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This is why I hate pet stores!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by TabbyLover, Jul 16, 2005.

  1. TabbyLover

    TabbyLover New Member

    I went to Petco today for replacement filters for Tobey & Ninja's water fountain.

    As I was looking for them I heard one of those tiny squeaky mews coming from behind me to the right. Immediately afterwards I heard another from behind me on the left side.

    A mew chorus ensued as soon as I turned around and was propelled...I mean walked...towards the kitten cages.

    I scratched the nearest on the head and he immediately began purring. Kitten #2 mewed in protest, so I went over to his cage. He has had surgery on one of his front legs already, poor thing. Loved the attention, but meanwhile, Kitten #1 is mewing at me to come back.

    My friend was waiting for me and our lunchbreak was pretty much over so I had to force myself away. They were sooooo cute plus there were 2 grown cats in cages beneath them, napping.

    I want to rescue every poor kitty in every pet store & shelter in the world but I can't. :cry:

    My husband already doesn't like one of the cats we have! :cry:
    Well, at least he says he doesn't. I'm not convinced.
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I hate going into pet stores and the shelter too. I almost always leave in tears. I just want to take home every one of them, but I know I can't.
  3. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I can also sympathize. It's sad - sometimes when my husband and I are bored, we go to the local Petco just to look at the cats. We know we can't take any more and we simply frustrate and upset ourselves.

    But, I'm a glutton for that punishment. I love to give them some attention but I always walk out teary-eyed.

    I've already pushed my luck on the amount of cats I have. We have a long time to wait until another can be welcomed into my home.

    All those poor kitties... :cry:
  4. dawnreger

    dawnreger New Member

    Going into pet stores is dangerous...after going into a puppy store about 40 times, I came home with a tiny boston terrier....I couldn't be happier with her, but I got her at the worst possible time...when we moved 900 miles by car into a short term rental, and then moved her again 2 months later....
  5. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    yup with yall there..i was just at petsmart buying a flea comb..and omg..saw the cutest kitties..i had 3 toys in my hands for my kitties and had all of em playing..one was simply beautiful...he was a part siamese mix..w/ flame points..u could tell he was part siamese too bc everytime i walked away he meowed loudly in protest til i came bk w/ the toy..lol...but i think 3 is enough right now in my little one bedroom apt..lol
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    If they banned selling dogs and cats in pet stores it might cut down on puppy mill breeding, its illegal to sell them in pet stores in Germany and unless things have changed hasnt been legal in UK since the late 70's-early 80's.
  7. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Most of the pet stores here (in Ottawa) have animals from the Humane Society and other rescue groups. I adopted Artemis from the humane society through my local pet store when I went in to buy Moe cat food. I'm gullible.
  8. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    I always hate going there too. On the weekends(only time I can go fo course) some shelters come down and set up right outside...Which I dont like that much since it's been in the 100s lately. I see cats panting all the time and they have like...no litter in their littlebox. I just wanna take them home and give them lots of food and toys! There was a family of kittens and a mom, and the kittens where so socialabe and friendly and mom was so pretty! But I'm at my limit and dont have time to take care of more kitties. :?
  9. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I don't think it's legal for pet stores to sell cats/dogs here in Norway eather...
  10. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    That's what I've seen here too and Adopted Booger through a PetSuppliesPlus Store that gets their pets via the local Humane Society. But what puts a burr under my saddle is the little pet stores that get their 'stock' from animal farms. You can smell the stench of mistreatment the moment you walk in them.

    Most of us here know about kitty and puppy farms but it goes beyond that. I was an Iggy mommy for many years and know how much of a high maintance pet they are, they need lots of space and highly specialized diet. I'd go into little pet shops and see a ten gallon fishtank stuffed with dozens of the poor little ones being fed nothing more than huge chunks of fruit (babies need their food small and a variety of fruit and veggies) and the tanks have substrait that would kill any iggy within weeks. It just maddens me. Hubby won't let me go into the little pet stores anymore with him because he can't stand to see how much they upset me.
  11. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I think the rescues that have arrangements with the pet stores is a great idea, at the local petsmart where I used to live they had a rescue that would bring dogs and cats in about once a month and do adoptions, but people couldnt take the pet home the same day, they like to do housechecks etc first. They didnt leave the pets at the store either, when they left at the end of the day the pets went back with them.
  12. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    The pet stores I go to all get their animals from the Humane Society / Animal Friends... etc. They're all shelters.

    I was so happy to see that trend come to where I live. It's great to be able to adopt a needy animal from a pet store when they come from the local shelters.
  13. It breaks my heart too. There is one petstore I have been in before its a little self owned place. People drop their kittens off their and their always sickly and their litter boxes full of worms. They have had animal control called on them but they still have kittens in the store. I always wanted to buy them all (their $7 a peice!) and get them medical care and find them new homes. But its hard being 16 living with a mom who is'nt an animal lover I mean she likes them obviousely she let me get Sebastion and Rooney . But she doesent have the drive to rescue them like I do.
  14. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    If all theyre charging is $7 a kitten I doubt they are making much if anything, as its a small family business have you tried to talk to them about working with a local rescue if there is one, they could have photos up of the kitties so people can see them and do some advertizing for the rescue or something....just a thought.

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