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i have a Question about cichlids

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by michel, Jul 18, 2005.

  1. michel

    michel New Member

    i have 4 cichlids in a 10 gallon thes r u cichlids i have convict, bullgod,green texes and a african they r all about 1.5 inches right now iam thinking about geting a beger tank can u tell me how beg they each grow and give me some info about them
  2. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    Really, none of the fishes that you mentioned should live together or alone in a ten gallon tank. You might consider going back to your local fish shop and try to return them for something a little smaller and not as mean. These are all agressive fish that will fight and not get along with each other.
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Well, the african most likely is not compatible with the other fish. A lot will depend on the exact species (a picture would help), but if it was sold in a mixed/assorted african tank, it is most likely a Lake Malawi mbuna or peacock. In which case it should get somewhere between 4" and 6" and could require anywhere from a 45 - 120+ gallon tank (mainly because it will best with a large group of similar african cichlids due to it's aggressive nature). But really, since it is sort of the "odd man out" I recommend that you return it.

    As for the other fish, cons get 4" - 6" (depending on the sex) and are highly aggressive. They require at least 15 - 20 gallons each. Green texas cichlids get around 12" and require at least 50 gallons each. Bullgod - check that name again. I've never heard of any fish with that name.

    As it is, you're looking at requiring at least a 100 - 150 gallon tank (depending on what the bullgod really is). Unless you can get a larger tank within the next month, I really recommend returning all your fish and getting something more suitable for a 10 gallon tank.

  4. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    Definatly agree with t. defienatly get rid of ALL of those cichlids. When u said bigger tank, and u were thinking of about a 20gallon then u can keep the convict, but the convict alone, i got lucky with my convict and it gets along with my fish, but normaly it will wail the hell out of any other fish.

    If your just gonna keep the 10g get some nice tetras maybe guppys, mollys, swords, platies. Things that stay really small.

    A 10 gallon is way to small!
  5. big-pig-666

    big-pig-666 New Member

    no offence but you really need help with your spelling..
  6. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    as tchell said you are going to need tank 100 and 150 and if don't the right name for the other fish <bullgod > post a pic and we can try a figure it out
  7. lil shant

    lil shant New Member

    i think he ment bulldog i have seen some on the san jose california pet store and it was about 8 inches

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