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CAN DOGS HAVE MENTAL DISORDERS (if not explain this please)

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by pcolachic, Jul 15, 2005.

  1. pcolachic

    pcolachic New Member

    I know this may sound crazy but I told yall about sable when I first got her I thought she was just extremely undersocialized but its been three months iv done everything I can think of and there is no change at all
    its like we start over everyday she barks at us like were strangers everytime she sees us if you do get close enough to pet her she just completely shuts down she will not respond to any kind of human contact
    and I cant put her with any of my other dogs because she is the same way with them after about 20seconds they start to fight
    and she just has these crazy behaviors that I cant explain like when she goes to the bathroom she sits in it and the other day i was giving kya a bath she came and stood right by her where the soap and water was splashing on her face and would not move iv never heard this dog have anykind of vocal expressions except for bark at us she does not yelp if shes in pain iv never heard her wine she does not play she will not walk anywhere if i have to take her somewhere she has to be carried she reminds me of a child with autisim who doesnt understand their enviroment I just dont know what to do I put her in training classes but we only went to 3 because she would not respond to anything i was doing she would not even take food from me the trainer recommended i get professional help he said he had never seen a dog act like that before what do i do im starting to wonder what her quality of life is its like she lives in constant fear of humans and other animals I dont know what else to do if anyone has any advice it would be greatly appericated
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Yes it is possible for dogs to have mental disorders. Usually even with dogs that have never been around people before, with a lot of work, patience and consistency though after 3 months you should see at least some improvement even if its only minor. The dogs will respond to at least one person.
    Im not sure what the trainer said, was he talking about having a medical specialist look at her? Have you talked to your vet about the problems?
    Ive had 2 dogs with head problems, one was a suspected brain tumour at about 3 years old, he attacked my daughter out of the blue, we'd had him for 2 1/2 years, the other was abused and we think thrown out of a car window, he had some minor visible injuries on his head and his behaviour wasnt too much different than some of what your describing, he never made a sound, no whimpers, growls or even barking until about 2 years later when someone was trying to break in and then he went crazy, completely out of character for him, it took me about a year to teach him to sit (Im a trainer....talk about busting your ego into a million pieces), when he finally 'got it' he would constantly walk around the coffee table, sit in front of me and hold his paw up.....over and over, he did improve gradually but he was never 'normal', he didnt have any aggression though (apart from that one night).
    Had a dog in last year for training, this dog had been through 2 other trainers, both had said the dog had 'head problems' and it was untrainable, it took a week or 2 but I finally figured out she was almost blind on one side and deaf in her right ear with minimal hearing in her left, she had been examined a couple of times by her vet but they couldnt find anything wrong with her...another problem she had was occasional urinating while she was sleeping and stiffnes on getting up, she was under 2 years old but was badly bred, her medical problems were then taken care of and she did great in training once we started using a whistle to get her attention and using strictly body language and hand signals.
    From what you say I think maybe talk with a vet about Sable, maybe they could do some blood work, make sure her chemistries etc are all normal. How is the trainer your going to? Is it by any chance at a pet store?...either way, things dont sound right....Id start with the vet.
  3. pcolachic

    pcolachic New Member

    thanks for the advice i was using petsmart for training :oops: but you dont have many choices around here as far as that goes after the 3rd class the girl took me to the side and said basicly i was wasteing my money the only hope she could see for sable was 1 on one training which is a little out of my price range i spoke to my vet about her to day and she just gave me the whole positive re enforcement speach which is what iv been doing i feel like im negelecting my other dogs because i spend so much time with sable trying to get her to come around i just dont know what else to do its like the vet just thinks she nervous when she comes to see her i dont think she believes me when i tell her thats how she acts all the time i feel like i cant give her what she needs i thought about finding a new home for her but i dont know that i could trust her with anybody else you have to be carful about that with pitbulls i guess youd have to be around her to see its something more that just not being socialized my family agrees too that theres gota be something wrong with her im just so frustrated i dont know what else to do :cry:
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I dont know how many times an owner has brought a pet into a hospital with a certain complaint about the pets behaviour or health, then the vet doesnt see it, the techs dont see it....its hard with some things when your not there, mostly we will have the owner leave the dog for the whole day and observe it but even then depending on what it is we might not see it, weve had a few clients get creative and actually use a video camera. Is that a possibility for you, maybe set up a cam somewhere to catch some of the behaviours (if you can its better not to be holding the camera yourself...just put it in a place that can capture Sable). My biggest concern would be that Sable is barking at you now, are you scared of her? have you backed off from her when she has barked at you?.
    Have you thought about going to another vet, let them know how serious this is and that you need a second opinion, maybe even look around for a vet with canine behavioural experience (a lot of vets dont have this). I know the money is an issue but if everything is okay with the health...or the vets think everything is okay after watching her for a while then would it be possible to at least have a one off evaluation done by a good trainer? Are there any reputable Pit Bull breeders in your area, they may be able to help you out. I know of one guy that used to help PB owners out with behavioural problems, he wasnt a trainer (he should have been) but he was good at troubleshooting specific behaviours and knew enough about how to change those behaviours, he also gave the owners more confidence in how they handled the dogs, got rid of any misconceptions, anthropomorphisms.
    Your exactly right in that its one thing to explain all this, no one could make a solid judgement without seeing how Sable is responding to things. While everything youve described could be attributed to a head problem tthe same things could also be behavioural problems, even sitting in her own mess, most dogs wont do that but its not that uncommon for a dog with a major anxiety/fear problem.
    I hate to say it but whatever the cause of the behaviour is, health or behaviour Sable is getting older (shes about 18 months now?) the problems will only get worse if nothing is done and you already know what the risks are and what the options may come down to. Sorry, I wish I could help you more.
    What area do you live in (State?).
  5. pcolachic

    pcolachic New Member

    i live in pensacola fl shes only about 6months but still she is getting older you are right no im not afraid of her its not really a vicious bark more like a poodle barks at a cat but i am very well aware that it will only get worse with time i do plan on looking into some other trainers its just that it would require travel which is kind of hard for me right now with my job i just feel like im failing her and neglecting my other dogs in the process i feel so bad for her she just doesnt seem happy and thats all i want for her a severe anxiety problem could be a possability she is constantly looking around and every little movement or sound spookes her i have recently switched vets but because my other dogs have such good personalitys they think i can handle it
    there is some good news however iv been keeping her inside and last night she got in the bed with me (which for most people would be a bad thing ) but just that fact that she wanted to be closer to me was a sign of hope i would like to ask the breeder i got her from what the hell he did to my dog but i dont think i would be very nice right now :x i am trying really but between the vets and the training the bill is getting higher witch would be fine if there was some progress but im doing everything they tell me and theres none but thank you for your help (its much needed support )
    it is greatly apperica
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Sorry about the age mix up, I thught in your original post (a few months back ) you said Sable was over a year old....Im sending you a PM.

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