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i have a Question about parekeets

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by michel, Jul 18, 2005.

  1. michel

    michel New Member

    i have two parekeets and i got them like month 2 months ago they r still not comftebel with ,e holding them whenever i go neer the cage and try to put ma finger close to them they bite me hard and it belive me it hurts can u plz tell me how to get the to be comftebl with me.
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi the reason they are not comftable with you putting your hands in the cage is because your pushing them to come to you hand and they see your hand as a threat.

    You will have to start and put your hand in the cage but not near the birds and hold it there for about 5mins then move a little closer to them again stop and hold hand there for 5mins.

    Do this everyday and eventually you will be able to get your hand to there chests without wanting to bite you or fly away.

    Always talk softly to the birds while your doing this as this reinforces the bond between u and the birds.

    Do not push the birds to get used to you as some birds will never allow there owners handle them.
    Hand training can take weeks/months, Sometimes longer or never happen at all.

    Take your time and never force them to sit on your hand, Never get annouyed with them.
    Also offering them there favourite treat in your hand will also help with training.

  3. michel

    michel New Member

    wat if ma birds r calm

    wat if when i put ma hand in da cage they r realy calm but bite when i go close
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    when u put your hand in the cage keep your hand close like a fist they can not hurt when they bite if your fingers are closed.

    Biting is the only defence has so if they feel threatened they will bite.
    All birds bite at some point in there life but this is just to taste the owners skin and they remember the scent and taste.

    When they bite do not pull your hand away keep it there as they will learn if they bite you will move your hand.


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