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hello im new to this part of the forum

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by dude412, Jul 11, 2005.

  1. dude412

    dude412 New Member

    im intrested in keeping a quail or a small ground dwelling bird this my sound wrong but i was in petsmart and they had these cute little quails running around in a big tank there so cute i was just wondering how demanding there care is? and what size of enviorment it needs?
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    What king of quail are they?

    Here's a link about button quails that contains a lot of information

    For an enclosure I would say something similar to a rabbit hutch would be appropriate.
  3. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Those sound like button quail, and boy are they adorable! I used to hatch them using an incubator and raise them. They are really fun to watch. They are real common in aviaries as they clean up spilt seed, tho they still need a varied diet than just seed. You can make a homemade cage for them if you want to keep them with their own kind and not in an aviary. I built my own. My dad helped me build a nice cage out the small wire (don't remember what it's called, but it's smaller than chicken wire)
    But if you want an easy cage, go to wal-mart and get one of those huge rubbermaid bins with a lid, cut out all but one side, leaving the structure (the four corners) and put screen over the holes. I decorated the inside with lots of bushes to hide in (just plastic ones work) and I put sand in one part of it (they love to bathe in it) then the rest I just put wood shavings. But do a lot of research before you get one. They make very neat pets, but you have to be careful too since they are so small. Watch out for the "boink factor" where they get spooked and jump straight up. So for a cage make sure you have a padded ceiling/roof, or what I did was leave the screen on the lid of the bin very loose so it gave if they jumped. The boink factor can be deadly to them, so be careful! Hope I answered your question, and keep us updated on what you decide!

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