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texas justice pit bull case

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by lil96, Jun 16, 2005.

  1. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Oh I am sooo angry at stupid people!
    So this cat goes into the neighbors yard, who has a huge fence and gets attacked by the pit bull. The cat ends up getting beaten up pretty bad and gets gangreen (sp?) and has to have its leg cut amputated.
    I don't see why this is the pit bulls fault? Is there no laws saying people need to watch their cats? I could understand the cat lady suing if the pit bull came in her (the cat) yard and then attacked the cat, but the cat came into the pit bulls area. This lady (pit bull lady) had a pool in her back yard, if the cat would have walked in and fallen into the pool, would that be her fault too?
    and the judge pissed me off too, he said it happens so often that nice sweet pit bulls turn on their owners and kill them (I am thinking yea, only pit bulls do that, and also I have read that you are 3X more likely to get attacked by a pekinese than a pit bull!) so continued to say these dogs do this all the time, a preso canario (sp?) attacked a women and she ended up bleeding to death, these dogs can kill... i wanted to smack him and say uh hello a preso canario is a mastiff not a pit bull they are 2 different types of dogs.
    But the judge said it was the pit bulls fault bc a pit bull in the state of OH (their homestate) is required to be in a pen, not just in a fenced in area.
    So does this mean that a cat is not liable for its actions, if my cat runs into traffic and gets hit, the driver needs to pay? I keep my cat inside and I do not let her go outside bc I know things can't happen, you can not keep a cat in a fence or on a leash, i care for my cat and I don't want her to be hurt, so I keep her inside.
    I don't know who is dumbest in this case. Sorry I just had to complain for a minute, i hate it when people are prejudice against pit bulls (or any dog)
  2. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    Did you know Golden Retrievers have almost the same bite rate as a Pit Bull?

    The reason any dog would turn on its owner is because of horrible treatment to the dog. When the dog is beaten by the owner and the dog thinks "this is enough", he will attack the person. Its not the dog's fault it attacked the person, its the person's for being so violent to the animal.

    If properly trained and socialized, Pit bulls can be as loving as any other family dog. But if you train it to be mean, its the only thing they know.

    For example, I went over to a house with someone to look at a car, and they had a fence surrounding their yard, so you had to walk in to be able to get to the door. They also had a pit bull. Of course I was cautious....
    So I let him smell my hand, and slowly entered the yard, knowing if he bit me now, it would be my fault because Im in his space now. But guess what...He never barked, but rather picked up his chew toy, dropped it at my feet, and we played fletch until the guy could come out to talk. This dog had never seen me in it's life.

    But what about the Rotts? They're portrayed as badass dogs that will rip you apart, and people train them to be killers. Why are there no bans on them?

    Its the irresponsable owners fault...not a specific breed type's fault. Its all on how you raise it. Just like a kid.
  3. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    You are so good OnixRevolution very well said indeed! :eek:
  4. LovePits22

    LovePits22 New Member

    Errrrrrrr I Can't Take It

    Am I the only person that wants to scream and rant and rave in regards to all the negative propaganda that is going on in California regarding pits!!??
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Interesting. Is this the "rant" thread????? :D
    Ive heard many people talk about Pit Bulls as though theyre a species other than a canine. You mention the word Pit Bull and people automatically assume 'youve got to be extra careful'....it might just turn around and kill you!!!. It reminds me of back in the UK in the 80's. I think the media is partly to blame....possibly even the genuine Pit lovers, maybe in an attempt to make people think twice about buying them from puppy mills and BYB's. Kind of like in Germany were Dobies were made a category 1 on the dangerous dog list laws....is it because they are an extremely aggressive breed in general or is it a 'ploy' to eliminate BYB's by all the fees and insurance policies they have to pay to breed and keep any dog on the Cat 1 list....like they are trying to preserve the breed and not let it be destroyed....!!!
    Ive heard people say that you can only train Pits a certain way, you cant use negative corrections, everything has to be done with positive reinforcement....makes me wonder if all the Pits Ive trained over the years have really just been Poodles in disguise because Ive been using the same methods (use a choke chain, occasionally use a Martingale, occasionally use a halti.....depending on the dog and the owner), very succesfully, without ever 'creating' any agressive killers for years...regardless of breed, the only thing I alter is the level of corrections AND positive reinforcement depending on each individual dogs own personality.
    Not that Im unaware of how much damage a Pit Bull can do to a person, same as a Rott, Mastiff, Am Staff.....and probably about 30 other breeds I could list, I have a healthy respect for those breeds, but then I have a healthy respect for all breeds.
    These days with all the hype and 'mistaken ID' of Pit Bulls in the media, the BSL's its making people nervous....you walk into a yard with Pit Bull in it, your already nervous (because its a Pit Bull), your hearts racing, the dogs going to pick up on this and is 'more likely' to at least growl, back away or even bite you....of course that anxiety you have will make any dog react the same way....but the word Sheltie doesnt sound as intimidating as the words Pit Bull....the key word to remember is 'dog'. The more people differentiate between a Pit Bull and any other breed the easier it is to get BSL's to pass. If it walks like a dog and barks like a dog then that pretty much makes it a dog.

    And on a final note, while 'some' dogs that are abused may eventually attack its abuser, its much more common that the abused dog will attack someone other than its abuser, the abuser will have long established an alpha position. Whats more common when dogs attack their owners is that the owner has not established an alpha position, has 'allowed' the dog to growl, bark and bite them and reinforced that dogs position as the alpha by backing away from the dog. An interesting study I did many years ago was about kids that get bitten by the family dog, in a high number of cases the dog had witnessed a parent hitting or yelling at the child on a regular basis....the child cowers and cries....to the dog the child is a subordinate that should be 'put in its place', a dog that lives in a house were there has been either no clear heirachy established will often consider itself higher 'up the ladder' than a small child.....lesson there is if your going to have a dog you need to ensure that any children respect the dog....as in they dont cause it pain by throwing things at it, jumping on it etc but children can be taught to have at least some verbal control over the dog. Most dogs will oblige....a dog HAS to have a 'position' in the pack, if you dont give it one it'll make its own.
    Not all dogs are 'made' vicious, some are innately aggressive, some are just not socialized.

    Okay...thats my rant for the day. :)

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