nutrition, flea allergies, ringworm or mange. So that should be looked into as well. If you have a vet you already use, you should really just call them and tell them the situation, they may be able to help you out, or at least offer some advice or direct to someone that can help. Good luck to you and your kitty. Hope everything turns out ok. LEt us know what happens!
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    What an amazing story! I'm so glad you got your kitty back :D
    Ditto what Faeriedust said: call your vet and ask for advice/ask about a payment plan. Best of luck to you and Karma!

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